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95 Cards in this Set

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the set of forces that initiates, directs, and makes people persist in their efforts to accomplish a goal
the physical or psychological requirements that must be met to ensure survival and well–being
Extrinsic Reward
a reward that is tangible, visible to others, and given to employees contingent on the performance of specific tasks or behaviors
Intrinsic Reward
a natural reward associated with performing a task or activity for its own sake
Equity Theory
A theory that states that people will be motivated when they perceive that they are being treated fairly
in equity theory, the contributions employees make to the organization
in equity theory, the rewards employees receive for their contributions to the organization
in equity theory, others with whom people compare themselves to determine if they have been treated fairly
Outcome/input ratio
in equity theory, an employee's perception of how the rewards received from an organization compare with the employee's contribution to that organization
a form of inequity in which you are getting fewer outcomes relative to inputs than your referent is getting
a form of inequity in which you are getting more outcomes relative to inputs than your referent
Distributive Justice
the perceived degree to which outcomes and rewards are fairly distributed or allocated
Procedural Justice
the perceived fairness of the process used to make reward allocation decision
Expectancy Theory
the theory that people will be motivated to the extent to which they believe that their efforts will lead to good performance, that good performance will be rewarded, and that they will offered attractive rewards
the attractiveness or desirability of a reward or outcome
the perceived relationship between effort and performance
the perceived relationship between performance and rewards
Reinforcement Theory
the theory that behavior is a function of its consequences, that behaviors followed by positive consequences will occur more frequently, and that behaviors followed by negative consequences or not followed by positive consequences, will occur less frequently
the process of changing behavior by changing the consequences that follow behavior
Reinforcement Contingencies
cause–and–effect relationships between the performance of specific behaviors and specific consequences
Schedule of reinforcement
rules that specify which behaviors will be reinforce, which consequences will follow those behaviors, and the schedule by which those consequences will be delivered
Positive reinforcement
reinforcement that strengthens behavior by following behaviors with desirable consequences
Negative reinforcement
reinforcement that strengthens behavior by withholding an unpleasant consequence when employees perform a specific behavior
reinforcement that weakens behavior by following behaviors with undesirable consequences
reinforcement in which a positive consequence is no longer allowed to follow a previously reinforced behavior, thus weakening the behavior
Continuous Reinforcement schedule
a schedule that requires a consequence to be administered following every instance of a behavior
Intermittent Reinforcement schedule
a schedule in which consequences are delivered after a specified or average time has elapsed or after a specified or average number of behaviors has occurred
Fixed interval reinforcement schedule
an intermittent schedule in which consequences follow a behavior only after a fixed time has elapsed
Variable Interval Reinforcement Schedule
an intermittent schedule in which the time between a behavior and the following consequences varies around a specified average
Fixed Ratio Reinforcement Schedule
an intermittent schedule in which consequences are delivered following a specific number of behaviors
Variable Ration Reinforcement Schedule
an intermittent schedule in which consequences are delivered following a different number of behaviors, sometimes more and some less, that vary around a specified average number of behaviors
a target, objective, or result that someone tries to accomplish
Goal–setting theory
the theory that people will be motivated to the extent to which they accept specific, challenging goals and receive feedback that indicates their progress toward goal achievement
Goal specificity
the extent to which goals are detailed, exact and unambiguous
Goal difficulty
the extent to which a goal is hard or challenging to accomplish
goal acceptance
the extent to which people consciously understand and agree to goals
Performance feedback
information about the quality or quantity of past performance that indicates whether progress is being made toward the accomplishment of a goal
the process of transmitting information from one person or person to another
the process by which individuals attend to, organize, interpret, and retain information from their environments
perceptual filters
the personality–, psychology–,or experience–based differences that influence people to ignore or pay attention to particular stimuli
selective perception
the tendency to notice and accept objects and information consistent with our values, beliefs, and expectations, while ignoring or screening inconsistent information
the tendency to fill in gaps of missing information by assuming that what we don't know is consistent with what we already know
attribution theory
the theory that we all have a basic need to understand and explain the causes of other peoples behavior
defensive bias
the tendency for people to perceive themselves as personally and situationally similar to someone who is having difficulty or trouble
fundamental attribution error
the tendency to ignore external causes of behavior and to attribute other peoples actions to internal causes
self–serving bias
the tendency to overestimate our value by attributing successes to ourselves (internal causes) and attributing failures to others or the environment (external causes)
putting a message into a written, verbal, or symbolic form that can be recognized and understood by the receiver
the process by which the receiver translates the written, verbal, or symbolic form of a message into an understood message
feedback to sender
in the communication process, a return message to the sender that indicates the receivers understanding of the message
anything that interferes with the transmission of the intended message
vocabulary particular to a profession or group that interferes with communication in the workplace
formal communication channel
the system of official channels that carry organizationally approved messages and information
downward communication
communication that flows from higher to lower levels in an organization
upward communication
communication that flows from lower to higher levels in an organization
horizontal communication
communication that flows among managers and workers who are at the same organizational level
informal communication channel (grapevine)
the transmission of messages from employee outside of formal communication channels
communicating with someone for the direct purpose of improving the persons on–the–job performance or behavior
communicating with someone about non–job–related issues that may be affecting or interfering with the persons performance
nonverbal communication
any communication that doesn't involve words
movements of the body and face
the pitch, rate, tone, volume, and speaking pattern (i.e. use of silences, pauses, or hesitations) of ones's voice
communication medium
the method used to deliver an oral or written message
the act or process of perceiving sounds
making conscious effort to hear
active listening
assuming half the responsibility for successful communication by actively giving the speaker nonjudgmental feedback that shows you've accurately heard what he or she said
empathetic listening
understanding the speakers perspective and personal frame of reference and giving feedback that conveys that understanding to the speaker
destructive feedback
feedback that disapproves without any intention of being helpful and almost always causes a negative or defensive reaction in the recipient
constructive feedback
feedback intended to be helpful, corrective, and/or encouraging
online discussion forums
the in–house equivalent of internet newsgroups. By using web– or software– based discussion tools that are available across the company, employees can easily ask questions and share knowledge with each other
televised/videotaped speeches and meetings
speeches and meetings originally made to a smaller audience that are either simultaneously broadcast to other locations in the company or videotapes for subsequent distribution and viewing
organizational silence
when employees withhold information about organizational problems or issues
company hostiles
phone numbers that anyone in the company can call anonymously to leave information for upper management
survey feedback
information that is collected by surveys from organizational members and then compiled, disseminated, and used to develop action plans for improvement.
a personal website that provides personal opinions or recommendations, news summaries, and reader comments
the unconscious preparation to fight or flee that a person experiences when faced with any demand
the person or event that triggers the stress response
teh adverse psychological, physical, behavioral, and organizational consequences that may arise as a result of stressful events
a steady state of bodily functioning and equilibrium
the embodiment of a person's perfect self
how a person sees himself or herself, both positively and negatively
an imbalanced preoccupation with work at the expense of home and personal life satisfaction
participation problem
a cost associated with absenteeism, tardiness, strikes and work stoppages, and turnover
performance decrement
a cost resulting form poor quality or low quantity of production, grievances, and unscheduled machine downtime and repair
compensation award
an organizational cost resulting from court awards for job distress
Type A behavior pattern
a complex of personality and behavioral characteristics, including competitiveness, time urgency, social status insecurity, aggression, hostility, and a quest for achievement
personality hardiness
a personality characterized by commitment, control, and challenge and, hence, resistant to distress
transformational coping
a way of managing stressful events by changing them into less subjectively stressful events
a healthy, secure, interdependent pattern of behavior related to how people form and maintain supportive attachments with others
an unhealthy, insecure pattern of behavior that leads to separation in relationships with other people
an unhealthy, insecure pattern of behavior that leads to preoccupied attempts to achieve security through relationships
preventative stress management
an organizational philosophy according to which people and organizations should take joint responsibility for promoting health and preventing distress and strain
primary prevention
the stage in preventive stress management designed to reduce, modify, or eliminate the demand or stressor causing stress
secondary prevention
the stage in preventive stress management designed to alter or modify the individual's or the organization's response to a demand or stressor
tertiary prevention
the stage in preventive stress management designed to heal individual or organizational symptoms of distress and strain