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15 Cards in this Set

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What important history should be obtained?

gravidity, parity, length of gestation, estimated date of delivery, prior C-sections/complications, prenatal care, maternal medical history, and any indication of “High-Risk” classification by physician.

What is "gravida"

the number of times the mother has "got pregnant"

What is "para"

the number of lives births, how many the children the mother has "popped out"

how are contractions measured?

Measure contractions from the beginning of one to the beginning of the next

What history should be obtained about the current birthing process?

Assess for presence of contractions, length of time between contractions, presence/absence of membrane rupture, and presence/absence of vaginal bleeding.

when should the perineum be inspected?

Visual inspection of perineum is mandatory if contractions are present and regular in an obviously pregnant female to determine if delivery is imminent (i.e. crowning).

What is a prolapsed cord?

Umbilical cord prolapse occurs when the umbilical cord comes out of the uterus with or before the presenting part of the fetus

How should a prolapsed cord patient be positioned?

* Elevate patient’s hips, place in shock or knee-chest position in order to relieve pressure on the cord.

How should the prolapsed cord be handled?

Elevate the presenting part to relieve pressure on the cord. Do not attempt to reposition the cord.

Should a patient with a prolapsed cord be prompted to push?

NO, Coach patient to breathe through contractions and NOT push

What is a breech presentation

fetus with the buttocks or feet closest to the cervix.

How should the patient with breech presentation be transported?

Breech Presentation

* Place patient in knee-chest position
* Expedite transport

How should the baby which fails to deliver fully be treated?

* Hyperflex hips, apply mild suprapubic pressure
* Trial push with patient in all 4’s position
* If not delivered in 1-2 min with above, Expedite transport to closest OB receiving hospital.

What medications should be delivered to the laboring mother?

Initiate IV 0.9% Sodium Chloride (KVO). If systolic blood pressure is less than 100, administer 250 mL bolus and titrate to patient's hemodynamic status.

Should digital exams be preformed?

Yes, but Digital vaginal exams are NOT to be performed unless providing a critical intervention during the birthing process as listed above.