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61 Cards in this Set

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visting places and observing how people interact with and thereby change those places

human geography

how we observe, organize, make, interact, and make sense of each other and across space


a set of prosesses that are deepening relationships across national borders


spatial arrangement of places and phenomenon

spatial distribution

looking at a map of how something is distributed across space


questions about how the arrangement of a phenomenon came about and the relationships exist between different places and things

medical geography

mapping the distribution of a disease

physical geography

spatial and material chracteristics of the human made places and people found on earths surface


worldwide outbrakes of a disease

spatial perspective

multitude of phenomena


fast spreading disease

5 themes

geography's spatial concerns


position of people and places on the earth's surface

location theory

decribing locational proporties of a particular phenomena; predicting where things are likely to occur


how humans affect the enviornment and vise-versa


where things are position on the earths surface

sense of place

infusing a place with meaning, by remembering inmoptant events that occur in a place


features that tend to be more consentrated in particular areas

perception of place

bias for home region


mobility of poeple, goods, and ideas across the surface of the planet

spatial interactions

depends on distance,the accessibility of places, and the connectivity among places


phisical space between two places


ease of reaching one location to another


degree of linkage between locations in a network


material charcter of a place

cultural landscapes

the visable imprint of human activity on the landscape


art of making maps

refrence maps

show location of places and geographic features

thematic maps

attribute or the movement of a geographic phenomenon

absolute locations

using a coordinate to describe a place

global positioning system (GPS)

allows us to locate things on the surface of earth with extraordinary accuracy


use their GPS units, and play a treasure hunt to gain prizes

relative location

describes a location using other human and physical features

mental map

maps in our brain even if we've only herd of them

activity spaces

places we travel to routinely in our rounds of daily activity

generalized map

map of general trends

remote sensing

technology that gathers data at a distance from Earth's surface

geographic information systems (GIS)

a device that compares a variety of spatial data by creating digitized representations of the enviornment


involvment of players at other scales to generate support for a position or an initiative

formal region

shared cultural trait or a phisical trait

functional region

particuar set of of activites or interactctions that occur within it

perceptual regions

a set of opinions one has of a particular region


all-encompassing term that indentifies not only the whole tangible lifestyle of peoples, but also their prevailing values and beliefs

cultural complex

a combination of cultual traits

cultural hearth

area where cultual traits develop

cultural trait

single attribute of a culture

independent invention

when a cultural trait devlopes more than one hearth withoutbeing influencing by its devlopement elsewhere, each hearth operates as a case of a independent invention

cultural diffusion

when ideas, people, or good move across space

time-distance decay

the farther a place is from a heart, the harder it is for diffusion to occur

cultural barriers

powerful prohibiters of cultural diffusion

expansion diffusion

an idea develops in a hearth and remains strong there while spreading onward

contagious diffusion

when an idea spreads everyone is affected

hierarchical diffusion

when an idea spreads it is only adopted through ranks

stimulus diffusion

not all the idea is adopted but, the concept is still there

relocation diffusion

the actual movement of indivisuals that have already adopted a idea who carry it to a new place

environmental determinism

human behavior, indivisually and collectively, is strongly affected by, even controlled or determined by, the physical enviornment


choices that society makes dependon what its members need and on what tecnology is available to them

cultural ecology

an area of inquiry concerned with culture as a system of adaption and thealturation of the enviornment

political ecology

fundementally concerned with the enviornmental consequences ofdominant poltical economic arrangements and understandings

geographic concepts

location, diffusion, culture, landscape, and region

sequent occupance

societies leave their cultural imprints on a place