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37 Cards in this Set

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descent with modification

defined more narrowly as a change in the genetic composition of a population from generation to generation
pattern of evolution
revealed by data from a range of scientific disciplines
facts- observations about the natural world
process of evolution
mechanisms that produce the observed pattern of change
Carolus Linnaeus
developed the binomial system of naming organisms according to genus and species

did not resemblances among species to evolution, but creation pattern
remains or traces of organisms from the past
superimposed layers of rock
study of fossils
Georges Cuvier
paleontologist, thought extinctions occured a lot, opposed evolution, advocated catastrophism
principle that events in the past occurred suddenly and were caused by mechanisms different from those operating in the present
James Hutton
proposed that Earth's geologic features could be explained by gradual mechanisms still operating
Lamarck's two principles
use and disuse (idea that parts of the body that are used extensively become larger and stronger), while those that are not used deteriorate

inheritance of acquired characteristics (an organism could pass these modifications to its offspring)
characteristics of organisms that enhance their survival and reproduction in specific environments
natural selection
a process in which individuals with certain inherited traits leave more offspring than individuals with other traits
descent with modification
Darwin's phrase that summarized his view of life

descendants of ancestral organism lived in various habitats over millions and of years, accumulated diverse modifications (adaptations) that fit them to specific ways of life
artificial selection
selecting and breeding individuals that posess desired traits (plants, pets)
Darwin's 4 observations
1. all species are capable of producing more offspring than their environment can support
2. owing to lack of food/ other resources, many of these offspring do not survive
3. members of a population often vary greatly in their traits
4. traits are inherited from parents to offspring
Darwin's 2 inferences
1. natural selection:
individuals who inherited traits give them a higher probability of surviving and reproducing in a given environment tend to leave more offspring than other individuals
2. evolution: unequal ability of individuals to survive and reproduce will lead to the accumulation of favorable traits in the population over generations
over time, natural selection can increase the match between ______ and their ________
if a(n) _______ changes, natural selection may result in _______ to these new conditions, sometimes giving rise to a new ______ in the process
if a(n) ENVIRONMENT changes, natural selection may result in ADAPTATION to these new conditions, sometimes giving rise to a new SPECIES in the process
__________ do not evolve; _______ evolve over time

natural selection can amplify or diminish only ______ traits
which traits are favored depends on the ____________
environmental context
Thoimas Malthus 1798
economist who wrote "Essay on the Principle of Population"
poverty/famine inevitable
exponential growth appropriate only for initial colonization
non-heritable variation
due to environment
examples: himalayan rabbit, samese cat, hydrangea (coloration depends on pH of soil)
heritable variation
differences passed through genetic material

ex: facial horned lark
"blending inheritance"
Darwin's suggestion to the unsolved problem of how traits were passed down from parents to offspring

problem: decrease variation by blending
mendel's hypotheses
alternative versions of genes, alleles
for each character, organism inherits 2 genes
dominant vs. recessive
2 genes separate when gametes are produced (meiosis)
definition of evolution
hertiable change in a POPULATION through time
modern synthesis of evolution
continuous variation, more than 2 alleles
change within a species
change in allele frequencies
short time scale, observable
formation of new species or higher taxonomic levels
long time scale
not observable
species from different genealogies resemble each other
analogous structures
differences develop over time
example of divergence
mammals --> whales
example of convergence
body shape for swimming

cacti and euphorbs
evolution is not directed to any final ____ or ____
goal or state (like flying/swimming)
future versions of evolution is limited by
history of structure
physical, chemical properties
change may involve tradeoffs