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166 Cards in this Set

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the period from approximately age 20-40
early adulthood
the period beginning in the late teenage years and extending into the mid 20's
emerging adulthood
the natural and physical decline brought about by aging
the CDC say people should participate in at least __ min of physical activity at least __ days a week
30, 5
the __ the fitness level, the __ the death rate tends to be for both men and women
greater, lower
a condition in which the bones become brittle, fragile, and thin, often brought about by a lack of calcium
the point that illness and disease overtake accidents as the leading cause of death
physical declines brought about by environmental factors of behavioral choices
secondary aging
__ is the most frequent cause of death for black males and the seocnd most frequent cause of death for hispanic males
__ of adults are obese
the physical and emotional resonse to events that threaten or challenge us
the study of the relationship among the brain, the immune system, and psychological facotrs
psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)
the assessment of an event to determine whether its implications are positive, negative, or neutral
primary appraisal
the assessment of whether one's coping abilities and resrouces are adequate to overcome the harm, threat, or challenge posed by the potential stressor
secondary appraisal
the organs, glands, and cels that are they body's line of defense against disease
immune system
medical problems caused by the interaction of psychological emotional, and physical difficultires
psychosomatic disorders
the effort to control, reduce, or learn to tolerate the threats that lead to stress
managing a threating situation by directly changing it to make it less stressful
problem-focused coping
the conscious regulation of emotion
emotion-focused copoing
assistance and comfort supplied by others
social support
copoing that involves unconscious strategies that distort or deny the true nature of a situation
defensive coping
a personality characteristic asociated with a lower rate of stress related illness
when people unconsciouly try to block emotions and thereby aviod pain
emotional insulation
a persons general tendency to deal with stress in a particular way
coping style
the ability to withstand, overcome, and even thrive after profound adveristy
inking that acknowledges that adult predicaments must someitmes be solved in relativistic terms
postformal thought
an interest in and appreciation for arguement, courterargument, and debate
dialectical thinking
the thinking that the world is either right or wrong, good or bad, and that others were either for or aginst them
dualistic thining
according ot Schaie, the first stage of cognitive development, encompassing all of childhood and adolescence
acquisitive stage
the point reached by young adults in which intelligence is applied to specific situations involving the attinment of long term goals regarding careers, family, and societal contributions
achieving stage
the stage where the major concerns of middle aged adults relate to their personal situation, including protecting and nourishing their spouses, fmailies and careers
responsible stage
the period in middle adulthood when peiople take a broader perspectie than earlier including concerns about the world
exectuive stage
the period of late adulthood during which the focus is on tasks that have personal meaning
reintegrative stage
sternbergs theory that intelligence is made up of three major components: componential, experiential, and contextual
triarchic theory of inteligence
according to sternberg, intelligence that is learned primarily by observing othrs and modeling their behavior
practical intellignce
the set of skills that underlie the accurate assessment, evaluation, expression, and regulatoin of emotions
emotional intelligence
aspect of the triarchic theory of intelligence that involves the mental components used to solve problems
aspect of the triarchic theory of intelligence that refers to the relationship between intelligence, prior experience, and the ability to cope with new situations
aspect of the triarchic theory of intelligence that takes into account the demands of everyday, real-world environments
the __ aspect of the triarchic theory of intelligence is involved in adapting to on-the-job professional demands
traditional IQ tends to focus on teh __ aspect of the triarchic theory of intelligence
the aspect of intelligence that is called practical intelligence
according to sternberg, intelligence that is learned primarily by observing others and modeling their behavior
practical intelligence
the set of skills that underlie the accurate assessment, evaluation, expression, and regulation of emotions
emotional intelligence
the combination of responses or ideas in novel ways
although the number of minority students in college has __, the overall proprtion of the minority population that enters college has__ (probably because of the diminished availability of financial aid
increased, decreased
why are so many nontraditional students taking college courses?
jobs are requiring a college degree
the change in attitude that can reduce young adults risk taking behavior and makes people focus more on aquiring the ability to support their family
maturation reform
a cluster of psychological symptoms including loneliness, anxiety, withdrawl, and depression, relating to the college experience suffered by first year college students
first year adjustment reaction
a sexism in which people treat women in a way that is overtly harmful
hostile sexism
where women are placed in stereotyped and restirctive roles that appear on teh surface to be positive
benevolent sexism
obstacles to performance that come form awareness of the stereotypes held by society about academic abilities
stereotype threat
a lack of personal identification with an academic domain
academic disidentification
according to Erikson, the period of postadolescence into the early 30's that focuses on developing close, intimate relationships with others
intimacy versus isolation stage
according to Arnett the period from the end of the teenage years through early 70's in which people are still sorting out their options for the future
emerging adulthood
why do we need freindship?
a need for belongingness
the theory that relationships proceed in a fixed order of three stages: stimulus, value, and role
stimulus-value-role (SVR) theory
a state of powerful absorption in someone
passionate (or romantic) love
the strong affection for those with whom our lives are deeply involved
companionate love
the first stage of the stimulus-value-role (SVR) theory where relationships are built on surface, physical characteristics like the way a person looks
stimulus stage
the second stage of the stimulus-value-role (SVR) theory that usually occurs between the second and seventh encounter. relationship is characterized by increasing similarity of values and beliefs
value stage
the third stage of the stimulus-value-role (SVR) theory where the relationship is built on specific roles played by the participants
role stage
the theory that individuals experience romantic love when two events occur together: intense physiological arousal and stimulational cues suggesting that the arousal is due to love
labeling theory of passionate love
according to sternberg the component of love that encompasses feelings of closeness, affection, and connectedness
intimacy component of sternbergs triangular theory
according ot sternberg, the component of love that comprises the motivational drives relating to sex, physical closeness, and romance
passion component of sternbergs triangular theory
according to sternberg the third aspect of love that embodies both the initial cognition that one loves another person and the longer term determination to maintain love
decision/commitment comonent
refers to people who have only the most casula of relationships; consits of absence of the three compoents of intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment
develops when only intimacy is presnet
exists when only passion is felt
infatuated love
exists when only decision/committment is present
empty love
occurs when intimacy and passion are presnet
romantic love
when intimacy and decision/commitment occur iontly
companionate love
when two people experience __ they are drawn together physically and emotionally, but the do not necessarily view the relationship as lasting. __ on the other hand, may occur in long lasting relationships in which physical passion has taken a back seat
romantic love, companionate love
exists when passion and decision /commitment, without intimacy are present, is a kind of mindless loving in which tehre is no emotional bond
fatuous love
a love where all three components are presnet
consummate love
according to the __, people seeking am ate screen potential candidates through successively finer grained filtres
filter explanation
the tendency to marry someone who is similar in age, race, education, religion, and other basic demographic characteristics
the tendency for men to marry women who are slightly yonger, smaller,a dn lower in status, and women to marry men who are slightly older, larger, and higher in status
marriage gradient
someone who states "I find it relatively easy to get close to others and am comfortable depending on tehm and having them depend on me. I don't often worry about being abondoned or about someone getting too close to me would most likely have a __
secure attachment style
someone who states: I am somewhat uncomfortable being close to thers; I find it difficult to trust them completley, difficult to allow myself to depend on them. I am nevous when anyone gets too close, and ofen love partners want me to become more intimate than I feel comfortable being" would most likely have a __
avoidant attachment style
someone who states "I find that others are relucant to get as close as I would like. I often worry that my partner doesn't really love me or won't want to stay with me. I want to merge completely witha nother person, and this desire sometimes scares people away" would most likely have a __
ambivalent style of attachment
couples living together without being married
three factors that permit couples to successfully weather the stress that follows the birth of a child
working to build fondness and affection toward each other, remaining aware of events in each others life and resopnding ot those events, considering problems as controllable and solvable
parents who work together as a __ thoughtflly adopting comon childrearing goals and strategies are more apt to be statisfied with their parenting roles
coparenting team
living alone without an intimate partner
according to Valieant, a stage that is entered between the ages of 20 and 40 when young adults become centered on their careers
career consolidation
according to Ginzberg, the period, lasting until about age 11, when career choices are made, and discarded, witout regard to skills, abilities, or available job opporunities
fantasy period
the second stage of gizbergs theory, which spans adolescence, when people begin to thikn more practically about the requirements of various jobs and how their own abilities might fit with them
tentative period
the third stage of Ginzbergs theory which occurs in early adulthood, when people begin to eplore specific career options, either through actual experience on teh job or through training for a profession, and then narrow their chioces and make a commitment
realistic period
occupations that are associated with relatioships, such as nursing
communal professions
occupations that are associated with getting things accomplished, such as carpentry
agentic professions
matched personality types to certain careers
down to earth, practical problem solvers, phsyically storng but with mediocre social skills, they make good farmers, laborers, and truck drivers
intellectual types are oriented toward the theoretical and abstract. although not particularly good with poeple, they are well suited to careers in math and science
people with this personality type have strong verbal skills and are good with people. they make good salespersons, teachers, and counselors
these personality types perfer highly sturctured tasks. they make good clerks, secretaires and bank tellers
these are risk takers and take charge types. they are good leaders and may be particualry good as managers or politicians
these individuals use art ot express themelves and ofen prefer the world of art to interactions with pepole. they are best suited to occupations involving the arts
an invisible barrier in an organizationthat prevents individuals form being pormoted beyond a certian lvel
glass ceiling
motivation that drives peopl eot obtain tangible rewards, such as money and prestige
extrinsic motivation
motivation that causes people to work for their own enoyment, for personal rewards
intrinsic motivation
teh evaluation of a role or person by other relevant members of a group or society
a nearly universal change in eyesight during middle adulthood that results in some loss of near vision
a conditoin in which pressure in the fluid of the eye increases, either because the fluid cannot drain properly or because too much fluid is produced
loss of teh ability to hear sounds of high frequency
the ability to discern fine spatial detail in both close and distant objects
visual acuity
people with hearing porblems may also have troulbe identifying the direction and origin of a sound, a process called __
sound localization
the period that marks the transition from being able to bear children to being unable to do so
female climacteric
the cessation of mentruation
describes the period prior to menopause when hormone production begins to change
where estrogen and progesterone are administered to alleviate the worst of the symptoms experienced by menopausal women
hormone therapy
the period of physical and psychological change relating to teh male reproductive system that occurs during late middle age
male climacteric
behavior characterize by competitivenss, impatience, and a tendency toward frustation and hositlity
Type A behavior pattern
behavior characterized by noncompetitiveness, patience, and a lack of aggression
type B behavior pattern
type A people are extremely ambitious and they engage in __ multiple activiteis carried out simultaneously
polyphasic activities
where radiation targets the tumor in an attempt to destroy it
radiation therapy
controlled doses of toxic substances meant ot poison the tumor
a kind of weak x-ray used to examine breast tissue, should be routinely administered to women
instances in which the test suggests something is wrong when in fact there is no problem
false positive
where a mammogram does not detect indications of cncer
false negatives
because they do not control for cohort effects, cross-sectional may __ intelligence in older subjects
to overcome the cohort problems of cross-sectional studies, developmentalists began to use __
longitudinal studies
reflects information processing capabilities, reasoning, and memory
fluid intelligence
the accumulation of information, sikills, and strategies that people have learned through experience and that they can apply in problem solving situations
cyrstalized intelligence
__ intelligence declines with age, __ holds steady and actually can improve
fluid, crystalized
certain abilities such as inductive reasoning, spatial orientation, perceptual speed, and verbal memory, begin to decline very gradualy at around age __
the process by which people concentrate on particular skill areas to compensate for losses in other areas
selective optimization
the acquisition of skill or knowledge in a particular area
an initial, momentary storage of information
memory that holds for 15-25 seconds
short term memory
if information is rehearsed, then it moves inot __, where it is stored on a relatively permanent basis
long term memory
both sensroy memory and short term memory show __ in middle adulthood
no change
long term memory may __ in people at middle adulthood
organized bodies of information stored in memory
formal strategies for organizing material in ways that make it more likely to be remembered
the approach to personality development that is based on fairly universal stages tied to a sequence of age-related crises
normative-crisis models
the approach to personality development that is based on the timing of particular events in an adults life rather than on age per se
life events models
according to Erikcon, the stage during middle adulhood in which people consider their contributions to family and society
a stage of uncertainty and indecision brought about by the realization that life is finite
midlife crisis
a time of questioning, a focus on the finite nature of life
midlife transition
the "big five" personailty traits
neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness
the degree to which a person is moody, anxious, and self-critical
how outgoing or shy a person is
a persons level of curiosity and interest in new experiences
how easygoing and helpful a person tends to be
a persons tendencies to be organized and responsible
three reasons divorce occurs.
people spend less time together, romatic feelings fade over time, infidelity
up to __% of divorced people get remaired
why are 2nd marriages not garunteed?
they may include stresses like blending families, partners are less committed and more ready to walk away, they may have characteristics that make them hard to live with
the expereince that relates to parents feelings of unhappiness, worry, lonliness, and depression resulting from their childrens departure from home
empty nest syndrome
young adults who return, after leaving home for some period, to live in the homes of their middle aged parents
boomerang children
couples who in middle adulthood must fufill the needs of both their children and their aging parents
sandwich generation
grandparents who are actively engaged in and have influence over their grandchildrens lives
grandparents who, rather than taking responsibility for their grandchildren, they act as supporters and buddies to them
grandparents who are detached and distant, showing little interest in their grandchildren
generally __ are more interested and experience greater satisfaction in being grandparents
__ grandparents are more apt to be involved grandparents
african american
the theory that abuse and neglect of children leads them to be predisposed to abusiveness as adults
cycle of violence hypothesis
the three stage of marital agression by a husband
tension building stage, acute battery incident, loving contrition stage
the __ stage of marital abuse by a husband is where a batterer becomes upset and shows dissatisfaction through verbal abuse
tension building stage
the __ stage of marital abuse by a husband where the physical abuse actually occurs, lasting from several minutes to hours.
acute battering incident
the __ stage of marital abuse by a husband where teh husband feels remorse and aplogizes for his actions. may provide first aid and sympathy, assuring his wife that he will never act violently agian
loving contrition stage
the __ explains why many wives remain with abusive husbands
loving-contrition stage
a situation that occurs when workers experience dissatisfaction, disillusionment, frustration, and weariness form their jobes
burnout most often occurs in professions involving __
helping others
why people change careers in middle adulthood (4)
new jobs offer challenge, job they have changed, unhappy with status, return after raising children