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98 Cards in this Set

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invade native people of italy, italics, and establish Etruria. they use italics as labor and soldiers
Rome (founded)
founded by the Italic people on fringe of Etruscan domination
Etruscans leave behind
alphabet, religion, political system, forms of entertainment...arena fighting
Romes Monarchial Constitution
King elected by Senate, banner chief of army, chief preist, chief judge etc.
Senate, 100 aristocrates, served for life, advised king
Coriate Assembly, all male assembly, little power rubber stamped kings decisions, when king took power Coriate granted Imperium to him
Last few kings of Monarchial Rome
They were abusive, son of last king accused of rapping senators wife, drove king out and abolished monarchy
Republican Government Consuls
2 ofem elected for one year terms, reside over the senate, both go to meetings, acted and looked like kings sitting on thrones, in the event of emergency could be appointed as a dictator for 6 months
Republican Government Legislative
increased in size to 300 members, aristocrats served for life, advisors, direct military, policy makers
Republican Government Under Senate
Assembly of the Tribes, organized based on the 35 tribes of Rome votes decided by majority of tribes, 4 urban tribes, 31 rural tribes, passed laws, conducted trials, elected questers
Assembly of Centuries, the roman army devided into groups, 193 centuries in rome, divided into 5 classes based on wealth, ratified peace treaties, declared wars, elected consuls and censors
Republican Government Tribune
10 eventually, elected for one year terms, represent the people cuz they can veto the senate and other offices
Roman Society Social Structure
2 Basic Classes
Patricians - Upper Class
Plebian - Lower Class
Most Important Roman Institution
Roman Family
Father held imperiom over family, but limited power over wife,
Before women marry she is controled by man ie father brother,
if women wishes to remain in fathers inheritance she chose common law marriage,
women managed household, slaves, raised kids, advised hubby, she could only buy or sell with mans permision,
Marriage Ceremony
Manus - (hand)
a client who was inferior younger person, entrusted to the protection of an older more powerful man, client would render services, military, labor for physical or legal protection
if trust were betrayed then betrayer would be cursed
By 2nd century bc slavor largest source of labor in rome, Dynamic institution, ie you could get out of slavory, freeing slaves became common in late bc,
by time of augustus slaves number 2-3 million
Large wealthy highly productive estates that sold cash crops such as olives, grapes, wool
4200 men made of 10 Coherts of 420 men, Cohert divided into 4 maniples which is 2 centuries of 60 men, much more flexible than the Phalanx
every able bodied man served
in front of the legion young boys would throw spears at the enemy and then get out of the way
front line peasents
second line weathier men little older
third line old men no older than 60
calvery highest among them cuz expensice to own a horse
Roman Polical Reforms
Struggle of the Order, Plebians distisfied with structure, clamoured for reforms but never reach full democracy
Office of Tribune
1st change in struggle of the orders, 10 tribunes elected served one year terms, veto power over majistrate,champions of lower class, becomes a dangerous job
Law of the 12 Tables
second change in the struggle of the order, 1st time roman law is recorded, a step in the direction of popular government, Draconian Code and sophsticated.
Plebian Consul
third change in the struggle of the orders... Plebian Consul elected for the first time, champion of Plebian class
Tribal Assembly rules
4th change in the struggle of the orders... rules that laws passed by them would bypass the senate and be binding to the state.
first Punic war
against Carthaginians.. one of the most destructive wars in history. Rome didn't have navy when started but had a large one when it ended. all fighting on island of sicily or in waters around it.
fine the romans place on Carthage.
raised to hate Romans, father fought in first war, he attacks roman town, rome wants him turned over
second Punic war
40000 men march through Gaul and through alps to northern Italy to take romans by surprise. defeat romans easily. Hannibal moves to southern Italy and waits.
town where romans think they are ready for Hannibal. They are defeated handedly. Hannibal feints a retreat romans follow and Hannibal encircles roman army.
Publius Cornelius Scipio
Roman general takes army through Spain and invades northern Africa. Hannibal returns to Carthage to help.
final battle in second Punic war between Scipio and Hannibal. Hannibal looses and flees and is never found.
1st Punic War indemnity
3200 talents (heavy fine)
2nd Punic War indemnity
give entire navy over, loose islands Corsica and Sardinia, can only have army with Romes permission, indemnity increase to 10000 talents
1st Macedonian War
occurs during 2nd Punic war, Phillip the fifth forms alliance with Hannibal, Rome uses Greek city states to fight Phillip and war ends without clear winner.
Second Macedonian War
Phillip tries to get Greeks to side with him. Rome declares war. first time legion vs. phalanx. phalanx is demonstrated to be obsolete.
Town where romans wipe the floor with the Macedonian phalanx during second Macedonian war.
Third Macedonian War
Persius becomes king of Macedonia and instigates Rome, romans crush them and dethrone persius, divide Macedonia into 4 republics forbidding commerce between them and intermarriage keeping Macedonia small and week.
Third Punic War
Senator Cado ended every speech with "besides, Carthage must be destroyed", Rome found a reason and declared war with Carthage. Rome burns Carthage and survivors are sold into slavery. legend says Romans salted land to prevent farming
Carthaginian Peace
total annihilation of enemy
Social and Political Problems in Rome
Men leave behind land and property for war, absorbed by patricians, men come home and cant get work... unemployment, assemblies and tribunes are methods for change.
Tiberius Gracchus
A tribune who writes land bill to give back land to men, he goes ahead with bill without approval of senate, at rally patricians show up and beet and stab him and supporters.
Gaius Gracchus
tiberius' bro. wants to cary out brothers work. senate approves land bill, he wants to nationalize grain supply, patricians oppose, then he wants to extend the right to vote to tribes. senate declares him an enemy of rome and during rally patricians show and kill him and supporters dumping bodies in river.
Jurgurthine War
Jugurthe is king of Numidia, they drive out romans and kill some. Rome declares war.
Gaius Marius
he is elected consul by senate to end the Jugurthine war. he is not a politician, not roman born, military man and good leader. he defeats jugurthe in battle but doesn't find him.
Lucius Cornelius Sulla
General who resented Marius leadership. sulla captures Jugurthe and recieves parade.
Men of Horseback
men who use military force to gain political power. extremly self ceneterd and egotistical, don't trust anyone, but capable intellegent leaders. Marius and Sulla the first.
when you proscribe someone you are declaring them illigal, lists of Proscriptions were used to eliminate enemies
Gnaeus Pompieus Magnus
"pompy the great" given command of army to put down rebellion in spain.
Marius Crassus
Senator appointed to crush the slave rebellion led by Spartucus.
Gaius Julius Caesar
Friend of Crassus, an aspiring patrician
The first Triumverate
Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar... Caesar marries daughter of Marius, Pompey marries Caesars daughter.
Caesar becomes consulate and gains command,
Pompy get easern conquest approved,
Crassus gets command somewhere else
Caesar after triumverate
Caesar gets command in Gual fights agains people of gaul writes in dairy call the gallic war, he concurs up to the rhine river, orders bridge built but doesnt cross.
Crassus after triumverate
He is sent to Syria and goes up against the Parthian Empire and gets himself killed
read page 11 of notes
marius and sulla
Pompy after triumverate
Pompey says Caesar is getting dangerous pompeys wife dies and ceaser blames him, ceasar marches on rome and declares himself dictator, Pompy flees to greece. Caesar follows and defeats him and he flees to egypt and is murdered
Caesar Political Reforms
increases size of seant to 900 of his own supporters, he declares himself dictator for life, leans torward lower class, he reformed the roman calender into 365 and a quarter days, named the months, julean calender,
Marcus Antonius
aka mark antony Caesars right hand man
Gaius Octavius
aka Octavian, Caesars grand nephew chosen to take caesars place
Second Triumvirate
Marcus Antonius, Gaius Octavius, Marcus Lepidus... he was a strong supporter of Caesa,,, made to restore order to Rome. Octavian and Antony made Consuls, another round of conscriptions
lawer strong supporter of the republic critic of men of horseback and Antonus he wasnt a threat, was killed during conscriptions, left behind a great deal of writings
town where 2nd Triumvirate crushes conspirators
2nd Triumvirate division of Rome
Antonius gets everything east of Greece and makes base in Egypt. Affair with Cleopatra
Octavian gets west including Rome
Lepidus get northern Africa
Octavian finds out and senate finds antonus' will and discovers that he wants to be buried in Egypt, Octavian declares war
where Antony's fleet is trapped and nearly destroyed, but Antony and Cleo escape, but they are cornered in Egypt and they kill themselves
Octavian to Augustus
upon return to Rome he is given title Princeps "1st citizen" elected consul year after year, senate urges him to take control over most of legions to prevent civil war,and give him official title of Augustus marking the bigging of the Empire
Augustus Accomplishments
(Gaius Octavius) considered best emperor, credited for Pax Romana (Roman Peace), extencive road networks which enhanced comms and troop movements, establishes fire depo, establishes police force to stop riots, built aquiducts, palace temples sundile
Augustus Foreign policy
he aquires more territory than anyone else.
Augustus Military reforms
Proffesionalizes army, state provides equipment, men made it career, standardized uniform
Augustus Setbacks
sent 3 of his best legions to germany and all three were wiped out. he dies and orders step son to take over.
read page 15 in notes about jesus as refresher
Jesus 9 Doctrines
God is father of all men
golden rule
repay evil wit good
self denial
hypocracy and greed very bad
ceremony not so important
jugement day is coming
kingdom of heaven
Paul of Tarsus
he is jailed for spreading christianity and writes letters to new churches, in letters paul proclaims new religoun to be universal, paul and peter crucified
The Gospels
"the good tidings" good news, named for there authors matthew mark luke and john
The Acts
gives account of weeks after crucifiction, the acts of the disciples
The Spread of Christianity
Missionaries braves against opposition, religion people could embrace and look forward to heaven, women permitted to worship alongside men, other religions not challenging christianity, emperors ignor it
Saint, translated early bible, old testoment in hebrew and new in greek into latin, it was known as the Volgate
bishop of north africa, wrote extensivly, Confessions - discribes his conversion experiance, The City of God - about sacking of rome that even was gods plan those who reject christianity will not be a part of city of god, Doctrine of Predestination - duh
Roman Achievements Roads
6 men accross (Augustus ordered 1st) 2 chariots could pass, wide enough for legions, road aloud for patrol of empire and good comms
Roman Achievements Architecture
not as fond of columns but very fond of the arch, built Colosseum, seated by class, 50000 capacity well designed p-ways,,, the Pantheon, front w/ columns rear w/ dome w/ sky light
Roman Historians
Titus Livius - wrote 142 books of roman history only 35 survive
Cornelius Tacitus - a senator, consul, govenor, wrote the Histories turbulunt time for emproers he had to praise everyone to save his own neck
Augustus stepson who takes over
Tiberius (administrator) then Gaius (Caligula) brutal, then Cladius (invasion of britain) then Nero neglectful pansy (jewish war breaks out) he commits suicide cuz know whats a comin
year of the 4 emperors
of the first 3 2 commit suicide and one is assassinated, the fourth, a general, brought in from the jew war Vespasian
Ruled for 10 years, leaves son in charge of war effort, he sacks Jerusulum and small number of survivors flee to masada, they hold out for a while but by the time they get up there they are all dead.
The five good emperors
Antoninus Pius
Marcus Aurelius
respected Senate wasn't mentaly unbalanced, they don't necessarily choose family members as successor
2nd best emperor, noted for respect of semate, spent entire career with army conquering Mesopotamia, chose collegue as successor
noted for defensive policies, constructed wall of hadrian in britain, wooden wall between rhine and denube.
Antoninus Pius
least well known of them, ruled effectivly maintained territory, tolerated christianity,
Marcus Aurelius
expansionist, fought german tribes, he was a stoic, had a diary which becam book called meditations, he chose son as succesor which was disastor
the Barracks Emperors
26 emperors to rule after marcus aurelias death
restores order and names a junior collegue Ceasar, he divided empire into four parts making it a Tetrarchy
two augusti, tow ceasars, and under them were the four tretrarchs, this ensure rapid succesion of rulers
Diocletian military reforms
army divided into two parts, mobile field force, made up of calvery for emergencies and frontier force, made up of men from local regions to defend borders
Diocletian economic reforms
made edict of maximum prices to control inflation which leads to shortages
Constantine The Great
reunites empire and establishes new capitol of Constantinople
Council of Nicaea
bishops called together to answer a queston... was jesus flesh and blood or god on earth?
divides empire in two, beginning of the Byzantine Empire
germanic tribe, asked romans to come into empire and rome oks. they grow intollerent of roman control and rose up, and sack rome.
the Vandals
tribe goes to west and sacks rome aswell,
reasons for decline of Rome
Empire to west was poorly managed, borders werent protected, general attitude of apathy, romans were very immoral, tribes were well led and cohesive groups and very determined, the east couldn't be attacked by land and sea.