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27 Cards in this Set

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Arthur Kornberg

found that DNA polymerase copied a template and not randomly by comparing % composition

Roger Kornberg

determined the structure of RNA polymerase II

Reiji Okazaki

lagging strand synthesis happened in short fragments by using mutated ligase that only worked at a low temp

Alexy Olovinkov

linear DNA can't copy the telomere on the lagging strand

Leonard Hayflick

cells can only divide a finite number of times and then die out

Hayflick Limit

the nubmer of times a cell can divide before it dies out

Corol-Greider/ Elizabeth Blackburn

discovered the structure and function of telomerase

Archibald Garrod

connected heredity to metabolism; alkaptonuria inherited through recessive gene

George Beadle and Edward Tatum

the damage in DNA affects the resulting amino acids because it causes problems in the metabolic pathways

Linus Pauling and Harvey Itano

showed sick cell was a mutant hemoglobin, proved that genes can affect non-enzyme proteins

Jean Brachet

recognized correlation between RNA concentration and protein synthesis

Jean Brachet and Hubert Chantrenne

demonstrated that protein synthesis can occur in enucleated cells

James Watson

RNA was an intermediate carrier of genetic information

Raymond Jeener and D. Szafraz

using radioactive labels, demonstrated that protein synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm

Alfred Hershey

Noticed right after T2 bacteriophage inject their DNA into bacteria, RNA is synthesized

Heinz Fraenkel-Conrat

performed an elegant experiment showing RNA specified proteins

Daniel Nathans, Norton Zinder et al.

demonstrated that RNA could direct the synthesis of a protein

Eliot Volkin and Lazarus Astrachan

RNA labeled after T2 infection of E. coli has a base ratio similar to that of the T2 DNA rather than the E. coli DNA

Sol Spiegelman and Benjamin Hall

demonstrated that Volkin's RNA didn't resemble the known RNAs and didn't become part of the ribosomes

Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod

when lactose is introduced to e coli cells, the gene for the enzyme beta galactose is turned on quickly and then turned off just as quickly when not present

George Gamaw

researched the coding problem: how does DNA specify proteins?

Heinrich Matthaej and Marshal Nirenberg

poly U (UUU) stimulates the transfer of phenylalanine into a protein, thus UUU codes for phenylalanine

Severo Ochoa

used random copolymers and figured out the possible amino acids based on their certain combinations

Marshal Nirenberg and Philip Leder

made about 50 codon assignments by studying which codes to transfer RNA and the ribosome so that it couldn't fit through the filter

Har Gobind Khorana

identified stop codons (UAG) by performing a follow up experiment and reviewing Nirenberg's experiments

Philip Sharp and Richard Roberts

intervening sequences

Sydney Brenner

compiled a data base of amino acid sequences and realized that no sequences could be overlapping