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36 Cards in this Set

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backward conditioning
a procedure in which the CS is presented after the US on each trial.
summation test
(compound-stimulus test)
a test procedure that identifies a stimulus as a conditioned inhibitor if that stimulus reduces responding elicited by a conditioned excitatory stimulus.
נשתמש בזה כדי לבדוק אם גירוי הוא אינהיביטורי כשאי אפשר למדוד את התגובות בצורה ישירה, למשל בתגובת עפעף בארנבות כי הם בדרך כלל בקושי ממצמצים... צריך לקבוע איזשהו baseline ולהשוות.
conditional response
the response that comes to be made to the CS as a result of classical conditioning (eg. drooling to sound).
conditional stimulus
a stimulus that does not elicit a particular response initially but comes to do so as a result of becoming associated with a US (eg. sound).
conditioned suppression
(conditioned emotional response - CER)
דיכוי מותנה
suppression of positively reinforced instrumental behavior caused by the presentation of a stimulus that has become associated with an aversive stimulus.
suppression ratio = A/(A+B)
0 - full suppression, A=0
0..5 - no suppression, A=B
conditioning trial
a training episode involving presentation of a CS with (or without) an US.
differential inhibition
(stimulus discrimination procedure)
a classical conditioning procedure in which one stimulus (CS+) is paired with the US on some trials and another stimulus (CS-) is presented without the US on other trials. as a result the CS+ comes to elicit a CR and the CS- comes to inhibit the CR.
mixed trials:
explicitly unpaired control
a procedure in which both CS and US are presented but with sufficient time between them so that they do not become associated with each other.
reduction of a learned response that occurs because the CS is no longer paired with the US.
the procedure of repeatedly presenting a CS without the US.
הכחדה יעילה - צעדים צפופים וסשנים צפופים. - massed trials, short ITI.
הכחדה יכולה להתבצע רק על גירויים שהתבצעה עליהם רכישה.
a reduction of a learned response that occurs because of the passage of time, not because of particular experiences.
inhibition of delay
progressive increase in the latency of the CR that occurs with extended training with a long delay conditioning procedure.
inhibitory conditioning
a type of classical conditioning in which the CS becomes a signal for the absence of the US.
interstimulus interval
(CS-US interval)
the amount of time that elapses between presentations of the CS and the US during a trial.
intertrial interval
the amount of time that elapses between two successive trials.
the time elapsed between a stimulus (or the start of a trial) and the response that is made to the stimulus.
magnitude of response
a measure of the size, vigor or extent of a response.
object learning
learning associations between different stimulus elements of an object (eg. taste and visual property of food).
probability of a response
the likelihood of making the response, usually represented in terms of the percentage of trials on which the response occurs.
increased responding that may occur to a stimulus whose presentations are intermixed with presentations of a US in the absence of the establishment of an association between the stimulus and the US.
random control
a procedure in which the CS and US are presented at random times with respect to each other.
retardation of acquisition test
a test procedure that identifies a stimulus as a conditioned inhibitor if that stimulus is slower to acquire excitatory properties than a comparison stimulus.
short delayed conditioning
a procedure in which the CS is initiated shortly before the US on each conditioning trial.
sign tracking
movement toward and possibly contact with a stimulus that signals the availability of a positive reinforcer such as food.
simultaneous conditioning
a procedure in which the CS and the US are presented simultaneously on each conditioning trial.
test trial
a trial in which the CS is presented without the US. this allows measurement of the CR in the absence of the UR.
trace conditioning
a procedure in which the US is presented after the CS has been terminated for a short period.
trace interval
the interval between the end of the CS and the start of the US in trace conditioning trials.
unconditional response
a response that occurs to a stimulus without the necessity of prior training (eg. drooling to food).
unconditional stimulus
a stimulus that elicits a particular response without the necessity of prior training (eg. food).
למידה של תגובה חדשה.
רכישה יעילה - צעדים מרווחים, spaced trials, long ITI.
חלוקת גירויים לפי משמעות מוטיבציונית
אפטיטיבי / אברסיבי
תיאר מערכת שלמה של העולם שלנו, לפי 2 הנחות:
1 - יש לנו central motivational state אברסיבי ואפטיטיבי. גירוי יכול לחזק התנהגות מסוימת אם יש לו איכות מוטיבציונית. הגירוי רוכש יכולת לעורר התנהגות ולעורר תגובה מוטיבציונית - conditioned emotional response. ואז אפשר להשתמש בו להתניה מסדר גבוה.
2 - לשני המצבים המוטיבציוניים יש השפעה מעכבת אחד על השני:
counterconditioning, conditioned suppression, sidman avoidance + CS, השפעות הפוכות של גירויים אברסיביים ואפטיטיביים.
אפקט התקרה
אם החיה ממש צמאה, היא תלקק את המים הכי מהר שהיא יכולה ואז הצגת גירוי אפטטיבי לא תגרום להעלאת קצב הליקוק.
תופעה נצפית בהכחדה. מציגים עוד גירוי שהוא לא הגירוי המותנה ורואים עלייה ב-CR.
latent inhibition
עכבה סמויה
מציגים גירוי בלי חיזוק ובלי שיש ציפייה לחיזוק.
שלב 1 - חשיפה לגירוי נטרלי A
שלב 2 - מנסים להכניס את A להתניה עם US.
יקח יותר זמן להכניס להתניה, כי בשלב הראשון החיה למדה שהגירוי הזה לא חשוב (לא למדה שהוא אינהיביטורי).
long delayed conditioning
like short delayed conditioning only the CS is very long and so the US appears after 5-10 minutes, but still before the CS disappears.