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32 Cards in this Set

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Epic Poem

A long poem that tells the deeds of a great hero.

EX: The Odyssey


The values that Homer taught, such as courage and honor.

EX: Used to teach Athenian children to strive for these values


Town or city-state and its surrounding countryside.

EX: Athens


Served as a place oc refuge during an attack and sometimes came to be a religious center.

EX: Located on top of a hill


Served as a place where people could assemble and as a marketplace.

EX: Located below the acropolis


Heavily armed infantry soldiers.

EX: Carried a round shield, short sword, and a thrusting spear


Military formation that created a wall of shields to protect the hoplites.

EX: Used in 700 B.C.


Rulers who seize power by force from the aristocrats.

EX: Tyrants lost their power in the end of the 6th century B.C.


Government by the people or rule of the many.

EX: Still used today as our government


Government by the rule of the few.

EX: Sparta has an oligarchy


Captured person who was forced to work for the conqueror.

EX: Messenians were captured and made into helots by Sparta


Five men were elected each year and were responsible for the education of youth and the conduct of all citizens.

EX: Used in an oligarchy

Age of Pericles

The period between 461 B.C. and 429 B.C. when Pericles dominayed Athenian politics and Athens reached the height of its power.

EX: He expanded Athenian involvement in democracy

Direct Democracy

A system of government in which the people participate directly in government decision making through mass meetings.

EX: Pericles created a direct democracy in Athens


In ancient Athens, the process for temporarily banning ambitious politicians from the city by popular vote.

EX: A part of a direct democracy


Ceremonies or rites.

EX: Greeks had rituals to please the Gods


Sacred shrine where a God or Goddess revealed the future through a priest or priestess.

EX: The most famous is the oracle of Apollo in Delphi


A form of drama that portrays a conflict between the protangonist and a superior force and having the protagonist brought to ruin or extreme sorrow, especially as a result of a fatal flaw.

EX: Sophocles wrote the tragedy Oepidus Rex


An organized system of thought, from the Greek word for "love of wisdom".

EX: Socrates was a Greek philosopher

Socratic Method

The method of teaching used by the Greek philosopher Socrates.

EX: It employs a question-and-answer format to lead pupils to see things for themselves by using their own reason

Hellenistic Era

The age of Alexander the Great; period when the Greek language and ideas were carried to the non-Greek world.

EX: Hellenistic means "to imitate Greeks"


School of thought developed by the philosopher Epicurus in Hellenistic Athens.

EX: It held happiness as the chief goal in life


A school of thought developed by the teacher Zeno in Hellenistic Athens.

EX: It says that happiness can only be achieved when people gain inner peace by living in harmony with the will of God and that people should bear whatever life offers


1) Sophocles

2) Euripides

3) Aeschylus


1) Pythagoras

2) Socrates

3) Plato

4) Aristotle


1) The Persian War

2) The Peleponnesian War


1) Mountainous

2) Mediterranean Sea

3) Ionian Sea

4) Aegan Sea

5) Adriatic Sea

6) Black Sea


1) Herodotus

2) Thucydides

Persian Rulers

1) Darius

2) Xerxes


1) Athens

2) Sparta

3) Marathon

4) Thebes

5) Corinth

6) Thermoplyae

7) Salamis


1) Pericles

2) Direct Democracy

3) Athens

Gods and Goddesses

1) Zeus

2) Hera

3) Apollo

4) Aphrodite

5) Artemis

6) Athena

7) Hermes

8) Ares