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55 Cards in this Set

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Group (409)
two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms, share collective goals, and have a common identity.
-different from a crowd, and organizations.
-Ex. a collection of 10 employees meeting to exchange information about various companies policies on wages and hours.
-collection of people performing as individuals
Team (409)
a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable
-"the essence of a team is common commitment" - Katzenbach and Smith
-Ex. a collection of 2-10 employees who are studying industry pay scales, with the goal of making recommendations for adjusting pay grades within their own company
Formal group (409)
a group established to do something productive for the organization and is headed by a leader.
-a formal group may be a division, a department, a work group, or a committee.
-may be permanent or temporary
-people are assigned to them according to their skills and the organizations requirements.
Informal group (409)
a group formed by people seeking friendship and has no officially appointed leader, although a leader may emerge from the membership.
-may be a collection of friends who hang out with one another such as those who take coffee breaks together, or it may be as organized as a prayer breakfast, a bowling team, a service club, or other voluntary organization.
Cross-functional team (411)
staff of specialists pursuing a common objective.
Continuous improvement team (411)
small groups of volunteers or workers and supervisors who meet intermittnetly to discuss workplace and quality related problems.
-typically a group of 10-12 people will meet for 60-90 minutes once or twice a month.
Self-managed team (412)
groups of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains.
-involves delegated activities such as planning, scheduling, monitoring, and staffing.
-nearly 70% of fortune 1000 companies have created self-managed work teams.
Forming (413)
the process of getting oriented and getting aquainted.
-Stage 1 of development
-for the individual "How do I fit here?"
-for the group "Why are we here?"
Storming (413)
the emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group.
-Stage 2 of development.
-for the individual "Whats my role here?"
-for the group "Why are we fighting over who does what and who is in charge?"
Norming (414)
conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge.
-Stage 3 of development
-for individuals "What do the others expect me to do?"
-for the group "Can we agree on roles and work as a team?"
-may now evolve into a team
Performing (414)
members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned task.
-Stage 4 of development
-for individuals "How can I best perform my role?"
-for the group/team "Can we do the job properly?"
-during this stage the leader should allow members the empowerment they need to work on tasks.
Adjourning (414)
members prepare for disbandment.
-having worked so hard to get along and get something done, many memebers feel a compelling sense of loss.
-For the individual "Whats next?"
-for the team "Can we help members transition out?"
-leader can help ease transition by celebrating "the end" and "new beginnings"
-i.e. parties, and award ceremonies.
Group cohesiveness (414)
a "we" feeling binding group members together.
-principal by product of stage 3 of development
Division of labor (416)
work is divided into particular tasks that are assigned to particular workers.
Social loafing (417)
the tendency of people to exert less effort when working in groups than when working alone.
-larger the size, the more likely performance is to drop.
-social loafers are more apt to be known as sliders
Roles (417)
socially determined expectations of how individuals should behave in a specific position.
Task role (417)
or task oriented role, consists of behavior that concentrates on getting the teams tasks done.
-keep the team on track and get work done
Maintenance role (418)
or relationship oriented role, consists of behavior that fosters constructive relationships among team memebers.
-focuses on keeping team members.
"Lets hear from those who oppose this plan"
Norms (418)
are general guidelines or rules of behavior that most group or team members follow.
-point up the boundaries between acceptable and unnacceptable behavior.
Cohesiveness (419)
the tendency of a group or team to stick together.
Groupthink (420)
a cohesive groups blind unwillingness to consider alternatives.
-group or team members are friendly and tight-knit but they are unable to think outside the box.
Conflict (423)
a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.
Negative conflict (423)
conflict that hinders the organizations performance or threatens its interests.
-bad for organizations
-sometimes called dysfunctional conflict
Constructive conflict (423)
benefits the main purposes of the organization and serves its interests.
-sometimes called functional conflict or cooperative conflict.
-good for organizations
Personality conflict (425)
is defined as interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike, disagreement, or differing styles.
-ex. personality clashes, competition for scarce resources, time pressure, and communication failures
Programmed conflict (429)
designed to elicit different opinions without inciting peoples personal feelings.
Devils advocacy (429)
the process of assigning someone to play the role of critic.
-role playing criticism to test whether a proposal is workable
Dialectic method (429)
the process of having two people or groups play opposing roles in a debate in order to better understand a proposal.
-role playing two sides of a proposal to test whether it is workable
problem solving team (411)
knowledgable workers who meet as a temporary team to solve a specific problem and then disband
Top-management team (411)
members consist of the CEO, president, and top department heads and work to help the organization achieve its mission and goals
Virtual team (411)
members interact by computer network to collaborate on projects
Work team (411)
members engage in collective work requiring coordinated effort; purpose of team is advice, production, project, or action.
Advice team (411)
created to broaden the information base for managerial decisions
-ex. committees, review panels, advisory councils, employee involvement groups, and continuous improvement teams
Production team (411)
responsible for performing day to day operations.
-ex. mining teams, flight attendant crews, maintenance crews, assembly teams, data processing groups, and manufacturing crews
Project team (411)
work to do creative problem solving, often by applying the specialized knowledge of members of a cross funtional team.
ex. task forces research groups, planning teams, architect teams, engineering teams, and development teams.
Action team (411)
work to accomplish tasks that require people with 1.) specialized training and 2.) a high degree of coordination as on a baseball team with specialized athletes acting in coordination.
-ex. hospital surgery teams, airline cockpit crews, mountain-climbing expeditions, police SWAT teams, and labor contract negotiating teams.
5 stages of group and team development (413)
1.) forming
2.) storming
4.) performing
5.) adjourning
building a group into an effective team requires...
1.) performance goals and feedback
2.) motivation through mutual accountability
3.) size
4.) roles
5.) norms
6.) cohesiveness
7.) groupthink
small teams
2-9 members
-2 adnvatages are better interaction and morale
disadvantages of small teams
-fewer resources
-possibly less innovation
-unfair work distribution
Large teams (416)
10-16 members
-more resources and division of labor
disadvantages of large teams
-less interaction
-lower morale
-social loafing
Four reasons norms tend to be enforced by group or team members
1.) to help the group survive- "dont do anything that will hurt us"
2.) to clarify role expectations-"you have to go along to get along"
3.) to help individuals avoid embarrassing situations- "dont call attention to yourself"
4.) to emphasize the groups important values and identity-"were known for being special"
symptoms of a team suffering from groupthink (421)
-invulnerability, inherent morality, and stereotyping of opposition
-rationalization and self censorship
-illusion of unanimity, peer pressure, and mind guards
-groupthink versus "the wisdom of crowds"
decision making defects that can arise from groupthink
-reduction in alternative ideas
-limiting of other information
measures to prevent groupthink
-allow criticism
-allow other perspectives
too little conflict causes what?
Indolence-plagued by apathy, lack of creativity, indecision, and missed deadlines.
-performance suffers
too much conflict causes what?
-warfare-political infighting, dissatisfaction, lack of teamwork, and turnover.
-workplace aggresion and violence are manifestations of excessive conflict.
personality clashes (425)
-when individual differences cant be resolved.
-to seperate 2 people
-ex. "you're easy going, but she is tense and driven?"
-mr. straight arrow vs. mr. slippery
competition for scare resources (425)
-when two parties need the same things.
-ex. funds, office space, equipment, employees, and money for raises.
Time pressure (425)
-when people believe there arent enough hours to do the work.
-if you're in the business of marketing xmas items to department stores its impervative that you have your product ready for those important trade shows at which store buyers will appear.
communication failures (425)
-when people misperceive and misunderstand.
some ways intergroup conflicts are expressed
-inconsistent goals or reward systems-when people pursue different objectives.
-ambiguous jurisdictions-when job boundaries are unclear
-status differences-when there are inconsistencies in power and influence.
3 kinds of conflict
-personality conflict
-intergroup conflict
-cross cultural conflict
4 devices used to stimulate contructive conflict
1.) spur competition among employees
2.) change the organizations culture and procedures
3.) bring in outsiders for new perspectives
4.) use programmed conflict