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62 Cards in this Set

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Light, colorful, and joyful artistic style popular during the reign of Louis XV


Principle that all governement power comes from the people

Popular sovereignty

King of england whose policies that helped bring about the American Revolution

George III

Argued that he forces of supply and demand in a free market can regulate business activity

Adam Smith

Informal social gathering where enlightenment thinkers exchanged ideas


Helped spread enlightenment ideas by compiling articles by leading thinkers into a 28-volume work

Denis Diderot

Chosen to command the American forces during the American Revolution

George Washington

Principle author of the declaration of independence

Thomas jefferson

Grand, ornate style of art and architechture popular during the age of Louis XIV


French wealthy middle class


War tactic in which napoleon closed Europeon ports to British goods

Continental system

Head of the French National Guard who fought alongside George Washington during the American Revolution

Marquis de Lafayette

One of the main leaders in the rain of terror

Maximilien Robespierre

Method for carrying out executions during the rain of terror


Wife of king Louis XVI known for her luxurious lifestyle

Marie Antoinette

Storming of this began the French Revolution


Group of laws that reflected enlightenment principles and preserved most of the rights of the people gained by the revolution

Napoleonic Code

What rules discoverable by reason did Enlightenement thinkers try to apply to the study of human behavior and society?

Natural Laws

In a vindiction of the rights of woman, mary wollstonecraft argued that women and men should have equal...


Physiocrafts supported a government economic policy of...

Laissez Faire

Enlightenment writers often faced censorship because they

Challeneged the old order of society

Which enlightenment despot successfully incorporated enlightnment ideas into the country

Joseph II of Austria

An enlightenment despot was a ruler who...

Influenced political and social change

Because the american colonies were home to diverse religious and ethnic groups...

Social distinctions were more blurred than in Europe

The battle of saratoga marked a turning point for the american revolution because..

The american victory convinced france to support the Revolution

American leaders gathered in philadelphia in 1787 to revise the countrys first constitution known as..

The articles of confederation

Enlightenment thinkers were influenced by the idea of natural law that emerged from the

Scientific revolution

According to Thomas Hobbes the best form of government is

An absolute monarchy

The system of checks and balances in the United States Constitution was influenced by the ideas of which enlightenment thinker?


Diderot's Encyclopedia was important because it's purpose was...

To change the general way of thinking

Economist Adam Smith argued that in the free market business activity would be regulated by the forces of

Supply and demand

What enlightenment thinker argued that the purpose of government is to safeguard the natural rights of the people?

John Locke

In Jean-Jacques Rousseau's concept of a social contract

An entire society agrees to be governed by its general wil

Enlightenment writers sometimes try to avoid censorship by...

Disguising their ideas as fiction

Elegant compositions by Bach handle and Mozarts reflected a new musical style of the enlightenment known as


In the 1700s British merchants gained enormous wealth by dominating what type of trade with Spanish America

Slave trade

Which British law imposed taxes on such items as newspapers pamphlets in any other printed material in the American colonies

Stamp act

Which of the following was an advantage of the colonists in the American revolution

Knowledge and familiarity with the terrain

The constitution create a federal republic which divides power between..

National and state government

The idea of separation of powers in the constitution was borrowed from enlightenment thinker...


In France's old order who are the members of the first Eastate second Eastate third Eastate

Clergy, nobility, everyone else/middle class

Louis X VI was forced to dismiss his financial advisor when Necker proposed

Taxing the first and second Estates

One important result of the estates general was?

The formation of the national assembly

The national assembly voted to pay off the huge government debt by...

Selling church lands

The declaration of the rights of man in the citizen was modeled on the

American Declaration of independence

When the new French national convention 1792, what form of government did the radicals create


Which country was able to remain outside Napoleon's European empire

Great Britain

What were tactics helped the Russians defeat Napoleon

Scorched earth policy

The Congress of Vienna promoted to principal of legitamacy by

Restoring hereditary monarchies

In 1789 the delegates to the estate general that broke away in declared themselves to be the national simply we're from which Estate

Third estates

Participants in the tennis court oath swore to continue meeting until they were able to

Establish a sound and just Constitution

The women who marched on Versailles refused to leave until the king agreed to

Return to Paris

Robespierre Believe that France could achieve the republic of virtue only through

The use of terror

During the reign of terror trials and executions were carried out under the story of what group

Committee of public saftey

After overthrowing the directory in 1799 Napoleon and his followers set up a three-man governing board called the


The continental system was a form of

Exonomic warfare

Napoleon's final defeat was at the

Battle of waterloo

A major goal of the decision makers at the Congress of Vienna was to

Maintain peace in order and suppress revolutionary uprisings throughout Europe

The declaration of the rights of man in the citizen proclaimed

Equal rights for all man but no political rights for women

_________ was the brutal head of the the comittee of punlic saftey

Maximilien Robespierre

The Committee of Public Safety was given broad powers to

Defend France from threats

The Russians defeated Napoleon superior grand Army by

Destroying crops and villages as they pass them so the French could not utilize them