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25 Cards in this Set

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It is possible to teach students

How to learn, that we are never too old to learn, and that if we stop learning we stop growing

A major barrier to learning is

The inability to read and study effectively

A master educator will provide the necessary information for students to enhance their learning and will

Develop handout with tips on facilitating study

When students are setting up a space for study it is important that the area

Has proper temperature, proper lighting, and includes all necessary supplies and resources

When students establish an organize study routine, they

Experience greater success

On interrupted study time is important. Even students strong in musical/rhythmic intelligence should

Turn off the MTV

When it comes to education the student must realize that

Study time is a priority and comes first

Members of the educational team will be of benefit to you if they

Discuss what is being learned and why

Be aware of the course you take with the learner, we should inspire, guide, motivate and encourage and never

Nag or overdo

By providing positive reinforcement to students, the master educator is

Giving them sincere praise

Hoping students to recognize that everything in life is not always fair is


When reading difficult material, stress to the learners that

Difficult material requires more time

Before beginning to study, the student should survey the chapter by noting the

Main ideas

Relating what is being read to what has been previously learned in life and in school is referred to as

A concept connector

Students using the highlighting pen have been using it with flourish; assist students to use color in notetaking

With a system

Students use a variety of notetaking methods to capture the major points of a lesson; as a master educator, remind students to

Think about what they are hearing

Teaching study skills required the educator to assist a learner and developing ways to make learning easier, such as:

Designate and recognize cues, clarify information, and use any organizational system

For some learners the traditional method of outlining will not be an effective study skills; the master educator will employ the use of

Mind mapping

When trying to retain information, student should select a time consider to be

Peak performance time

To facilitate learning, students should

Consider sleep habits

When motivation is low the student should schedule

Less important study tasks

The master educator will encourage the student to consider the intricacy of an objective and devote

Appropriate time to the task

When forming study habits learners must be willing to

Be responsible for their own learning, define their own personal values, and logically prioritize goals

We need consistency in our lives, and in our study habits as well. Show up for class, get assignments correct, and

Establish a schedule

When you have a deviation from your schedule, it is best to

Regroup and try again