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39 Cards in this Set

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Identify: Gender
- The personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male
- "The meaning a culture attaches to being female or male"
- Evidence that gender is rooted in culture includes global comparisons by Marget Mead and others showing how societies define what is feminine and masculine in various ways
- Gender is not only about difference: b/c societies give more power and other resources to men than to women, gender is an important dimension of social stratification. Sexism is built into the operation of social institutions
- Although some degree of patriarchy is found almost everywhere, it varies throughout history and from society to society
Identify: Gender Stratification
- The unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women
-Shapes: the workplace, family life, and politics
Identify: Matriarchy
A form of social organization in which females dominate females
Identify: Patriarchy
A form of social organization in which males dominate females
Identify: Sexism
The belief that one sex is innately superior to the other
Identify: Gender Roles
Attitudes and activities that a society links to each sex
Identify: Minority
Any category of people distinguished by physical or cultural differences that a society sets apart and subordinates
Identify: Intersection Theory
The interplay of race, class, gender, often resulting in multiple dimensions of disadvantage
Identify: Sexual Harassment
Comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual nature that are deliberate, repeated, and unwelcome
Identify: Feminism
-The advocacy of social equality for women and men, in opposition to patriarchy and sexism
- Endorses the social equality of women and men and opposes patriarchy and sexism.
- Seeks to eliminate violence against women.
- Advocates giving women control over their reproduction
There are three types of feminism: liberal, Socialist, and Radical
Explain: Gender and Socialization
Through the socialization process, gender becomes part of our personalities (gender identity) and our actions (gender roles). All the major agents of socialization-family, peer groups, schools, and the mass media---reinforce cultural definitions of what is feminine and masculine.
Explain how gender stratification shapes the workplace
- A majority of women are now in the paid labor force, but 42% hold clerical or service jobs
- Comparing full-time US workers, women earn 77% as much as men
- This gender difference in earnings results from differences in jobs, differences in family responsibilities, and discrimination
Explain how gender stratification shapes family life
- Most unpaid housework is performed by women, whether or not they hold jobs outside the home
- Pregnancy and raising small children keep many women out of the labor force at a time when their male peers are making important career gains
Explain how gender stratification shapes politics
- Until a century ago, almost no women held any elected office in the US
- In recent decades, the number of women in politics has increased significantly
- Even so, the vast majority of elected officials, especially at the national level, are men,
- Women make up only about 15% of US military personnel.
Explain violence against women and men
= a widespread problem that is linked to how a society defines gender. Related issues include:
- Sexual Harassment, which mostly victimizes women because our culture encourages men to be assertive and see women in sexual terms
- Pornography, which portrays women as sexual objects. Many see pornography as a moral issue; because pornography dehumanizes women, it is also a power issue.
Concerning Gender, the Structural-Functional Approach suggests that
- In preindustrial societies, distinctive roles for males and females reflect biological differences between the sexes
- In industrial societies, marked gender inequality becomes dysfunctional and gradually decreases
- Talcott Parsons described gender differences in terms of complementary roles that promote the social integration of families and society as a whole.
Concerning Gender, the Social-Conflict Approach suggests that
-Gender is an important dimension of social inequality and social conflict.
-Gender inequality benefits men and disadvantages women
- Friedrich Engels tied gender stratification to the rise of private poverty and a class hierarchy. Marriage and the family are strategies by which men control their property through control of the sexuality of women. Capitalism exploits everyone by paying men low wages and assigning women the task of maintaining the home.
Identify and Explain the three different types of feminism.
1. Liberal Feminism: seeks equal opportunity for both sexes within the existing society
2. Socialist Feminism: claims that gender equality will come about by replacing capitalism with socialism
3. Radical Feminism: Seeks to eliminate the concept of gender itself and to create an egalitarian and gender-free society
Concerning Gender and the Structural-Functional Approach, What is the level of analysis?
According to the Structural-Functional Approach, what does gender mean?
Parsons described gender in terms of two complementary patterns of behavior: masculine and feminine
According to the Social-Conflict Approach, what does gender mean?
Engels described gender in terms of the power of one sex over the other
According to the Structural-Functional Approach, is gender helpful or harmful?
Gender gives men and women distinctive roles and responsibilities that help society operate smoothly. Gender builds social unity as men and women come together to form families.
Concerning Gender and the Social-Conflict approach, what is the level of analysis?
According to the Social-Conflict Approach, is gender helpful or harmful?
Gender limits people's personal development.
Gender divides society by giving power to men to control the lives of women.
Capitalism makes patriarchy stronger.
Does Liberal Feminism accept the basic order of society?
Yes. Liberal feminism seeks change only to ensure equality of opportunity.
Does Socialist Feminism accept the basic order of society?
No. Socialist feminism supports an end to social classes and to family gender roles that encourage "domestic slavery"
Does Radical Feminism accept the basic order of society?
No. Radical feminism supports an end to the family system
According to Liberal Feminism, How do women improve their standing?
Individually, according to personal ability and effort.
According to Socialist Feminism, How do women improve their standing?
Collectively, through socialist revolution.
According to Radical Feminism, How do women improve their standing?
Collectively, by working to eliminate gender itself.
Gender is not just a matter of difference but also a matter of what?
The anthropologist Margaret Mead studied gender in three societies in New Guinea and found what?
What is feminine in one society may be masculine in another
For all of us raised in US society, gender shapes what?
There is a "beauty myth" in US society that encourages what?
Women to believe that their personal importance depends on their looks.
In the US, what share of women work for income?
In the US labor force men and women___?
Women are still concentrated in several types of jobs
For which categories of people in the US is it true that women do more housework than man?
- People who work for income
- People who are married
- People who have children

Basically, any category. Thanks chauvinistic men! I would love to iron your underwear and cook your meals for the rest of my life! Oh boy!
In the US, women in the labor force working full time earn how much for every dollar earned by men working full time?
77 cents
In 2006, women held about what percent of seats in congress?
Which type of feminism accepts US society as it is but wants to give women the same rights and opportunities as men?
Liberal Feminism