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60 Cards in this Set

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What characterized the "new era" as described by Herbert Hoover in 1920?
-A freewheeling economy and a heightened sense of individualism
What was the unemployment rate as America returned to a peacetime economy in 1920-21?
What was President Calvin Coolidge's attitude toward government regulation of business?
-promoted business and limited government
-reduced govt. control over the economy
-cut taxes for corporations and wealthy people
-Federal Trade Commission limited its power to regulate business
What industry formed the keystone of the American economy in the 1920s?
-automobile industry
What was welfare capitalism and by whom was it created?
-programs for workers
-improve safety and sanitation, paid vacations, pension plans
- businessess to encourage loyalty to the company
-discourage labor unions
What diluted the influence of women in politics in the 1920s?
-male dominance of both political parties
-few female candidates
-lack of experience in voting
-poll taxes and literacy tests
What did the flapper symbolize in 1920s culture?
-reflected and propelled the birth control movement
-sexual freedom
What did Marcus Garvey urge African Americans to do?
-rediscover Africa heritage
-take pride in their own achievements
-maintain racial purity by avoiding miscegenation
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
-new Negros
-mix of black artists, sculptors, novelists, musicians, and poets
-set out to create a distinctive Black culture that drew on their identities as African Americans
From what demographic were baseball players and fans drawn?
-working class
-blacks and whites had their own segregated leagues
What was the relationship between loosening bonds of community, religion, and family and the emergence of a distinct youth culture in the 1920s?
-the youth felt less pressure to imitate their elders and more freedom to develop their own culture
-college "rah-rah" became a fad
What was the purpose of the Johnson-Reed immigrant bill passed by Congress?
-controlled unwanted immigrants
-limited the number of immigrants to no more than 161,000 a year
-gave Europe a quote of 2%
What was the issue in the 1925 Scopes Trial?
-the teaching of evolution in public schools
Why did many Americans respond negatively to the presidential campaign of Alfred E. Smith in 1928?
-denounced immigration quotas
-signed anti-Klan bill
-opposed prohibition
-they didn't like his Catholic religion
What characterized the distribution of wealth in America when Herbert Hoover became president?
-badly distributed
-farmers suffered low prices and indebtedness
-industrial workers failed to keep up with productivity and corporate profits
-1% wealthiest received 15% of the nations income
What was President Herbert Hoover's ideas about how business should operate in the U.S.?
-we should use the powers of govt. to cushion the situation
What was the purpose of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1932)?
-a federal agency empowered to lend govt. funds to endangered banks and corporations
-pump money into the economy at the top, in the long run the people at the bottom would benefit
What groups were hit hardest by the Great Depression?
-south rural
-tenant famers and sharecroppers
By the early 1930s, how were unemployed workers demonstrating their discontent?
-expressed the Mexicans were dangerous aliens who took jobs from Americans
How did the Communist Party USA involve itself in the "Scottsboro Boys" case of 1931?
-fight against racism
-sent a team of lawyers to defend them and saved them from the electric chair
What was Franklin D. Roosevelt 's political experience before he was elected president?
-Woodrow Wilsons admin. secretary of navy
-he believed in helping the poor
-governor of New York
What was Franklin D. Roosevelt's greatest challenge in winning the 1932 presidential campaign?
-unite Democrats from the Northeast, South, and west
What was the New Deal's three-part goal?
-provide RELEIF to the destitute
-economic RECOVERY of farms and businesses
-REFORM the govt. and economy
-relief, recovery, and reform
What woman became the New Deal's unofficial ambassador?
-Eleanor Roosevelt
How did the Emergency Banking Act of 1933 strengthen American banks?
-decided which banks could reopen and release funds to bolster banks assets
What was the purpose of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?
-guaranteed bank customers that the Federal govt. would reimburse them for deposits if their bank failed
-separation of commercial banks and investment banks
What was the purpose of the Tennessee Valley Authority?
-supply impoverish rural communities which cheap electricity
Why was the National Recovery Administration unable to regulate business effectively?
-large corporations wrote does that saved primarily their own interests rather than the needs of workers or the welfare of the national economy
What farm aid program did the Supreme Court find unconstitutional in 1936?
-Agricultural Adjustment Administration
How did reform acts targeted at the agricultural sector discriminate against tenant farmers?
-Enriched large farmers while it impoverished small farmers who rented rather than owned their land
-landlords controlled the distribution of the benfits and denied benefits to many of their tenants
What state became the destination for people fleeing the Dust Bowl?
What alternative plan to the New Deal was supported by Dr. Francis Townsend and Senator Huey P. Long?
-the redistribution of income through taxation
-Townsend= "Old age revolving pension" $200 in 30 days
-Long= "Share our wealth" poor over the rich
What New Deal program included jobs for artists?
-works progress administration
What protest technique was used by striking workers at General Motors in 1937?
-sit down strike
-halting the production of cars
What were the provisions of the 1935 Social Security Act?
-old-age pensions, grants to states for dependent mothers and children,and unemployment insurance.
How were Native Americans affected by the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act?
-provided little economic aid
-restored their rights to own land
-have them greater control over their own affairs
-could vote on whether they should live under the IRA
What was FDR's plan to restructure the Supreme Court?
-court-packing plan
-added one new justice for each existing judge who served for ten years and was over 70
What actions did President Roosevelt take to change the economy in 1937?
-cut funds for relief projects and decreased deficit spending
What were the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act?
-provided workers with a decent standard of living
-set standards for wages and hours
Did the New Deal cause Americans to abandon democracy?
-no it secured democracy
What nations were turning to fascism, militarism, and violenet nationalism in the 1930s?
-Italy, Japan, Germany
What was FDR's 'Good Neighbor Policy'?
-the US would not depend n the military to exercise its influence in the region
What was the objective of the 1937 Neutrality Act?
-avoid entanglement in foreign wars
What event caused Britain and France to declare war on Germany in 1939?
-Hitler's invasion of Poland
What was the significance of the Battle of Britain in 1940?
-handed Hitler his first defeat
What was agreed upon by the Axis Powers in the Tripartite Pact of 1940?
-Germany, Italy, and Japan agreed to a defensive alliance among imperial powers.
What was an immediate consequence of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?
-america declared war on Japan
What was the relationshiop between ethnic minorities and the armed forces of the U.S. during World War II?
-fighting racism at home
What group headed the War Production Board?
-business leaders, large corporations
What was the significance of the battles in the Coral Sea and at Midway Island
-reversed the balance of naval power in the Pacific and put the Japanese at a disadvantage for the rest of the war
What technological development led to Hitler's withdrawal of U-boats from the North Atlantic?
-radar detectors
-production of sufficient destroyer escorts for merchant vessels
What was the significance of the Allied landing in Sicily in 1943?
-Allies invaded the mainland and the Italian govt. surrendered
What was the marital/family status of most women in the labor force during World War II?
-The majority of married women remained at home
-but women also worked for wages
What prompted President Roosevelt to establish the Committee on Fair Employment Practices to address discrimination?
-blacks would march to Washington if the president did not eliminate discrimination in defense industries
What was the experience of African American workers in defense factories with regard to racial equality?
-9 out of 10 black Americans lived below poverty line
-they earned 39% of whites' wages
Why was the U.S. reluctant to accept Jewish refugees?
-Roosevelt didn't want to jeopardized his foreign policy or offend American voters
What was discussed by the Big Three at the February 1945 Yalta Conference?
-plans for the post war world
-creation of a new international peacekeeping organization (UN)
Why was the Allied capture of Okinawa in 1944 especially crucial?
-because they planed to launch an attack on the Japanese homeland
Why did American scientists begin developing a superbomb in 1942?
-prepare for their final attack on Japan
-develop something before Germans did
Why did the U.S. drop a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki just three days after bombing Hiroshima?
-Japanese govt. still refused to surrender