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22 Cards in this Set

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After ww1 what was the majority government of Europe


What does democracy mean

Government run by the people


Governor run by 1 individual, no opposition


Goal to creat society without classes, wealth is event distributed

Communism in Russia

Vladimir led a revolution and took over Russia

Who was Joseph stallin

Had plans to boast Russia’s economy

Those who opposed him were punished

What is facism

Government system power controlled by 1 or a group of people

Opposition crushed

Many use military

Facism in Italy

1922 Benito Mussolini took over

Mussolini overthrew the government

Facism in Italy

1922 Benito Mussolini took over

Mussolini overthrew the government

Fascism in Germany

Adolf Hitler elected challenger 1933 called himself the leader

Destroyed parliament

Facism in Italy

1922 Benito Mussolini took over

Mussolini overthrew the government

Fascism in Germany

Adolf Hitler elected challenger 1933 called himself the leader

Destroyed parliament

What does Nazis stand for

Leader of National Socialist

What happens to Germany after the treaty of Versailles

Germany went into a economic depression

Who did Hitler blame for the depression

The Jews

What were Aryans

Pure German and the “master race”

What did Hitler want to do when he became leader

Get there land back and rule the world

Who did Hitler hate

Jews, antisemitism, communism

What were Aryans

Pure German and the “master race”

What did Hitler want to do when he became leader

Get there land back and rule the world

Who did Hitler hate

Jews, antisemitism, communism

What happens to the Jews before the war

Began being persecuted, banded from there jobs, shop, public places, there things were stolen.