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93 Cards in this Set

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Prenatal development - maternal characteristics are
Mother's age
Emotional Status/stress
Prenatal development-Mothers age
2 problem age groups
-adolescent mothers: premature babies, higher infant mortality rate
-Mothers over 30: increased risk of down syndrome, higher infertility
Prenatal development- External hazards
Maternal disease
-Rubella, Genital Herpes, HIV

-alcohol, cigarette, aspirin, caffeine,etc.

Environmental hazards
-led, mercury, PCB, X-rays
agent/influence that causes developmental defects in an embryo or fetus,
5 Accepted Assumptions about Physical growth
-Growth is cephalocaudal and proximodistal
-Infancy, early childhood, and adolescence = accelerated physical growth
-Pattern/extent of growth is biological, this predictable
-Motor/perceptual skills develop simple to complex
-Maturation doesn't guarantee skill development
-Head to tail
-center to extremities
Central Nervous System consists of
The spinal cord
The Brain
Brain reaches adult size/weight age
Brain begins to lose neurons age
30- sensory motor activities suffer
Central Nervous System- growth
A result of adding new neurons, increasing interconnections between the neurons, and adding glial cells (causes myelination)
Brain weight at birth
and at age 2
2= 8-%
-blood flow and neuro-transmitter decrease
-Brain compensates by rewiring to deal with new tasks
Issues of Developmental Stages- Birth-2 weeks
- Changes in breaking, sucking/swallowing, temperature, elimination
Issues of Developmental Stages- 2 weeks to 2 years
-decrease in helplessness
-Bonding and attachment
-Erickson's trust vs. mistrust
-more sleep
-socialization is egocentric (Piaget), and caregiver focused (Bowlby)
-Problem solving (Bruner)
-Morality is by constraint (Kohlberg)
-New stimuli preferred to old(Novelty Paradigm)
-18mo object permanence
Mildred Parten's Classic Study of Play
Six categories:
-Unoccupied Play: uninterested in it
-Solitary Play
-Associative: Social interaction with no/little organization,
Modern emphasis on social/cognitive aspects of play
-Sensorimotor Play: Infants find pleasure in exercising sensorimotor schema's
-Practice Play: Repetition of behavior to learn/prefect skills
-Social Play: Partens categories and rough and tumble play
-Constructive Play: creation/construction of product or problem
-Games: play with rules, competition
Physical/biological differences in gender (ages 6-puberty)
-Females less likely to die or develop physical/mental disorders
-Makes are taller & have longer bones
-Females use more feeling words
-Males have better physical expression
Cognitive differences in gender (ages 6-puberty)
-Math: may be higher in Males, or may be cultural
-Verbal: May be better in females, but differences diminishing
-Visual/spatial: Males sometimes better
Socioemotional differences in gender (ages 6-puberty)
-Aggression: Males more
-Suicide: Males more likely to succeed, Females more likely to try
Sandra Bem's Sex-Role Inventory
assesses a persons masculine and feminine qualities. Those somewhat neutral are androgynous (which tends to be healthy)
Coopersmith's Self-esteem and Parenting Styles
-Research on boys age 10-12
-Parenting Styles strongly impact self-esteem
-A democratic style of discipline followed with higher self-esteem. (behavior is bad, not the child)
Baumrind's 3 Parenting Styles
-Authoritative: Promoting standards and independence
Warm v.s Hostile Parenting Styles
-Hostile, restrictive: yields withdrawn, shy, and self-punishing kids
-Hostile permissive: yields disobedient, rebellious, aggressive
-Warm restrictive: Yields insecure, dependent, uncreative
-Warm permissive: yields assertive, tolerant, outgoing, and independent
Life stage between childhood and adulthood.
Marked by physical/sexual maturation, social development, emotional preparation for leaving, and intellectual development
-2 Tasks: Mocing from dependent to independent person
-Establishing an identity
Self-fulfilling Prophecy
-Students perform better the more that is expected of them
-Doesn't seem to increase intelligence
-Should be used if parent is unwilling/unable to provide at home learning experiences
Cooperative Learning
-Improves academic performance and self-esteem of low-achieving students
-Jigsaw classroom: children from various backgrounds/abilities work together on projects in groups (Aronson)
Divorce on Children
-relationships with children deteriorate
-Children getting aggressive
-Academic difficulties
-worse if positive relationship between parents isn't continued, and financial difficulties come.
-Remarriage almost as stressful as divorce
George Vaillant's Expatiation of Erikson's Stages
Career Consolidation (23-30):Career becomes coherent and stable

Keeping the Meaning vs. rigidity(45-55): extracting new meaning from life
Gould's Developmental Transformation
False assumptions are challenged and transformed at every stage
Daniel Levinson
-Early Adult Transition: (17-22), concepts about ideal adult life created, decisions made, breaking away from family of origin.
-Age 30 Transition: Ideal becomes reality, decisions evaluated
-Settling down period
-Midlife Transition: (40-45), dreams questioned, unreached goals acknowledged, mortality recognized, stressful. Later, formulating appropriate life structures (love, marriage, vocation, family)
Midlife Crisis
Gail Sheehy
-Passages: difficult times/typical crisis
-Life stages: Pulling up roots, Trying Twenties, Catching Thirty, Rooting and Extending, Deadline Decade, Renewal and Resignation
Alice Rossi- 4 stages of Adult development and parenting
Proven wrong about Aging
-Disengagement Theory: withdrawing from society is good
-Activity Theory: Elderly must give up active roles
Current thoughts on Aging
Satisfaction in elder years comes from maintaining a lifestyle consistent to what your personality type is.
Impeded by health and financial pressures
Biology of Aging
Myth about Decreasing Intelligence
-Only 8% of over 65 are senile
-Only last five years of life is intellectual functioning at terminal drop
-Older individuals still learn new things
Fear of Death
-Elders think about death more but with less anxiety
-Kubler Ross: Stages of dying- Denial/isolation, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
Rating/Score, measures vitals of newborns, 7 is good health, 4 or less indicates high-risk
-Social psychologists research this: Festinger (attitude change), Thurstone (scale technique to measure attitude), and Likert who simplified it
Cannon-Bard/Emergency Theory
- physical action or emotional reaction happen at once
-James-Lang theory: that persons physical reaction is the basis of the emotional one
-Schachter-SInger: action then emotion following
-each response acting as stimuli for next response
Cognitive Dissonance
Two belief's/idea that don't fit= discomfort
Cohort Effect
The effect a group of people being born at a certain time/historical setting (career choices of baby boomers)
-Kinetics: body language (Birdwhistell)
-Proxemics: personal space (Hall)
Critical Period
Timeframe where something needs to be learned, or it won;t be learned at all.
Curative Factors
Researched in studies finding percentage of the population would benefit from therapy
-Eysenck: People respond to problem resolution with or without
-Newer research: People in therapy 80-85% better then those not treated
-No one particular model better than others
Changes in persons capacity/behavior as they age
-Learning: enduring changes in behavior through experience
-Maturation: unfolding of inherited biological patterns.
-The ability to recognize features of things that are similar but not the same
-Distinguishing between stimuli
-In Learning: withholding response except with specific stimuli
Down's Syndrome
Mental retardation caused by extra chromosome; mongolism
Biological urge that directs behavior to a goal
Automatic repetition of words spoken to them (baby babbling with parent)
graphic measure of alpha waves in the brain
Researcher studying cross-cultural facial expressions of emotions
Development proceeding out of prior stage
who/what an a being is in the terms of it's hereditary factors
A person acts to seek pleasure and avoid pain
Holophrastic speech
a sentence expressed in one word. "snack!" = "I want a snack!"
Optimal balance
Technique for studying members of a group through 12 catagories
Klinefeter's Syndrome
Male showing no masculinity at puberty
subbing one sound for another ("Chris"="Twiss")
Latent Learning
learning without immediate manifestation
Learned Helplessness
Martin Seligman- experiments with dogs
-Studied parenting techniques of high achievers
-Motivation: based on activities attempted and person's view of their positive and negative effects
Higher-order needs
Mid-life Crisis, Levinson
Thought mid-llife crisis was a positive experience. Between 35-45 people should evaluate self, limitations, and death.
Erikson was similar
Moral Development
Freud: Superego
Berne: Transactional Analysis-ego
Piaget: Hetronomous and Autonomous
Kohlberg: 3 levels
branch of medicine dealing with classification of disease
development of an organism/individual
Opponent-Process Theory of Emotions
-Something creates emotional state "A," state "B" follows though, as a "slave" of "A." When "A" is gone, "B" is left. "B" only, increases with use, and decreases with disuse
Physiological Psychology
-Study of the Central nervous system & Brain, measuring them and their effect on functioning
-4 common Neuro-Transmitters
associated with sleep disturbances
associated with stress reactions
Allows transmissions of impulse across the synapse
Affects neurons in corpus stratum
-deficiency here associated with symptoms of Parkinsons Disease
-Access may cause hallucinations/other symptoms of Schizophrenia
-inherited amino acid disorder
Programmed Instruction
Instruction using Operant conditioning techniques.
analysis and explanation of clients problems
Mental testing/measurment
Disorder where contact with reality is impaired
Public Law 94.142
-free and appropriate education for all children
Reticular Activating System (RAS)
-Alerting system of the brain
-located at the base of the brain to all parts of the cerebral cortex
-initiates/maintains wakefulness, introspection, and attention
Schachter's Cognitive Theory
Which comes first- physical action or emotional reaction
-Cannon-Bard, and James-Lang, Schachter and Singer
Suicide Stats
-for 15-24 year old's suicide is the second leading cause of death
-aprox. 6,000 annually
Split Brain Theory
-Sperry's study's
-Left and Right brain have separate functions
Left Brain
-Physical World
-Scientific Skills
Right Brain
-Spiritual World
Brain Lateralization Theory
Right side controls left body, left side controls right body
Telegraphic speech
two to three words children use to convey a complete thought (18-24mo)
Transfer Learning
The effect of earlier learning on present learning. If previous learning was positive, then current learning will be positive too
Turner's Syndrom
A female with no gonads or sex hormones
Freud's Stages
Remember with: Orphan Annie's a Pretty Little Girl