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64 Cards in this Set

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First Class
Clergy- class that prays
Roman Catholic, separate class of people--> have laws that only apply to them
Differences in class associated by wealth
1. Main landowner in europe
2. 10% Tithe to church= tax
3. Wealth = power
Second Class
Nobility- Class that Fought (Knights)
- comes from the fall of the roman empire
- replaced by germanic kingdom
- Roman empire--> Laws and judges
- Germanic--> personal loyalty
- A king has a group of men with him at all times
- There becomes a hierarchy = warriors
- By 1500 they were no longer important to the military
- The army is now made up of commoners
- Gunpowder is invented and knights are obsolete
- Kings paid off Warriors with land--> nobility owns most of the land
Third Class
Peasantry- Class that works
- They support everyone else through working the land
- Variations in status:
- free- pay taxes and rent
- semi-free- pay taxes and rent but have certain dues to the master
- Unfree- people who have no rights (Are not slaves because they cannot be bought or sold because they are tied to the land)
Middle Class
Nation States
Nation- group that speaks the same language
Nation State- a group of individuals who speak the same language
- England, France, Spain, and Portugal
- In all cases leaders are kings
- Chaucer's Canterbury Tales--> English
- Martin Luther's Bible--> German
- Dante's Divine Comedy--> Italian
384-322 AD

- wrote about everything
- explained things in a clear and understandable language with no explanation of God or Jesus
- Church Originally says to ignore him
- Church eventually tries to reconcile faith and reason
St. Thomas Acquinas
Theologian 1225-1274 AD

- wrote Summa Theologica
- tried to answer question of "can we prove scripture and God based on reason"
-He argues why it is both true and false
- This becomes the basis of Catholic Thology--> there is no contradiction between faith and reason
say that by saying reason can help you understand God, then you are brining him down to a human level and God cannot be explained by human reason

- faith to get to the next world and reason to get along in this world.
- Listen to the Church
Pope Alexander IV

- one of the most corrupt popes in history
- supports his own family
Hundred Years War

The Church had a bad reputation because of destruction and its own selfishness
Thomas A Kempis

"Imitation of Christ"
says that the structure of the Church is fine, but you need to improve the people
St. Anne

Patron of Saint Minners
- Martin Luther prayed in the name of Saint Anne and promised that if he lived through being struck by lightning that he would enter a monastery--> Augustinian Monastery
University of Wittenberg
All of this take place in Saxony
- Saxony was ruled by Fredrick the Wise who makes Martin Luther a professor of Theology
"Great Revelation"/ Epiphany
- If God is righteous he must punish (Dilemma)
- Righteousness cannot be earned--> we cannot be saved by what we do
- Salvation comes through faith and is a gift
- Roman 1:17- he who through faith is righteous shall live
Pope Leo X

- He builds St. Peter's of Rome
- He is really in need of some money
- Creates the idea of an indulgence
- Remission of temporal punishment of sins after the sin is forgiven
- temporal punishment- need to be punished on earth even though God has forgiven that sin
- essentially it becomes that you are buying forgiveness
- Indulgence- having a sin that you want to commit you can buy your forgiveness
- Purgatory- a place where your earthly sins are purged before you go to heaven
- becomes so you can buy less time in purgatory
Treasury of Merit
- surplus of good deeds done by Jesus and the Disciples that you can buy for yourself
- Needed good deeds to help you get to heaven
Albert of Hohenzollern
- want to have 2 archbishop positions at one time
- goes to pope and asks for the Archbishopry and the pope says he must pay $34,000 ducats
- he borrows the money but then cannot pay it back
- Ultimately, the pop has an indulgence sale and half of the proceeds go to Archbishop and half to him
John Tetzel
Dominican Friar who is in charge of an indulgence sale
- Has a wagon and sells forgiveness
95 Theses
Martin Luther
Oct. 31, 1517

Written in Latin and posted on the church door for everyone to read
- Says that the Pope cannot forgive anyone or anything and neither can indulgences
Cardinal Cajetan

wants Luther to recant his statements
talks to him for three days but he doesnt change his mind
Johann Eck
challenges Luther in a debate and catches him in a number of contradictions

Makes Luther decide he no longer wants to be catholoc
"Freedom of a Christian"
Martin Luther

an essay about how every Christian, no matter his standing on earth, is a free christian in his heart and soul
Ulrich Zwingli

- creator of first non-lutheran protestant church
Zurich Switzerland
Ulrich Zwingli

- was a priest there
- agreed with Luther and turned his congregation into a Lutheran one
Bare Church
No music, stain glass, nothing that detracts from the word of God

Ulrich's idea
Catholic- means literally turn into the body of christ
Lutheran: body, blood, and bread exist together, but we do not turn into the body itself--> purely a representation of the last supper
Meeting in Hesse

Had a heated debate about communion
- comes from Zwingli church
- Rebaptizers
- if you are baptized as a baby it does not count
- must be baptized as an adult
Biblical Literalists
does exactly as the Bible says
King Henry VIII

He needed a divorce
- wife was Catherine or Aragon--> she did not give him a male heir--> "The King's Great Matter"
- Needed a male heir because of he died, England could slip back into Civil War (War of the Roses)
- Must get the popes approval to get a new wife
- Charles V of Hapsburg
- Most powerful man in Europe and the nephew of Catherine of Aragon
- says no to the divorce of King Henry
- Henry's Advisors tell him to create his own church so that he can get a divorce
1533- Anne Boleyn announces that she is pregnant by the King
Thomas Cramer
Archbishop of Canterbury during the reign of Henry VIII

Says to create new church and pushes him to do so
Act of Supremacy

- creates the church of england as a separate entity from the Roman Catholic Church
- Church of England--> same as roman catholic in ceremonies
The Institutes of the Christian Religion
- John Calvin

- first systematic explanation of protestant theology
- Predestination- God has already predetermined or decided who will be saved and who wont be
- MAIN MESSAGE: the Majesty and Sovereignty of God
- Sin is still our fault--> we cannot put our faults on God
The Elect

How do we know if we are the elect?
- Heartfelt profession of Faith
- Decent and Godly life
- Regular participation in communion
Ecclesiastical Ordinances
- Pastor- explain the word of God, conduct orders of the church (baptism/communion)
- Teachers- teach children and those who wish to profit from instruction
- must have a bachelor's degree
- also paid by the state--> no distinction between church and state
- elders (12) watched over public morality
--> often were city officials so offenders got punished on both ends
Geneva Switzerland
Example of Church structure

- consistory- pastors and elders who tried people and punished them for their sins
- Punished:
- anything that hinted at catholicism
- Superstition
- Indecent Behavior
Charles V of Hapsburg
16th Century Germany

- system of gov = monarchy
- rulers are hereditary
- Holy Roman Empire--> all of the german states
- similar to the UN
- passed laws and resolutions and the people could follow them or not because there was no officials to enforce them
- Made up of Little Monarchs ruling little States

Emperor of the HRE
- most powerful man in europe
- gained all his power through marriages
- He is a good catholic and wants to reform the corrupt catholic church but keep it catholic
Meeting at Worms

Church officials at the meeting try to get Luther to recant but he will not

Wartburg Castle- Martin Luther is kidnapped by his followers and taken here where he translates the bible into German
King Francis I of France

- was scared of Charles V because he was surrounded by the HRE
- Decides to push Charles V back--> Hapsburg- Valois War 1521-1559
Suleiman the Magnificent

Threat of the Ottoman Empire on the HRE
- Turkish, Muslim, most powerful state in Europe but not western
- Turks were 75 miles from the city of Vienna
Peasants Revolt
1524- 1525

- Luther's idea of a free christian gets misconstrued and leads to peasants violently slaughtering nobles
- Luther writes a pamphlet about this revolt --> "Against the Murderous Hordes of Peasants"

Religious Peace of Augsburg

- recognized catholicism and lutheranism as legal religions in Germany
"Cajus regio, ejus religio"
the prince can decide the religion of the state
Society of Jesus (Jesuits) : Ignatius Loyola
- professional soldier
- conversion experience while recovering from a wound

Free Will
God has given people the right to choose whether or not they want to be saved

This is not an easy choice because of temptation
-Must discipline yourself to be saved
Spiritual Exercise
Pamphlet written by Ignatius Loyola that gives examples of spiritual exercises to improve ones spiritual life
Formation of the Society of Jesus

- Heretic- protestants
- Heathens - non-believers
- goal: to convert heathens and heretics
- Papal recognition in 1540
- obedience to Pope
Council of Trent
1545- 1547; 1551-1552; 1562-1563

- reform would have happened but the protestant reformation helped to shape the direction
- Established religious authority
- Not just any bible but the Latin Vulgate Translation of the Bible as interpreted by the church
- If you have a question ask your priest--> you cannot look up your answer

You are obligated to believe what the church has told you

How is one saved?
Council of Trent 1545-1563
What is the Church?
- the visible institution of the church as established by christ through st. peter
- reaffirmation of the 7 sacraments
-reaffirmation of the central role of mass
-reaffirmation of transubstantiation
-Reform of the Clergy
- improved training of priests
- Reaffirmed celibacy of the clergy
- regulated a proper dress code
Definition: The prince is the most important figure
- the Prince is Sovereign- laws are made in his name
-The Estates
- Absolutism- occurred when the prince no longer consulted with the estates
- not a dictatorship
- an absolute monarch was supposed to respect the laws and customs of the land
The Estates
- Parliamentary bodies
- "The legitimate representative of the class privileged by law
- 3 houses--> Clergy, Lords, Everyone else
- usually not elected but sat by the virtue of the birthright, office, or service
- had control of taxes and their condition
The Politiques
- a group of calvinists and catholics who demanded an absolute monarch to stop the killing
PROBLEM: Kings during this time were young and ineffective
Absolute Monarchs Powers
- Jail those causing disorder
- Confiscate property
- Impose armed force whenever though necessary
- Raise revenue w/o approval when needed to restore order
- Respect Laws of the land as best as possible
Henry IV

- Legit heir to the throne
- Huguenot (Calvinist) but knows that he will never be able to unite the country unless he is catholic
- 1594 converts to catholicism--> "Paris is worth a Mass"
Edict of Nantes
-passed by Henry IV
- Freedom of Religion to the Huguenots and the right to protect it
- means that they can maintain their army
Cardinal Richelieu

-1610-1643 --> no real main authority to make people follow Henry's IV's reforms
- 1624- Cardinal Richelieu is appointed
- Edict of Nantes--> right of the huguenots to maintain army meant that there were armed forces in France that the King did not control
- He wanted them to give up their army not their religion
- Religious war- Kings army vs. Calvinist--> Calvinists are defeated in 1629 so no more army for the Huguenots
Letter of Majesty

Gives the Calvinists the right to religious freedom
established under Rudolph II (Hapsburg and Catholic) 1576-1612
Ferdinand II
1619-1637 Catholic

In 1618 tells the bohemian estates that when he becomes rule the letter of majesty will no be honored
Defenestration of Prague
May 1618

The messengers who were sent with Ferdinand's letter were thrown out of a window
Fredrick of Palatinate
choses as King

gives rise to a constitutional issue--> does the estates have the right to do this
Peace of Westphalia

Calvinism becomes a legal religion in Germany
Charles I
England 1625-1649

ruler is Oliver Cromwell 1559-1658 a Calvinist
Horrible system and very ineffective

Leads to the Reestablishment of the english monarchy