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206 Cards in this Set

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Forms of communication include?

1) Oral
2) Written
3) Interpersonal
Interpersonal communication is the communication that takes place between __?__ people who have established a relationship.
Element of interpersonal communication that is the originator of a message?
Element of interpersonal communication that is the meaning, idea, or concept that a speaker is attempting to communicate to the listener
Element of interpersonal communication is the path that a message takes between the sender and the receiver?
The person who recieves a message and decodes or interprets it
Element of interpesonal communication that is a factor that prevents the receiver form fully receiving a message
A hearing impairment is an example of:
An internal barrier
The response during interpersonal communication is also called the:
Accurate statement about interpesonal communication
Education and cultural background affect how the receiver understands a message
General purposes for interpersonal communication
1) Learning
2) Relating
3) Influencing
Interpersonal communication can __?__ by ministering to the needs of another person
The verbal message depends on symbols called:
Improving verbal communication skills involves:
Taking responsibility for personal thoughts and feelings
Words only provide the receiver with __?__ percent of the message; nonverbal actions provide the remaining __?__ percent
7% and 93%
"Words may not have the same meaning to all people"
"Word meanings are not specific and do not have agreed-upon definitions"
"Meanings are generalizations rather than concrete or tangible meanings"
The fact that the British use the word boot to refer to what Americans call the trunk of a vehicle is an example of an __?__ word
To be effective communicators, company officers should:
Remember that terms that are common to fire and emergency services may have another meaning or no meaning at all to the general public
What are cultural sterotypes of language?
1) Age
2) Religion
3) Political Association
To improve verbal skills:
Be aware of special needs of the receiver
Ways to improve verbal skills include?
1) Be aware of the receiver's frame of reference
2) Avoid generalizations that result in sterotypes
3) Take responsibility for personal feelings and thoughts
Speech communication research indicates that nonverbal communication transmits from __?__ percent of the message.
Vocal tones and inflections make up __?__ percent of speech communication
Nonverbal clues include?
A) Kinesics
B) Paralanguage
C) Self-presentation
Kinesics include:
Body Motion
Good Eye contact:
Must be appropriate to the situation
To effectively communicate the correct message, facial expressions:
Must match the verbal message
The thumbs-up gesture is a nonverbal example of?
An Emblem
An accumulation of all the other nonverbal elements into one image of self-confidence and authority
Way to improve nonverbal communication
Set an example for subordinates
A cyclical view that does not place restrictions on time
Research indicates that most people remember only __?__ percent of a message 24 hours after they hear it.
Hearing and listening
Hearing involves sound waves striking the eardrums; listening is an active part of the communication process
Paying attention to the message
Ways to improve the attending step of the listening process
A) Be ready to listen
B) Trying to listen to only one person at a time
C) Listening to both verbal and nonverbal messages
In order to __?__ a message, the listener must be able to seperate facts from opinions
Listening step that completes the communication process
The best way to improve listening skills
Practicing good listening skills
Element of the speech communication process that is the person who originates the process
Element of speech communication process that is the response by the audience to the message presented by the sender
Graphs, slides and transparancies are?
Visual Channels
Laughter and applause are examples of?
Element of the speech communication process is the communication environment that includes the physical location, time, and attitude of the sender and receiver
An effective speaker...
Bases the speech on reliable data and analysis
Which type of speech uses a strong argument based on reliable data in order to create a change in belief, behavior, or attitude
Which type of speech uses humorous stories or anecdotes?
Which type of speech may be the most difficult to develope?
According to Monroe's Motivated Sequence Pattern, which step comes after gaining the attention of the audience?
Need-Describe the problem
According to Monroe's Motivated Sequence Pattern, what should be done to help audience members visualize the change?
Provide a vivid example of the results and how it will affect members of the audience
Ways that informative speeches may be used:
1) Describe events
2) Give project updates
3) Provide status reports
Informative speeches are usually about:
1) People
2) Objects
3) Abstract Ideas
A principle of informative speech is?
Build on the familiar
The basis for all audience-centered speeches is?
When making a report presentation, the first step is to?
Make an immediate statement of purpose
In a report presentation, explain the __?__ of the new course of action to increase the likelihood that the audience will listen and pay attention
Most accurate statement about public relations speeches
Public relations speeches provide a positive image and relationship with the community
All media questions should be directed to the __?__ if one is on scene.
Public Information Officer
Guidelines to giving interviews are?
1) Be as frank and open as possible
2) Be prepared
3) Beware when asked leading questions
4) Avoid getting into disagreements with reporters
What is the first step in preparing a speech?
Select a topic
What is the key to a successful oral presentation?
Analyze the audience
Elements of analyzing the audience are?
1) Demographics
2) Physical settings
3) Attitudes and beliefs
Demographics include?
Audience adaptation means?
Developing or adjusting a speech to fit the audience
The easiest step when writing a speech is?

Also the first step
Selecting a topic
Examples of sources of supporting evidence when writing a speech are?
1) Budget documents
2) National Fire Databases
3) Community demographics
Supporting data can be incorporated into the body of a speech through?
The part of the speech that gets the audience's attention?
This format of organizing speeches divides the central idea into even, natural divisions
What format for organizing speeches follows a timeline from start to finish?
Speed-writing organizational method that places the most important information at the beginning of the body of text?
Speech-writing organizational method moves from simple ideas to more COMPLEX?
Ways to rehearse a speech before presenting it are?
A) In front of a mirror
B) Recorded or videotaped
C) In front of an audience of staff members
Form of speech delivery that relies on notes or an outline of the speech
Extemporaneous Delivery
Form of speech delivery that is rarely used by company officers in dealing with the public
Reading the text
Most accurate statement about eye contact
Scan the audience while speaking
An example of inappropriate facial expression?
Smiling while announcing layoffs
Use __?__ gestures when speaking to a LARGE group
Communication studies indicate that a speaker's __?__ communicates significant information to the audience
Accumulation of all the other nonverbal elements into one image of self-confidence
If a message is important enough to be heard, then it needs to be..?
1) Heard
2) Interesting
3) Understood
Use __?__, how high or low the voice is to maintain the listener's attention
Effective speakers evaluate their speeches to determine?
If the speech was understood
Documents are written to?
1) Inform
2) Educate
3) Enlighten
The first step in writing any document is to?
determine the audience, scope, and purpose
The Scope of the document is?
The subject or topic and how broad or narrow the coverage of it is
What is the purpose of a document?
The reason why the document is being written
An outline includes:
1) Introduction
2) Body
3) Conclusion
The introduction tells the reader what the topic of the document is through the..
Thesis statement
Which part of an outline summarizes the main points of the document?
When writing a document, each paragraph needs a(n) __?__ sentence.
The average paragraph is __?__ words long.
Tying paragraphs together with __?__ helps maintain the flow and rythm of a document.
Which paragraph transition shows contrast or qualification?
Which paragraph transition shows cause and effect?
When developing a text of a document..
Be clear
Most accurate statement about text development is?
Use parallel structure
Accurate statements about a memo?
1) It provides a chain of communication
2) It commits the writer to a certain course of action
3) It is a quick and simple way to transmit a message within an organization
An e-mail policy is important for an organization for the following reasons...:
1) Efficiency
2) Professionalism
3) Liability protection
E-mails and memos should:
Accomplish a task
The __?__ of the memo or e-mail exceeds the actual message.
When proofing a memo or e-mail, check:
That the format is consistent
Most accurate statement about the content of a memo or e-mail is?
Delegate memo or e-mail writing to someone who can write effectively
Which form of communication is used with those outside the organization?
What is the acceptable format for most business letters?
Heading, opening, body, closing
The date and salutation are included in the __?__ of the letter
The __?__ of a letter contains the message
Which type of letter gives a rejection notice?
Which type of letter convinces the reader to follow a desired course of action?
Most accurate statement about considerations about writing letters?
Make the letter personal when possible
Accurate statements about preparing a press release are?
1) Use active voice
2) Use the inverted pyramid style of organization
3) Be sure that all direct qoutes are properly attributed
Besides memos and emails, these provide the bulk of the writing produced by most company officers
Which type of report is completed on a daily basis and includes incident reports and injury reports?
Form-Based reports
Narrative reports are written in __?__ form
Which type of narrative report provides an overview of the current status of a project?
Progress Report
A budget request is an example of a __?__ report
Narrative reports should include citations where?
In the footnotes
An executive summary is a(n) __?__ of a report, a technical paper, bid specifications or an analysis.
Brief Review
Accurate statements about an executive summary =
1) It includes the main topic statement and main points
2) It should spur the audience to read the entire report
3) It should be focused on the facts rather than the opinions expressed in the paper
This is used to outline activities for a meeting or event
An accurate record of topics covered , decisions made, and assignments given during meetings
Minutes include:
1) New business
2) Names of attendees
3) Date, time, and location for next meeting
Most accurate statement about meeting minutes
Minutes are required for every type of meeting, regardless of size
The format for a policies and procedures manual usually includes:
A purpose statement
Each page of a policies and procedures manual includes?
1) Dates
2) Subject
3) Forms used
What part of a policy and procedures page includes the proceedure number that is being replaced?
Revised policies and procedures are distributed?
Needs of the department or organization and allows manufacturers or distributors to decide if they can meet the bid
Requests for proposals
Includes the specific equipment requirements of the department or organization plus legal requirements of the finance or purchasing officer
Bid specifications
After writing a request for proposal, the selection of bidders may be:
Based on a documented history of contract violations
Legal requirements called __?__ are required in all bid specifications
Most accurate statement about bid specifications
Vague or general bid specifications can lead to legal action by unsuccessful bidders
Bid specifications usually have to be approved by the:
Finance or purchasing officer
What are administrative functions performed by company officers?
1) Providing Customer Service
2) Administering policies and procedures
3) Preparing or assisting in the preparation of the organization's budget
People who use and consume a product or service are called?
In the public sector, the bottom line is?
The level of customer service provided
In the public sector, knowing the customer's ____ determines the types of services that must be provided and the quality of those services.
Wants and needs
In order to understand the basic concept of customer service, fire officers must be able to do all of the following...
A) Define the customer base
B) Identify what customers need, want, and desire
C) Monitor the delivery of the organization's services
Which type of customer includes employees and members of the organization?
Internal Customers
Which type of customer includes members of the general populations within the service area?
External Customers
Which type of customer includes members of the political body who govern the organization?
The composition of internal customers can be determined by?
Using an internal survey
Most accurate statement about external customers
External customers include the people responsible for providing the majority of funds needed to operate the organization.
The needs, wants, and desires of people...
Vary from day to day
What is a want of internal customers?
Safe work environment
Keeping pace with the __?__ of the service area will ensure that external customers needs are fulfilled
Who is responsible for responding to the complaints and requests of constituents?
If the fire and emergency services fail to provide the service needs of the public, who is perceived to be unable to manage the organization?
In cases of political crisis, stakeholders can change the fire and emergency service organization by?
Changing the organization's responsibilities
What are some ways to gather information on the needs/wants/desires of customers?
1) Holding periodic meetings
2) Conducting customer surveys
3) Performing informal interviews
What are some ways that a customer survey can be conducted?
1) By hand at shopping centers
2) By mail with customer utility bills
3) Through postincident service evaluation cards
What is a benefit of customer surveys?
Customer surveys are relatively inexpensive to develop
What is a limitation of customer surveys?
Customer surveys usually limit the response to the questions listed on them
After gathering customer's needs/wants/desires, what is the first stepin interpreting that information?
Analyze the information and separate realistic needs from wants and desires
To determine the success of failure of any change in service made as a result of customer needs, the change should be monitored for...

(how long?)
The life of the change
What are ways in which changes based on customer needs can be monitored?
1) Meetings
2) Interviews
3) Customer satisfaction surveys
For the effective and efficient operation of any fire and emergency services organization ______ are essential
Written policies and procedures
Policies and procedures are __?__ monitored for effectiveness
A __?__ is a guide to decision-making within an organization
Policies originate with?
Top Management
What is the Company Officer's duty regarding policies?
To understand and apply policies fairly, consistently and with discretion
A policy __?__ determines whether current policies are effective and enforceable
Which statements about unwritten policies are accurate?
A) Unwritten policies develop where no clear policy exists
B) Unwritten policies are a result of tradition within the organization
C) Unwritten policies are also known as organizational norms or past practices
A __?__ is a detailed plan of action
Procedures are better developed..
At the Company Officer level
What is an indicator that a policy or procedure needs to be changed?
Injuries caused due to a failure of the policy or procedure
What is the first step when a policy or procedure must be revised?
Define the problem
When revising a policy or procedure, how many solutions should be developed?
Responsibility for the monitoring of all policies and procedures rests with the __?__ of the organization
Chief Officers
Based upon the authority delegated to the fire officer to implement organizational policies and procedures
These are based on policies and procedures...
1) Orders
2) Requests
3) Commands
What is the difference between an order and directive?
Orders are mandatory, directives are not
Most accurate statement about budgets is....
Funding for career fire and emergency services organizations comes from tax revenues and fees for service
Definition of a budget system
A model or format to which a budget process conforms
Budget system that consists of lists of revenue sources and proposed expenditures for the budget cycle
Line-item budgeting
Budget system that requires all expenditures to be justified at the beggining of each budget cycle
Zero-based budgeting
Budget system that involves a variety of independent units assigned to a limited duration project
Matrix budgeting
Which type of budget includes projected major purchases?
Capital Budget
Which type of budget is used to pay for the recurring expenses of day to day operations?
Operating budget
A capital budget includes:
Fire apparatus and vehicles
An operating budget includes:
Fuel for apparatus and vehicles
The largest single item in the operating budget of most career organizations is?
Personnel Costs
Which tax revenues are taxes levied against the owner of real or personal property?
Property Taxes
Which tax revenues are taxes levied by a state or city on the retail price of an item?
Sales taxes
Which tax revenues are monies collected to support services?
Trust funds are funds that are derived from:
Donations and gifts
Which types of trust funds from which both income and capital may be expended?
Long-term trusts
Government owned utilities and hospitals are ordinarily accounted for by?
Enterprise funds
Which revenue sources are accounts that receive a specified amount of revenue that will be used in the future to pay off a jurisdiction's indebtedness?
Sinking Funds
A __?__ is a promise to repay the principal along with interest on a specified date.
The federal government, states/provinces, and many other types of institutions sell __?__ to fund programs and projects
Fire and emergency services organizations can supplement their budgets through government grants from organizations such as?
What types of grants make funding available for defined purposes with minimum conditions?
Block Grants
A drawback to fundraisers used by fire and emergency services organizations?
Tactics used to sell tickets to cosponsored events may result in negative response from the public
Who works with company officers to create an annual budget?
1) Chief Officers
2) Company Members
3) Other staff members
The first step of the budget process is?
The budget process begins in earnest __?__ before the end of the current fiscal year.
3 to 5 months
What type of spending includes mandated purchases or costs?
Fixed-cost spending
Which type of spending occurs after fixed costs are paid?
Discretionary Spending
Budget costs should NOT be..
Justifying a budget request requires documentation and supporting evidence that proves to __?__ that the request is valid
Even the most casual listener
When preparing a budget, the budget should go through..
An internal and external review
Once the budget has been approved and adopted, it should go through the __?__ process.
A budget must be __?__ to determine its effectiveness
What is a reason that a budget may be revised?
Increase in operating costs