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68 Cards in this Set

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Theories of Motivation & Emotion:

Cannon Bard

Homeostasis: Stimulus, emotional state, action.

See the bear, get scared, run. as opposed to James Lange Theory. see the bear and you run.

James Lange theory:

Cog. interpretation of physiological response. See bear, shake, then able to say "I'm afraid".

1. stimulation

2. Causes reaction

3. Perception of bodily change is the emotion. (see how you feel)

Walter Cannon: idea of?

Homeostasis: maintenance of a steady state. Initially discovered by Alcameon.

Pavlov was known for:

Classical conditioning.

Associations between an environmental stimulus & naturally occurring stimulus.

Skinner was known for:

Operant conditioning.

roughly changing the behavior by use of reinforcement which is given after desired response.

Ex: baby put toy bear in toilet, got in trouble, didn't do it again.

Who was involved in latent learning or observational learning?

Edward Thorndike

Wilhelm Wendt worked primarily with holistic, functionalistic perspective.

Fix this sentence:

Reductionistic not functionalistic.

Reductionist: reduce things to the lowest common denominator.

Titchner was Wendt's student he would found what reductionistic school?


Behaviorism is based on the assumption that?

Learning occurs through interactions with the environment.

What 19th-century scholar was also associated however with introspection?

Titchener & Wundt

Descartes would be more comfortable talking to Titchner or James?


Why would Descartes be more comfortable talking to Titchner then James?

Because Titchner and Descartes both had an absolutelyreductionist perspective.

Would Angell Be more comfortable talking to James or Wundt?

James early functionalist


a species of observation, but the subject to be observed is in experience itself, " looking in" to see if elements of experience and the way the elements combine.


followed structionslism and moved away from focusing on structure of the mind to a concern with how the conscious is related to behavior, how does the mind affect what people do. How,what, not

Would Titchner have worked best with Brentanum or with Luna?


Brentanum was a member of what school?

Structualism or Act Psychology

Act psychology

what are you a beer is held that you need to have a psychology of wishes?


which of these behaviorist scholars is the closest concept to instinct?


at psychology in relation to Titchner & Brentanum

rejected the exclusive alignment of scientific psychology with physiology. Forward-looking, intentional, planful character of experience

"Wholism" mental events are real, didn't want psychology to be reduced to physiology


mental events are real. Didn't want psychology to be reduced to physiology.

What was McDougall's theory or concept?

Hormic Urges

Hormic Urges

McDougall’s basically animistic philosophy (there is a bit of soul in everything) was in stark contrast to Watson’s mechanistic approach. According to McDougall, behavior is not simply a response to a stimuli but is goal seeking and purposive. Calling his approach “hormic psychology,” McDougall viewed behavior as being spontaneous, persistent, and goal directed.

whose ideas were influenced heavily by the work of Malthus, the boys of Lifestock & acquaintance?

Charles Darwin

evolution is a very old idea, beginning with Maximander. what did Charles Darwin actually study?

Mechanisms, natural selection, sexual selection

the simultaneous discovery of natural selection was made by?

Alfred Wallace

you can detect one candle at a certain level of darkness but it takes 2 candles when darkness is less, will this FEMA most likely have something to do with Weber or Fechner?

Weber. measure your skin sensitivity

what instrument would Weber used to measure skin sensitivity with?


fix this sentence.

For Wilhelm Wundt, free will will never occur.

Free will, will only arise when one can reflect.

In what state of consciousness can free will occur?

Reflective. Reflective self-consciousness is based on deep cognitions that are won through experience.

Trog dog can figure out to move his dog pop over to his stool what kind of self-conscious does that show?

Nonreflective ( maybe he has no experience)

the early work on evolution Darwin's, was held by Lyell to fit a catastrophic or uniformitarianism frame of view?

uniformitarianism. nature never leaps.


the belief that evolutionary change is gradual and that most change occurs over vast stretches of time.

Catastrophic theory:

evolutionary change by courier, that earth- wrenching catastrophes may change the species.

What scholar held that humans are monads?


Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

what early functionalist held themselves to be a radical empiricist?

William James

who is going to be more interested in identifying elements of mind Wundt's or James?

Wundts, in relation to structuralism.

Radical empiricism studies things that?

Can be studied in the real world.

Elements of mind is what extension of psychology?

Facts of consciousness.

Immanuel Kant is a all proceeding can the concept perceived the person?

Yes. Perceptions are given to us by our concepts.

Associationism would hold that, " it helps a lot to understand a tree than?

To understand what tree leaves are

theory that the mind is composed of the elements contiguity, frequency, similarity, contrast. Example of this:

common sense think of an Apple, look, feel, taste, smell equals Apple in brain.

Inventor of the opthalmoscope?

Helmholtz revolutionized the field of ophthalmology with the invention of the ophthalmoscope. And the psycho physicist who is associated with the speed of the neuro-impulse.

Where does Descartes say the seal of the soul sits?

the pineal gland

the speed of the neural impulse equals

108 per second

founder of forensic/industrial psychology:


true or false: Munsterberg was a structuralist.

False. Munsterberg was a functionalist.

what ancient theory unites developmental psychology, biological psychology and all forms of added psychology?

Evolutionary natural selection

which early developmental scholar, Jamesian functionalist, had an evolutionary view of psychology?

G. Stanley Hall

who held the " black box" concept of mind and variables:


what early Russian physiologist sought reflex as a metaphor but as bases of metaphor " reflex basis mind"


what did Pavlov actually do?

Classical conditioning

what early behaviorist said psychology should be the objective of psychology of behavior?

Edward Thorndike.

Who is the founder of Watsonian behavior?


Weber was a major psychophysicist. name another psycho physicist who is known for their long governing perception of sound.


mathematical models of stimulus response (SR) conditioning featuring intervening variables

Clark Hall

who attempted to out Hull by getting rid of the casual nature of stimulus?

ER Guthrie

what behaviorist held that psychology was to human centered had not much to do with animals?

Watson. Argues that psychology is to human centered.

What behaviorist was interested in cognitive maps and latent learning?

EC Tolman

true or false. Wundt's utilized nonsense syllables extensively in the study of memory.

False. Ebbinghouse did.

who developed the concept of passive Association?


who proposed the concept of SOR and also stimulus response?


Hackel was a strong believer in the concept of?


true or false?

ontogeny means that evolution repeats development.

False. development repeats evolution

true or false. sensitivity- vapor finds differences specific sensory modality


Did Mary Calkins reject structionalism or functionalism or do something else?

She tried to unite them. Fuse them.

true or false. Charles Darwin was an atheist and his teenage years

False. Not until he was an adult.

the behaviorist who held the point and focus in psychology was prediction and control
