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65 Cards in this Set

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Who was the president consequent to Lincoln's shooting

(by John Wilkes Booth)

Andrew Johnson, Linclon's Vice President

A dam that put ppl to work, in building it, to help out with Great Depression.One of few things Herbert Hoover did to assist the Great Depression downfalls

Hoover Dam

Reconstruction (physical & social) president, after civil war opposite ideologies than that of Lincoln

Andrew Johnson

1816, during the civil war, created this which, aimed to bring the country back together

Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty

1865, passed in southern states, which were new laws meant to provide expanded opportunities to newly freedem(provided right to marry, testify in court, to own property, etc.)

Black Codes

1865, abolished slavery

13th Amendment

1888, Added citizenship (defining rights of born or naturalization ppl)

14th Amendment

1865, an attempt to reconstruct after the civil war by Andrew Johnson, by sending North federal troops to provide construction assistance, medical care to help families & communities, & ensure all ppl made wages for labor

Freedmen's Bureau

1868, after Andrew Johnson was impeached, this union general went for equality in his 2 terms

Ulysses S. Grant

Under who's administration was the trans-continental railroad completed

Ulysses S. Grant

Following Civil War Confederate veterans from Tennessee got together, held meetings

Ku Klux Klan

1870, Added voting right protection for citizens, regardless of race, color, or previous servitude condition

15th Amendment

1880's Asked native families to relinquish their cultural ties & traditions & embrace Americanism to receive plots of land from gov.

Dawes Severalty Act

1869, the Union & Central Pacific got gov. bonds to compete, & met together in Utah

Trans-continental Railroad

Moved goods quicker than ever before, & ppl from East could experience the West

Trans-continental Railroad

1882, Prohibited new Chinese immigration into U.S. for 10 yrs. (prejudice towards Chinese excellerated during construction of trans-continental railroad)

Chinese Exclusion Act

1860, Frontiers men Bill Cody wrote stories about his experience, but stereotyped

The Wild West (Buffalo Bill)

1893, presented academic thesis at Chicago world fair on book "The Significance of the Frontier in American History," which emphasized the importance of West, set precedent for History books, showing that there's more than Anglo-Saxon culture

Frederick Jackson Turner

Some who did not come independently, could often run own buissnesses, & others who did, took up one of the most common & lucrative professions, being prostitution

Women in the West

A writer, who also became an advocate for challenges Native Americans faced against the gov., & published "A Century of Dishonor," which exposed the inequity native groups faced for decades

Helen Hunt Jackson

Concluded that Native Americans should assimilate to American customs in order to resolve issues with federal gov., but was a advocate for them

Helen Hunt Jackson

Wrote Memphis Free Press Newspaper, which discussed anti-lynching advocacy in African American communities & sexual violence against African American women. After being threatened too, left to the North

Ida B. Wells

PhD who wrote multiple books about black experiences, "Souls of Black Folk," & told African Americans to focus on own community, instead of cultural assimilation, & gave a "we deserve" attitude, with black pride

W.E.B. Du Bois

Also black intellectual, who urged African Americans to assimilate as a whole with white America (during segregation & all), & basically advocated to asking whites for help & to give to them

Booker T. Washington

Plessy V. Ferguson

1896, Homer Plessy, black, basically took case to US supreme Court to challenge Louisiana's long segregated transportation. Court ruled "Separate but Equal"

Wizard of Menlo Park. Had over 1,000 patents in their lifetime. Created stock ticker, voting tally machine, light bulb, and kinetoscope/nickelodeon

Thomas Edison

At the end of the 19th century, popularized by Herbert Spencer, & attempted to justify racist ideologies in western world (w/ science)

Social Darwinisn

Representation in American culture, a socially & politically progressive turn of the century. Considered young, anti-victorian, & physically, & socially active. Aimed to promote individual identity & express selves in ability to work outside home & clothes

The "new woman"

World's fair took place in Chicago, that showed off social & educational progress of U.S. in 19th century, that exhibited 1st building lit by light bulbs, but included racial stereotypes on display

Columbian Exposition of 1893

Scottish immigrant who worked as a telegrapher on railroad, & eventually invested in creating a steel company, from Pennsylvania. Wrote the "Gospel of Wealth," that encouraged the wealthy in America to give to charity

Andrew Carnegie

1870's through 1910's, America experienced 2nd industrial revolution, which was a rapid rise in technology, industry, & social stratification. Created urbanization, placed value on capitalism, but led to de-humanization with bad factory work

Rise of Industry

Managerial positions, & named after distinctive fashion, & higher aspirations

White Collar Workers

1860's, group of men formed one of the first unions in America's history. Protested & boycotted for improved working conditions as well as better pay & end to child labor

Knights of Labor

After staged explosion of U.S.S. Maine by U.S. of Spanish, & U.S. assisted Cuba for their independence

Spanish American War

1911, over 100 ppl died, primarily young Jewish & Italian women, & caused safety regulations to be implemented

Triangle Shirt Waist Company

Published "How the Other Half Lives" to expose living conditions of immigrants & urban poor. Describes tenament lives, & book shed light on human cost of class stratification & cost of industrial life

Jacob Riius

1914, A Serbian nationalist, to make a stand for independence from Austria, killed Austrian-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Germany & France become enemies

Origins of WW1

Original Central Powers

Austria-Hungary, Germany, & Ottoman Empire

Original Allied Powers

England, France, & Russia

When did U.S. join WW1

April 1917

Air craft, tanks, machine guns, & chemical warfare became the most impactful

WW1 Technologies

Were widely used & extended for thousands of miles, & became space where soldiers lived, fought, & died.

No man's land. Deadly, & unsafe

Trench Warfare

Posters, newspapers, magazines, etc. collaborated to increase patriotic duty & war time efforts

Wartime Propaganda

Allowed 'em to experience their contributions to war on the home front & in U.S. unemployment fell to less than 2%. Primarily filled industrial jobs, many of which directly contributed to military technology production

Women & WW2

Nov. 1918 the war ended, by 1919 the treaty of Versailles officially brought peace to the war era. Before this, president Woodrow Wilson declared this, of which he encouraged nationalism & an end to Empire building in what he deemed an age to self-determination

14 Points

After WW1, increase presence in society, & movement moved quicker than ever before. With amendment to constitution

Women's Suffrage

Early 1900's, the political platform of their party was led by men like Theodore Roosevelt, but on grass roots level. Focused on economy inequality, & improving living conditions, child labor, & improving health & sanitation, & most impactful, Prohibition


1920's American consumption exalerated. Introduced new forms of media, also increased value of advertising, & contributed to a culture which embraced capitalism, but rarely progress addressed for discrimination, & ongoing racial strife

Age of Innovation

1st of it's kind introduced in Germany in late 1800's, but in U.S., company up-ed workers pay to $5 a day

Rise of Automobile

Began in 1920's, with 1st appearance in Pittsburgh. Became epicenter of families


Silent prior to later 1920's, dominated, & contributed to the rise of celebrity culture. 1st non-silent in 1927. Houses for this became spaces of social engagement. And values replicated by younger generation


Mostly middle class/upper, & didn't have to work. And characterized the decade with a female fashion that did away with older traditions. And were younger & engaged in social activities which contradicted their gender expectations

(Persuit of Pleasure)


As early as 1820's, social movement started. By early 1900's, took nearly a century of reform & federal lobbying. 1919, amendment passed against this


Took place 1920's, & promoted distinctly African-American forms of music, art, dance, & literature. Writers expressed their experiences, & artists portrayed hardships, but joy of life

Harlem Renaissance

In 1920's, a biology teacher in Tennessee put on trial for teaching evolution. Trial on Radio

The Scopes Trial

Oct. 29 1929, stock market experienced worse downfall in history

The Great Crash

Long time Democrat out of NY, became well known, replaced Hoover in 1932, & created more trust in gov. with acts

Frank Deleanor Roosevelt

Lasted throughout the administration, & put together social programs that focused on national infrastructure, unemployment, & improving social policy. And with all, helped great depression

The New Deal


Agricultural Adjustment Act.

Roosevelt New Deal act by gov. subsidized & gave money to farmers to kill off livestock to supplement losses


Emergency Relief Appropriation Act.

Roosevelt New Deal act. Helped unemployment by giving country building infrastructure jobs to layed off factory workers


Civilian Conservation Corps.

Roosevelt New Deal act. Young ppl planted millions of trees, & in national parks too from this, doing public works programs as this


Roosevelt New Deal act.

Social Security Act.

Aimed to help groups as unemployed, elderly, & disabled. What is now gov. SSN pension


Roosevelt New Deal act.

Farming Security Administration.

It allowed the gov. to purchase large portions of land & encouraged multiple families to engage in collectivised farming on that land.

Included photography program meant to show the hardship of American farmer families

Provided new water to the west & hydro-electricity, for 1st to do this

Hoover Dam

Constitution Amendment that added women's right to vote
