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65 Cards in this Set

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Define hypokinetic diseases

Cause by a lack of physical activity

What are the components of health fitness?

1. Body composition

2. Cardiorespiratory endurance

3. Flexibility

4. Muscular endurance

5. Muscular strength

What are the components of motor fitness?

1. Agility

2. Balance

3. Coordination

4. Power

5. Reaction time

6. Speed

How do you figure out the target heart rate when you know the age of the person and the percentage they want to exercise at?

220 - age X percentage workout

(i.e., 220 - [20 yrs old] X percentage workout)

What does the target heart rate zone associate with?

Getting the proper amount of aerobic exercise

What is the definition of isometric exercise? What is an example of isometric exercise?

When the joint angle and muscle length do not change during contraction. i.e. planking or Barre

What are eccentric contractions?

muscles lengthen while producing force.

i.e., lowering a barbell in a bicep curl

What does F.I.T.T. mean?

Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type of Exercise

Static flexibility

Stationary stretch - involves extending muscle to the end of its range of motion, then holding it at this position.

i.e. hurdler's lunge, head bend.

Dynamic flexibility

- Moving flexibility - involves movement

- puts body and joints through their full range of motion

i.e. lunge twists, knee to chest.

Principles of Fitness Training


Progressive Overload




What is the protocol for developing muscular strength in weight training

More weight, less reps - to strengthen

More reps, less weight - to tone

70-75% max, 3-5 sets, 8-12 reps.

Cost-effective way to measure moderate to vigorous physical activity?


Assessment used to measure flexibility?

Sit and reach test

When did the fitness movement begin in the USA?


When do most researchers believe the prevention of hypokinetic diseases start?


What grade level in high school is most likely to participate in physical activity on a daily basis?

9th grade

What does ACSM recommend for duration and intensity of workouts?

Between 60-90% of max heart rate between 20 and 60 minutes, 3-5 times per week.

What does ACSM recommend for calorie expenditure per week with 3-5 work out sessions?

1,000 - 3,000 calories per week

What is the Smith machine? Who came up with the Smith machine concept?

Squat machine created by Jack LaLanne

Who is the "Godfather of Fitness"?

Jack LaLanne

Three benefits of worksite fitness

1. Reduced health cost

2. Increases employee productivity

3. Reduced absenteeism

Good tip for grocery shopping

Shop the perimeter of store

Define the skills that are in the motor performance fitness component

Speed, reaction time, and power

Aerobic exercise

"with oxygen" (cardio); extended period of time, 20-60 minutes

Anaerobic exercise

"Without oxygen (weight training); 20 sec - 2 min.

What is the life expectancy of males? Females?

Males - over 75

Females - over 80

What is the most well-known program for achieving core strength and flexibility? Who invented this program?

Pilates; invented by Joseph Pilates

Which group is most likely to suffer from obesity and be less physically active?

African American population and females

What are some factors in understanding differences in fitness, health and physical activity patterns of people in the US?

Gender, race, and socioeconomic status

Who is the most fitness research conducted on?


What is the built environment?

The atmosphere/place we live. Currently encourages more sedentary lifestyle

What is Michelle Obama's initiative and it's purpose?

"Let's Move"; focuses on childhood obesity

What does MVPA stand for?

Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity

What does MET stand for?

Metabolic equivalent

What is the benchmark for number of daily steps to be considered physically active?


What is Tabata?

Japanese origin - Dr. Izumi Tabata;

A type of HIIT workout


-ballet origin to help using a bar

-Mixes elements of Pilates, dance, Yoga, and functional training

-isometric exercises


- Hindu origin

- incorporates relaxation, stretching and flexibility

- 8 components (limbs)


High Intensity Interval Training

- short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods

What can help control onset of aging?


What is the most common ailment in senior adults?


Does quackery exist in fitness? How?

Yes, by drawing you in with celebrities

What are some symptoms of diabetes?

Slow healing wounds, blurry vision, tingling sensation in extremities, genital thrush, and fatigue

What are the types of Diabetes? Which type does the body not produce insulin at all?

Type 1 and type 2

Type 1 diabetes - no insulin is made

What female was an early leader in the fitness industry?

Jane Fonda

What is NIRSA?

National Intramural Recreational Sports Association

What is the name of the job board on the NIRSA website?


What are 3 important things to do if you want to work in the kinesiology field?

1. Practical experience (hands-on through internships or volunteer work)

2. Find a mentor, networking

3. Certifications

What is protocol first aid for cardiac emergency? (4 steps)

1. Check the scene, make sure it is safe. Ask "are you ok?"

2. Call 911 or ask a bystander to call

3. Open the airway

4. Check for breathing; if not breathing begun CPR

Assessment used to measure muscular strength ?

Pull-up, one arm rep, squats, bench press

Assessment used to measure cardiovascular strength ?

25-60 minute training on treadmill, stationary bike (cycling).

Assessment to measure endurance?

Sit-ups test, how many can you do in a minute

Main professional organization for HPERD

American Alliance of Health PE, Recreation and Dance


How quick from point A to point B

Reaction time

How quickly do you get out of the starting blocks


How quickly you explode and with how much force


The ability to move fast and change directions fast


Ability to use different parts of the body together, smoothly and efficiently


To produce a desired effect

Stronger arms = bicep curls

Progressive overload

Load creates a conditioning effect

Lifting heavier to get results you want

Recovery time

Muscles need a period of time to recover


Refers to the load of exercise


Length of an exercise

What are concentric contractions?

Muscles shorten (resting position)

i.e., the upward motion of bicep curl