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85 Cards in this Set

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Believed best type of govt was an absolute monarchy
Believed that govt is supposed to protect your natural rights and if not, overthrow it.
Believed majority should rule but minority rights should be protected
Latin America, France, America
The enlightenment thinkers inspired revolutions in ____, ____, and ____
Southern/eastern Europe
During the 1880s ad 1890s the immigrants coming to the US came from _____
Boss tweed
Head of political machine in NYC. Believed in graft and was finally taken down by the cartoonist Thomas Nast.
Birds of passage
Immigrants who came to US to make money, then return home
Ellis island, angel island
____ was where immigrants coming from Europe would enter ad ____ was where immigrants coming from Asia would enter the US.
Pendleton civil service act
Rewarded govt jobs to people who passed an exam. You must earn your position now! No more patronage system
Alice Paul
Leader of the national women's party, protested with a hunger strike in front of the White House
Federal trade commission
Prevents one firm from destroying another through unfair business practices
WEB Dubois
Organized Niagra movement, which led to the formation of the NAACP.
American federation of labor
Labor union open to both men and women
Knights of labor
United all skilled workers
Black Tuesday
Stock market crash
Person who had full control of a particular product
Transcontinental railroad
Railroad that went across America
Believed in free coinage of silver, debt relief for farmers, and inflation to make it easier to pay back farmers loans
William Jennings Bryan
Gave the famous cross of gold speech and ran for presidency in 1896, lost to McKinley
Author of the jungle. This book prompted Roosevelt to pass meat inspection act
Allows individual citizens to vote on the legislation that they initiated, which was a major contribution to American life
Recall election
Allows individual citizens to remove an elected official out of office before their term is up. Before, you were stuck with them for their full term
Mann-Elkins act
Gave the ICC more power by giving them control over all transportation
La Follette
Governor of Wisconsin who proposed the Wisconsin idea, where he would seek the advice of the college professors. He is considered a great progressive governor. "Battling bob" or "fighting bob"
Jane Addams
Responsible for the Hull house. One of the first settlement homes
Allows individual citizens to initiate legislation
Booker T. Washington
Advocated in his Atlanta compromise for a gradual betterment of his people through support of vocational training for African Americans. WEB Dubois thought this was the wrong approach
16th amendment
Legalized income tax
Coal strike 1902
First time federal govt sided with the workers
Vertical integration
Where you boy out all the suppliers of a particular product
Horizontal integration
Merging together of similar products
First attempt by the US govt to regulate railroads. The problem was they didn't give this board enough power to do its job, still around today
Govt should take a hands off approach
Sherman anti-trust act
Passed in order to break up test but failed to define what a trust was
Founder of the American federation of labor, wanted to unite all skilled workers
Credit mobilier
Name of scandal where the stockholders gave the contract for 2 to 3 times the actual cost
Social Darwinists
Applied Darwin's ideas to society
Haymarket affair
People gathered to fight police brutality, located in Illinois
Munn vs. Illinois
Supreme Court case that upheld the granger laws
____ were considered the first big business, used more than half of the nations steel, created a national market for the US
Herbert spencer
Supported lassiez-faire (no regulation of business)
Teddy Roosevelt
Said, "speak softly and carry a big stick." By this he meant always be willing to negotiate but always back yourself up with a good military
Panama Canal
Made it easier for Americans to ship goods, reduced travel time from the east to west coast, and made for a strong US military presence in Central America
Teller amendment
Where the US promised not to annex Cuba once order was restored
Roosevelt corollary
Made the US the official police gorse of South America. Roosevelt especially used this in the Caribbean
Platt amendment
Forbade Cuba from making treaties with other nations of borrowing money.
Yellow journalism
Given credit for starting Spanish-American war. The newspapers featured sensational headlines in order to get customers to read them
USS Maine
Was sent to Havana harbor to protect US citizens. Ends up getting blown up and the Spanish are blamed. This is the immediate cause of the Spanish-American war
Redistribution of wealth
The need for cheap labor, new economic markets, and a desire for military strength helped stimulate US _____
Monroe doctrine
Document was issued in 1823 to warn other nations of expanding their influence into Latin America
Country protected diplomatically/militarily by mother country
Scheneke vs. US
This Supreme Court case ruled that the words in a leaflet were not protected by the 1st amendment of the bill of rights
In the treaty if Versailles, Germany is barred from maintaining an _____.
Unrestricted submarine warfare
_____ is one of the reasons why we got involved in WW1.
John "blackjack" Pershing
Commander of US forces in WW1.
Espionage and sedition act
Allowed the got to silence ideas that challenged its authority
Selective service act
Required all men at the age of 18 to register for the military
Conscientious objector
Name given to those who oppose war on moral grounds
Major cause of WW1, the framers of the treaty of Versailles barred Germany from maintaining an army and demilitarizing of the rhileland. (Term means wanting to keep expanding a country's territory)
Planes and tanks
_____ and _____ were new weapons use in WW1 (mechanized).
Treaty of Versailles
Ended WW1, failed to recognize that all countries need to be treated justly
African Americans
During WW1 they were used for manual labor in the armed forces
Sacco and Vanzetti
Example of how immigrants with radical ideas were often mistreated. These 2 convicted and killed for murder because the judge did not believe in their radical ways, they were Italian
Harlem renaissance
Celebration of Adrian American culture in the arts and literature. This was a movement during the 1920s that reflected the new mood of the country
Immigration quota act
Change in policy in regards to immigration. Main purpose was to discriminate against people from eastern and Southern Europe and Asia
Red scare
Fear of communism being brought in by outsiders or immigrants in the us after WW1
19th amendment
Women right to vote/suffrage (amendment)
Louis Armstrong
Considered the greatest jazz musician of all time and will take his music from Louisiana to the north
Hidden night clubs where drinkers went as to not get caught by the po po
Scopes monkey trial
Trial where evolution vs. religion or the fundamentalists vs. the Darwinists
Allied war debt, American loans to Germany, militarism
_____, _____, and _____ were all causes to the end of economic stability of the 1920s
Hard to enforce cause so man people didn't care about the law....drinking was illegal
Young women who challenged social norms. Showed their ankles, drank, smoked
Great migration
African Americans moving from the south to the north
Fairer distribution of wealth
________ was the primary goal of most reform movements during the Great Depression
The presidential election of ____ is a turning point in US history. People now believed the fed govt should do more to fix the probs of society
Designed to help the farmers during the Great Depression
New deal program that put young, unemployed men to work
Social security
Piece of new deal legislation that is still around today
Relief, reform, and recovery
____, ____, and ____ were the 3 goals of the new deal programs
Dust bowl
Rocky Mountains to Mississippi River region, very flat ad not many plants to hold soil down
Security exchange commission
Federal agency that enforces laws and regulates industry
National recovery act
Attempted to stimulate economic recovery
To write something malicious and false about another person
African Americans, women
Constitutional amendments have helped both _____ and ____ be guaranteed equality under the law