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125 Cards in this Set

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fù zǐ (zhì fù zǐ) 製附子(制附子) // Aconiti Radix lateralis preparata // aconite root
(1)Revives Yang & rescues from Rebellion (severely sick, near death; very stimulating to nervous system, endocrine system); Herb is VERY STRONG; warms at primal aspect of body (2)Warms Fire & assists Yang (weakness/deficiency of Ht/Sp/Kd Yang; weak immunity, diminished basic metabolic rate) (3)Disperses Cold, warms channels, & alleviates pain (great augmenting herb for Deficiency Bi esp. Cold-Damp Bi) (4)Hottest in group, drug like, historically used for Yang collapse // spicy, hot, toxic; HT, KD, SP [B.673]
qián hú 前胡 // Peucedani Radix // hogfennel root
(1)Directs Qi downward & expels Phlegm (Wind-Heat, Lung Heat; cough) (2)Releases Exterior Wind (3)Very strong at transforming Phlegm; like chái hú (4)Raw is best to release the Exterior, honey roasted is better for chronic cough, deficiency cough (5)For Wind-Heat is often paired with bò hé and niú bàng zǐ (6)Better quality is firm, dry, dark skin, pale flesh, with oily spots // bitter, spicy, slightly cold; LU [B.376]
Topical (TonYin)
shé chuáng zǐ 蛇床子 // Cnidii Fructus // cnidium seed
(1)Dries Dampness, kills parasites, & stops itching (2)Disperses Cold, dispels Wind, & dries Dampness (3)Warms Kidneys & fortifies Yang // bitter, spicy, warm, slightly toxic; KD [B.1027]
rén shēn 人參 (人参) // Ginseng Radix // ginseng root
(1)Powerfully tonifies Primal Qi (2)Strengthens Spleen & tonifies Stomach (3)Tonifies Lungs & augments Qi (4)Generates fluids & stops thirst (5)Benefits Heart Qi & calms Spirit // sweet, slightly bitter, slightly warm; LU, SP [B.710]
shān zhū yú 山茱萸 // Corni Fructus // cornus fruit
(1)Stabilizes Kidneys & secures Jing (2)Stops excessive sweating & supports that which has collapsed (3)Tonifies and augments Liver and Kidneys (4)Stabilizes menses & stops bleeding // sour, slightly warm; KD, LV [B.857]
RelFoodSt (RegQi)
shān zhā 山楂 // Crataegi Fructus // Chinese hawthorn fruit
(1)Transforms Food Stagnation & eliminates Accumulation (2)Moves Blood & transforms Stasis (3)Stops diarrhea (4)Lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol (5)Like a very small apple; strong relieving Food Stagnation Herb, especially due to oily/greasy foods (fried foods, meat); good for Food Stag. + Phlegm; reducing herb for Excess // sweet, sour, slightly warm; LV, SP, ST [B.493]
má huáng 麻黄 // Ephedrae Herba // Ephedra stem
(1)Induces sweating and releases Exterior (2)disseminates and facilitates Lung Qi, calms wheezing and stops coughing (asthma), directs downward (3)promotes urination and reduces edema (superficial/floating) (4)warms and disperses Cold pathogens // spicy, slightly bitter, warm; LU, UB [B.3] /// CTX high blood pressure, sweating conditions, currently illegal to use
chén pí 陳皮 (陈皮) // Citri reteculatae Pericarpium // aged tangerine peel
(1)Regulates Qi & transforms Phlegm (2)Dries Dampness & Strengthens Spleen (3)Treats excess, great for nausea, vomiting especially due to Stomach Cold, can also be used with Stomach Heat vomiting with huáng lián; moves and disperses Qi; is often used to counter heaviness of meat // bitter, spicy, warm, aromatic; LU, SP, ST [B.510]
sān qī (tiān qī, tiān sān qī) 三七 // Notoginseng Radix // pseudoginseng root
(1)Stops bleeding & transforms Blood Stasis (bleeding above/bleeding below) (2)Move Blood & alleviates pain (3)Very good stop bleeding herb; very strong; best for bleeding with Blood Stasis; moves and stops bleeding; good at treating Blood Stasis pain; promotes healing (4)Lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol // sweet, slightly bitter, warm; LV, ST [B.559]
fú ling 茯苓 // Polyporaceae (fungus) // poria
(1)Promotes urination & leaches out Dampness (mild diuretic: dysuria, diarrhea, edema, bloating) (2)Strengthens Spleen & harmonizes Middle Jiao (3)Strengthens Spleen & transforms Phlegm (4)Quiets Heart & calms Spirit (poor memory, insomnia, palpitations) (5)Primary herb for Dampness in Spleen; gently presses water out of body // sweet, bland, neutral; HT, SP, KD, LU [B.267]
dà huáng 大黃 (大黄) // Rhei Radix et Rhizoma // rhubarb root and rhizome
(1)Drains Heat & purges accumulations (4 Bigs) (2)Drains Fire (eyes, tongue, throat, mouth sores) (3)Clears Heat, transforms Dampness, & promotes urination (damp heat edema, jaundice, purge lower jiao) (4)Drains Heat from Blood (blood in stools, vomiting blood, nosebleeds; removes excess Damp-Heat, fire toxins) (5)Invigorates Blood & dispels Blood Stasis (amenorrhea, traumatic injury, dysmenorrhea, abdominal masses) (6)Clears Heat & reduces Fire Toxicity (internally or topically, burns, heat from skin) (7)Lowers blood pressure; problematic constipation // bitter, cold; HT, LV, LI, ST [B.235]
dú huó 獨活 (独活) // Angelicae pubescentis Radix // angelica root
(1)Dispels Wind-Dampness & alleviates pain (any Wind-Cold-Damp condition) (2)Disperses Wind-Cold-Damp & releases Exterior (3)Shaoyin headaches/toothaches (Kidney Channel) (4)Affinity for mid/lower back, hips, buttocks, lower extremities (5)Lowers blood pressure // bitter, spicy, warm; KD, UB [B.323]
ClHt-DrFire (RelExt-WH)
shí gāo 石膏 // Gypsum fibrosum // crystalline gypsum (sulfate mineral)
(1)Clears Heat and drains Fire (2)Clears Heat from Excess from Lungs (3)Clears Blazing Stomach Fire (4)For eczema, burns, and ulcerated sores (use as paste as well as internal) (5)4 Bigs: Fever, Thirst, Sweating, Pulse; Heat in Qi Level (4 Levels)/Yangming (6 Levels) // sweet, spicy, very cold; LU, ST [B.89] /// Caution Prolonged use can lead to deficiency condition!
lóng gǔ 龍骨 (龙骨) // Fossilia Ossis Mastodi // dragon bone (fossil bones)
(1)Settles anxiety & calms Spirit (2)Calms Liver & anchors and preserves floating Yang (3)Prevents leakage of fluids (4)Topically for chronic non-healing sores and ulcers // sweet, astringent, neutral; HT, LV, KD [B.909]
cāng zhú 蒼朮 (苍术) // Atractylodis Rhizoma // Atractylodes Rhizome
(1)Strongly dries Dampness & strengthens Spleen (strengthens and wakes up Spleen to move Dampness) (2)Induces sweating & dispels Wind-Dampness (assisting herb in treating Wind-Damp-Cold Bi, mobilizes Qi to exterior/surface) (3)Clears Dampness from Lower Jiao (Damp Stagnation edema, swollen joints in lower extremities, leukorrhea esp. Damp-Cold; not for UTIs, bladder or kidney infections) (4)Improves vision (more side effect of moving Qi in Stomach Meridian) (5)Best herb for aggressively treating Dampness; best diuretic of group - clears Dampness even from extremities // bitter, spicy, warm; SP, ST [B.467]
gān jiāng 乾薑 (干姜) // Zingiberis Rhizoma // dried ginger rhizome
(1)Warms Middle & expels Cold ( esp. Sp/St; really wakes up appetite) (2)Rescues devastated Yang & expels Interior Cold (not as strong as zhì fù zǐ) (3)Warms Lungs & transforms thin mucus (frequent coughing/wheezing, thin lung phlegm, weakness of vitality of Lungs) (4)Warms channels & stops bleeding (esp. Cold in Lower Jiao: extended periods, uterine bleeding) (5)Warms and restores // spicy, hot; HT, LU, SP, ST [B.681]
chuān bèi mǔ 川貝母(川贝母) // Fritillariae cirrhosae Bulbus // Sichuan fritillaria bulb
(1)Transform Phlegm & stop cough (moistens Lungs for Deficiency cough and dry cough; acute or chronic) (2)Reduce swelling & dissipates nodules (enlarged glands, breast and lung abscesses, lipoma) (3)Also treats depression, insomnia, palpitations, poor memory – Phlegm in Heart; often used to tonify; very expensive // bitter, sweet, slightly cold; HT, LU [B.378]
dǎng shēn 黨參 (党参) // Codonopsis Radix // codonopsis root
(1)Tonifies Middle Jiao & augments Qi (2)Tonifies Lungs (3)Use with herbs that Release Exterior or Drain Downward when there is Qi Deficiency // sweet, neutral; LU, SP [B.714]
wǔ wèi zǐ 五味子 // Schisandrae Fructus // schisandra fruit
(1)Contains leakage of Lung Qi & stops coughs (2)Tonifies Kidneys, binds up Jing, & stops diarrhea (3)Inhibits sweating & generates fluids (4)Quiets Spirit while calming and containing Heart Qi // sweet, sour, warm; KD, HT, LU [B.860]
shén qū 神麴 (神曲) // Massa medicate fermentata // medicated leaven
(1)Transforms Food Stagnation & eliminates accumulation (all types of Food Stagnation especially those caused grains) (2)Strengthens Spleen & harmonizes Stomach (promotes digestion; Sp/St disharmony with Exterior Condition i.e. Stomach Flu) (3)Balancing herb, helps aid Sp/St, helps protect Sp/St; aid to help digest heavy mineral/shell herbs // spicy, sweet, warm; SP, ST [B.495]
guì zhī 桂枝 // Cinnamomi Ramulus // Cinnamon twig
(1)Releases Exterior and assists Yang (2)warms and unblocks channels and collaterals (3)warms Yang and transforms thin mucus (4)assists Heart Yang and unblocks Yang Qi of chest (5)adjusts Ying Qi and Wei Qi (helps to release muscle layer) (6)warms middle and directs turbid Yin downward (7)half dispersing/half tonifying // spicy, sweet, warm; HT, LU, UB [B.8]
máng xiāo 芒硝 // Natrii Sulfas Na2SO4•10 H2O // Sodium Sulfate
(1)Purgative, Purges accumulation & guides out Stagnation (Excess Heat in Stomach, Large Intestines) (2)Clears Heat & drains Fire (bronchitis, pneumonia, Excess Heat in Stomach: mouth sores, vomiting) (3)Clears Heat & reduces swelling (4)Brings fluids into intestines; opens and clears stagnation // bitter, spicy, salty, very cold; ST, LI [B.240]
zhī mǔ 知母 // Anemarrhenae Rhizoma // anemarrhena rhizome
(1)Clears Heat and drains Fire (equal in strength to shí gāo) (2)Enriches Yin and moistens Dryness (Deficient Kd Yin not moistening Lung, classic Deficient Heat symptoms) (3)Generates Fluids and clears Heat (St Yin Deficiency, diabetes) (4)Ameliorates Dryness of tonifying or warming substances (helps balance very drying herbs) // bitter, sweet, cold; LU, ST, KD [B.92] /// Caution: May cause loose stools esp. for patients with weak St/Sp Qi – fry in slat water targets Kd
CaSpir-AnchSet (ExWin-StTrem)
mǔ lì 牡蠣 (牡蛎) // Ostreae Concha // oyster shell
(1)Heavily settles and calms Spirit (2)Benefits Yin and anchors floating Yang (3)Prevents leakage of fluids (4)Softens hardness & dissipates nodules (5)Absorbs acidity & alleviates pain // salty, astringent, cool; LV, KD [B.913]
hòu pò 厚朴 // Magnoliae officinalis Cortex // Chinese Magnolia Bark
(1)Promotes movement of Qi in Middle Jiao (is best for dispelling distension, food stagnation, abdominal distension; helps restore downward movement of Stomach) (2)Promotes movement of Qi downward, dries Dampness, & transforms Phlegm (resolves Dampness/Phlegm in digestive tract) (3)Directs Qi downward, reduces Phlegm, & calms wheezing (eases and helps conduct Lung Qi downward) // bitter, spicy, warm; SP, ST, LU, LI [B.470]
ròu guì pí 肉桂 (肉桂皮) // Cinnamomi Cortex // cinnamon bark
(1)Fortifies Kidney and Spleen Yang, warms Heart Yang, & fortifies Yang (Cold in Lower Jiao: weak libido, impotence, poor appetite, Cold Deficiency Heart: angina, brachycardia) (2)Disperses deep Cold, warms channels, unblocks channels and vessels, & alleviates pain (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, Cold-Damp Bi) (3)Leads Fire back to its source (False Heat, True Cold or Heat Above, Cold Below) (4)Encourages generation of Qi and Blood // spicy, sweet, hot; HT, KD, LV, SP [B.684]
zhè bèi mǔ 浙貝母(浙贝母) // Fritillariae thunbergii Bulbus // Zhejiang fritillaria bulb
(1)Clears Phlegm-Heat (yellow thick Phlegm; often used with qián hú) (2)Clears Heat & dissipates nodules (more effective, stronger for nodules since draining; goiter) (3)Bigger than chuān bèi mǔ, less expensive; does not tonify, mainly draining herb; since alkaline often used to treat acid regurgitation // bitter, cold; HT, LU [B.381]
wū méi 烏梅 (乌梅) // Mume Fructus // mume fruit
(1)Inhibits leakage of Lung Qi & stops coughs (2)Generates fluids & alleviates thirst (3)Expels roundworms & alleviates pain (4)Binds up Intestines & stops diarrhea (5)Stops bleeding (6)Topically to treat corns and warts // sour, astringent, warm; LV, LU, SP, LI [B.864]
RelFoodSt (RegQi)
mài yá 麥芽 (麦芽) // Hordei Fructus germinatus // barley/wheat sprouts/malt
(1)Transforms Food Stagnation & eliminates accumulation (2)Restrains lactation (60-120 grams in tea per day) (3)Facilitates smooth flow of Liver Qi (4)Lowers blood sugar (5)Especially good for complex carbohydrate Food Stagnation // sweet, neutral; LV, SP, ST [B.497]
qiàn cǎo (gēn) 茜草根 // Rubiae Radix // madder root
(1)Cools Blood & stops bleeding (bleeding due to Heat, bleeding above/below) (2)Moves Blood & transforms Stasis (bleeding due to Blood Stasis, injuries) (3)Since red good for blood; raw for Blood Stasis, charred for bleeding; often used for menstrual bleeding issues // bitter, cold; LV, HT [B.564]
zhī zǐ (shān zhī zǐ) 山梔子(山栀子) // Gardeniae Fructus // gardenia fruit
(1)Drains Heat and eliminates irritability (2)Clears Heat and resolves Dampness (UTI, hepatitis, jaundice, cholecystitis) (3)Cools Blood and resolves toxicity (skin conditions due to heat/toxins, pulls Heat out of skin and Blood – acne; good anti-microbial) (4)Reduces swelling and moves Blood Stasis due to trauma (external application only, sprains, strains, bruises, etc.) (5)Clears Heat from all 3 jiao – upper, middle, lower; very good for taking Heat out without messing anything else up, just takes Heat out // bitter, cold; HT, LU, ST, LV, SJ [B.95]
bīng piàn 冰片 // Borneolum // borneol
(1)Opens Orifices, awakens Spirit, & unblocks closed disorders (2)Clears Heat, drains Fire, resolves Toxicity, clears eyes, removes superficial visual obstruction, & stops pain (3)Clears Heat, alleviates pain, dissipates nodules, & alleviates itching // bitter, spicy, mildly cold; HT, LU, SP [B.953]
wú zhū yú 吳茱萸(吴茱萸) // Evodiae Fructus // evodia fruit
(1)Warms Middle, disperses Cold, promotes movement of Qi, & alleviates pain (Cold Stagnation/pain, hernia pain, genital pain, cold dysmenorrhea) (2)Warms Spleen, stops diarrhea, & expels Cold-Dampness (3)Redirects Rebellious Qi downward & stops vomiting (caused by Cold only) (4)Basically is a Liver governing herb (5)Leads Fire Downward (sores of mouth and tongue)(Smells like cannabis flowers) // bitter, spicy, hot, slightly toxic; LV, SP, ST [B.687]
guā lóu 瓜蔞 (瓜蒌) // Trichosanthis Fructus // trichosanthes fruit
(1)Clears Heat & transforms Phlegm-Heat (2)Expands chest & dissipates nodules (3)Reduces abscesses & dissipates nodules (breast abscesses – early stage) (4)Can moisten Intestines and unblock bowels but requires very large dose; equals ⅓ guā lóu pí + ⅔ guā lóu rén // sweet, cold; LU, LI, ST [B.383]
huáng qí 黃耆 (黄芪) // Astragali Radix // astragalus root
(1)Tonifies Qi and Blood (2)Tonifies Spleen & raises Yang (3)Augments Wei Qi & stabilizes Exterior (4)Promotes urination & reduces edema (5)Promotes discharge of pus & generates flesh // sweet, slightly warm; LU, SP [B.722]
jīng jiè 荊芥 // Schizonepetae Herba // schizonepeta stem or bud (use just flowers)
(1)Releases Exterior and dispels Wind (2)vents rashes and alleviates itching (due to lack of blood to surface layer) (3)flushes blood out to skin, 1st choice as diaphoretic (4)stops bleeding // spicy, slightly warm; LU, LV [B.14] /// Special: add last 10 minutes if for releasing exterior
mù guā 木瓜 // Chaenomelis Fructus // Chinese quince fruit
(1)Relaxes sinews & unblocks channels (ease, loosen, soften; effective) (2)Harmonizes Stomach & transforms Phlegm (and regulates Qi; abdominal pain, spasms/cramps in calves, leg qi edema) (3)Reduces food Stagnation // sour, warm; LV, SP [B.331]
shí chāng pú 石菖蒲 // Acori tatarinowii Rhizoma // acorus
(1)Opens Orifices, dislodges Phlegm, removes filth, & quiets Spirit (2)Transforms Turbid Dampness, awakens Spleen, &promotes movement of Qi (3)Promotes Blood flow & reduces swelling // bitter, spicy, warm, aromatic; HT, ST [B.956]
huò xiāng 藿香 // Pogostemonis Herba // patchouli
(1)Aromatically transforms Dampness, releases Exterior, & dispels Summerheat (vaporizes Dampness, rids Spleen of Turbid Dampness which is dulling Spleen) (2)Harmonizes Middle Jiao & stops vomiting (best in group for queasiness, nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, etc.) (3)Treats dermatosis (4)Great for reviving/awakening Spleen // spicy, slightly warm; SP, ST, LU [B.473]
guā lóu pí 瓜蔞皮(瓜蒌皮) // Trichosanthis Pericarpium // trichosanthes peel
(1)Clears Lungs & transforms Phlegm (usually Heat Phlegm, for Phlegm blocking Lung – cough, wheezing) (2)Regulates Qi & expands chest (for chest fullness) (3)Very good for thick, yellow Phlegm // sweet, cold; LU, LI, ST [B.386]
shān yào 山藥 (山药) // Dioscoreae Rhizoma // Chinese Yam
(1)Tonifies and augments Spleen and Stomach (2)Tonifies Lung Qi & augments Lung Yin (3)Tonifies Kidneys & stabilizes and binds // sweet, neutral; LU, SP, KD [B.723]
RelFoodSt (RegQi)
lái fú zǐ 萊菔子 // Raphani Semen // radish seed
(1)Transforms Food Stagnation & eliminates accumulation (for Food Stagnation with significant Qi Stagnation) (2)Transforms Phlegm, stops cough, & alleviates wheezing (Phlegm blocks Qi preventing Qi from descending often caused by Qi Stagnation) (3)Is a Qi Mover // spicy, sweet, neutral; LU, SP, ST [B.502]
fáng fēng 防風 (防风) // Ledebouriellae Divaricatae, Saposhnikoviae Radix // Siler, Saposhnikovia, Ledebouriella Root
(1)Releases Exterior and expels Wind (2)expels Wind-Dampness and alleviates pain (Wind-Damp Bi Symdrome); expels Wind and relieves spasms (3)consolidates & rebalances surface (if pores are closed, opens; if open, closes) // spicy, sweet, slightly warm; UB, LV, SP [B.16]
huǒ má rén (dà má rén) 火麻仁 (大麻仁) // Cannabis Semen // cannabis/hemp seeds
(1)Nourishes and moistens Intestines (Moist Laxative; best herb for lubricating intestines) (2)Nourishes Yin (3)Clears Heat & promotes healing of sores (ulcerations, dry sores), also very good for skin (4)Very high in omega-3 oils // sweet, neutral; LI, SP, ST [B.245]
guā lóu rén 瓜蔞仁(瓜蒌仁) // Trichosanthis Semen // trichosanthes seed
(1)Moistens Lungs & transforms Phlegm (Lungs dry from Heat {Excess or Deficiency}) (2)Moistens Intestines & opens bowels (for Deficiency constipation, soften stools and move) (3)Since sweet tonifying; for Excess Heat Phlegm or Yin Deficiency Phlegm // sweet, cold; LU, LI, ST [B.388]
bái zhú 白朮 // Atractylodis macrocephalae Rhizoma // white atractylodes rhizome
(1)Tonifies Spleen & augments Qi (2)Dries Dampness & promotes water metabolism (3)Stabilizes Exterior & stops sweating (4)Calms Fetus // bitter, sweet, warm; SP, ST [B.726]
qiāng huó 羌活 // Notopterygii Rhizoma seu Radix // notopterygium root
(1)Releases Exterior and disperses Cold (cold achiness in upper body) (2)unblocks painful obstruction and alleviates pain (Wind-Cold-Damp Bi pain in upper body) (3)guides Qi to Taiyang channels and Du Mai (guides herbs to Taiyang channels and Du Mai) (4)use to help guide other herbs to upper body // spicy, bitter, aromatic, warm; UB and KD [B.19]
zé xiè 澤瀉(泽泻) // Alismatis Rhizoma // water plantain
(1)Promotes urination & leaches out Dampness (dysuria, edema, painful urinary dribbling, diarrhea, Damp-Heat in lower jiao; acute/chronic prostatitis/orchitis) (2)Settles Ministerial Fire in Kidneys by draining Damp-Heat from Lower Jiao (Yin Xu leading to Excess Yang – elevated libido, premature ejaculation, etc.) (3)Removes swelling/drains dampness; drains Fire from Kidney through urination // sweet, bland, cold; KD, UB [B.272]
sāng jì shēng 桑寄生 // Taxilli Herba // mulberry mistletoe
(1)Tonifies Liver and Kidneys, strengthens sinews and bones, & expels Wind-Dampness (2)Nourishes Blood & calms Womb (Yin/Blood Deficiency during pregnancy: restless fetus, uterine bleeding during pregnancy) (3)Nourishes Blood & benefits skin (dry/flakey/scaly skin due to Blood Deficiency esp. Winter skin dryness) (4) Balances over-drying aspects of other herbs in this group, said to make skin glow, increases circulation to channels/collaterals (5)Lowers blood pressure (6)Considered invasive species // bitter, sweet, neutral; KD, LV [B.335]
dà zǎo (hóng zǎo) 大棗 (大枣) // Jujubae Fructus // jujube
(1)Tonifies Spleen & augments Qi (2)Nourishes Blood & calms Spirit (3)Moderates and harmonizes harsh properties of other herbs // sweet, warm; SP, ST [B.730]
bái zhǐ 白芷 // Angelicae dahuricae Radix // Angelica root
(1)Expels Wind, eliminates Dampness, unblocks nasal passages, and alleviates pain (2)reduces swelling and expels pus (such as acne) (3)expels Dampness and alleviates discharge (improves circulation and reabsorbs dampness) (4)exerts spicy/warm to face esp. sinuses; strong anti-microbial (shigella, salmonella) // spicy, warm; LU, ST, SP [B.24]
zhǐ shí 枳實 (枳实) // Aurantii Fructus immaturus // unripe bitter orange
(1)Transforms Phlegm AND moves Qi (2)Moves Qi & releases distention (strong herb for moving Qi - good for tough cases; focuses on digestive system; is special since is Cool yet moves Qi) (3)Transforms Phlegm & unblocks Bí (is an important herb for treating Phlegm) (4)Expel stagnation & open bowels (5)Often used in prolapse conditions // bitter, spicy, slightly cold; SP, ST, LI [B.516]
bīng láng 檳榔 (槟榔) // Arecae Semen // betel nut
(1)Kills parasites (tapeworm, roundworm, pinworm; up to 30 grams; acts as laxative to expel worms and eggs) (2)Moves Qi & unblocking bowels (diarrhea, dysenteric disorders, flush out bowels) (3)Promotes urination (very strong, very draining) (4)Treats malarial disorders (not very good here) // bitter, spicy, warm; LI, ST [B.1008]
yì yǐ rén 薏苡仁 // Coicis Semen // Job’s Tears
(1)Facilitates resolution of Dampness & strengthens Spleen (must be dry fried first) (2)Facilitates resolution of Dampness & eliminates painful obstruction (supporting role, lower extremities) (3)Clears Heat & expels pus (mild, not aggressive or strong) (4)Clears Damp-Heat (Stomach/Intestines, Lower Jiao) (5)Good diuretic, assists in treating edema in lower extremities, constitutional Dampness, Damp-Heat // sweet, bland, slightly cold; LU, KD, SP, ST [B.275]
tiān huā fěn 天花粉 // Trichosanthis Radix // trichosanthes root
(1)Drains Heat and generates Fluids (cools/moistens febrile diseases, Stomach Heat/Fire, good for thirst) (2)Clears and drains Lung Heat, transforms phlegm, and moistens Lung Dryness (dry cough, bronchitis, good for breaking up phlegm and phlegm nodules) (3)Resolves toxicity and expels pus (sores, abscesses, boils, carbuncles, antimicrobial) (4)Lowers hCG, anti-cancer, slippery in nature, helps relieve hangover // bitter, slightly sweet, cold; LU, ST [B.108] /// CTX during pregnancy
suān zǎo rén 酸棗仁 (酸枣仁) // Ziziphi spinosae Semen // sour jujube seed
(1)Nourish Heart Yin, augments Liver Blood, & quiets Spirit (2)Prevents abnormal sweating // sweet, sour, neutral; HT, SP, LV, GB [B.928]
shā rén 砂仁 // Amomi Fructus // amomum fruit
(1)Promotes movement of Qi, transforms Dampness, & strengthens Spleen (2)Warms Middle & stops diarrhea (Spleen Cold diarrhea) (3)Calms fetus (morning sickness, restless fetus) (4)Used in herbal formulas with tonifying herbs (to prevent them from causing stagnation) (4)Jack of all trades herb, can do a little of everything, no specific/special function, best at doing a little of everything; crush in motor and pestle, add last // spicy, warm, aromatic; SP, ST [B.479]
lián zǐ 蓮子 (莲子) // Nelumbinis Semen // lotus seeds
(1)Tonifies Spleen & stops diarrhea (2)Tonifies Kidneys & stabilizes Jing (3)Nourishes Heart & calms Spirit // sweet, astringent, neutral; HT, KD, SP [B.881]
chē qián zǐ 車前子(车前子) // Plantaginis Semen // plantago seeds
(1)Promotes urination & clears Damp-Heat (UTIs, Lv/GB Damp-Heat) (2)Promotes urination to solidify stools (one of few seeds use to dry Lower Jiao/stools) (3)Clears eyes (excess Heat, Damp-Heat, Lv/Kd Yin Xu, redness, irritation, inflammation) (4)Expels Phlegm & stops cough (Phlegm Heat in Lungs) (4)Diuretic for Damp-Heat; eliminates Heat and drains Damp // sweet, cold; LV, LU, KD, UB [B.277]
bái dòu kòu 白豆簆 // Amomi Fructus rotundus // round or white cardamom
(1)Promotes movement of Qi, transforms Dampness, & strengthens Stomach (2)Warms Middle Jiao & causes Rebellious Qi to descend (Spleen Cold diarrhea) (3)Better at treating nausea; crush in motor and pestle, add last // spicy, warm, aromatic; SP, ST, LU [B.481]
zhú rú 竹茹 // Bambusae Caulis in taeniam // bamboo shavings
(1)Clears Phlegm-Heat (Phlegm-Heat in Lung) (2)Clears Heat & stops vomiting (Phlegm-Heat in Stomach or Gallbladder) (3)Cool Blood & stop bleeding (minor function) // sweet, slightly cold; LU, ST, GB [B.393]
gān cǎo 甘草 // Glycyrrhizae Radix // licorice root
(1)Tonifies Spleen & augments Qi (2)Moistens Lungs & stops coughs (3)Moderates spasms & alleviates pain (4)Clears Heat & resolves Fire Toxicity (5)Moderates and harmonizes characteristics of other herbs // sweet, neutral (sheng), sweet, warm (zhi); HT, LU, SP, ST [B.732]
shēng jiāng 生薑 (生姜) // Zingiberis Rhizoma recens // fresh ginger rhizome
(1)Releases Exterior and disperses Cold (fresh ginger moves, dried ginger stays) (2)warms middle jiao and alleviates vomiting (due to Cold, promotes downward movement) (3)warms Lungs and stop cough (dries and promotes downward movement) (4)resolves toxicity (esp. from overdose of herbs) // spicy, slightly warm; LU, SP, ST [B.30] /// Special: add last to decoction, do not overcook esp. for releasing function
huá shí 滑石 // Talcum: Mg3(Si4O10)(OH)2 // talcum (mineral)
(1)Clears Heat & facilitates resolution of Dampness (UTIs; frequency and volume of urination) (2)Clears Summerheat & facilitates resolution of Dampness (not real drying, rebalances fluids) (3)Absorbs Dampness (topically for Damp-Heat in skin: diaper rash, eczema, damp sores, prickly heat (4)Strong diuretic (5)Great at protecting mucus membranes of GI track – ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease // sweet, bland, cold; ST, UB [B.280]
yuǎn zhì 遠志(远志) // Polygalae Radix // polygala root
(1)Calms Spirit & quiets Heart (2)Expels Phlegm, clears orifices, & stops coughs (3)Reduces abscesses & dissipates swelling // bitter, spicy, slightly warm; HT, LU [B.932]
zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草 // Glycyrrhizae Radix // licorice root honey fried (prepared)
(1)Tonifies Spleen & augments Qi (2)Moistens Lungs & stops coughs (3)Moderates spasms & alleviates pain (4)Clears Heat & resolves Fire Toxicity (5)Moderates and harmonizes characteristics of other herbs // sweet, neutral (sheng), sweet, warm (zhi); HT, SP, ST, LU [B.734]
xiāng fù 香附 // Cyperi Rhizoma // nut-grass rhizome
(1)Smooth Liver & regulate Qi (2)Moves Blood & regulates menstruation (3)Female health - moves Qi and Blood, very important herb (4)Raw form is more moving, for upper body and surface of body; fried then treated with salty water targets Blood more, guides to blood; process with vinegar for masses and Blood Stasis; processed with ginger juice for moving Qi; dry fried/charred for bleeding // spicy, slightly bitter, slightly sweet, neutral; LV, SJ [B.527]
mù xiāng 木香 // Aucklandiae Radix // costus root
(1)Moves Qi & stops pain (2)Very good herb for treating pain - chest, hypochondrium, abdomen (3)Abdominal pain + diarrhea, dysenteric disorders; consolidates intestines for diarrhea, dysenteric disorders (4)Often is used with tonifying herbs to help prevent stagnation // bitter, spicy, warm; GB, LI, SP, ST [B.529]
ài yè 艾葉 (艾叶) // Artemisiae argyi Folium // mugwort leaf
(1)Warms meridians & stops bleeding (for bleeding due to Cold esp. menstrual) (2)Expels Cold & stops pain (Cold obstruction causing pain – dysmenorrhea) (3)Eliminates Dampness & stops itching (breaks up obstruction and moves Qi/Blood) // bitter, spicy, warm; LV, SP, KD [B.594]
xì xīn 細辛 (细辛) // Asari Radix et Rhizoma // Chinese wild ginger
(1)Disperses Cold and releases Exterior (2)dispels Wind, disperses Cold, and relieves pain (pain anywhere in body esp. head) (3)warms Lungs and transforms thin mucus (4)unblocking and facilitating orifices (powdered and snorted for sinuses or applied directly for toothache) (5)very strong analgesic properties; very powerful penetrating properties/penetrates into severe stagnation // spicy, warm; LU, HT, KD [B.42] /// Caution: contains chemicals which damage kidneys
chuān xiōng 川芎 // Chuanxiong Rhizome // Sichuan lovage root
(1)Moves Blood & transforms Stasis (hypochondriac pain, Bi pain, tumors, masses, menstrual disorders); major herb for moving Blood; recently used for heart conditions as a blood thinner (2)Expels Wind & alleviates pain (moving pain); major herb for menstrual issues/headaches // spicy, warm; LV, GB, PC [B.599]
shēng dì huang 生地黃(生地黄) // Rehmanniae Radix // Chinese Foxglove root
(1)Clears Heat and cools Blood (quenches thirst and helps stop bleeding) (2)Nourishes Yin and generates Fluids (primary use, very good for Liver) (3)Lessens Heart Fire (insomnia, restlessness, etc.) (4)Protects Liver tissue, protects liver’s glycogen stores, shrinks enlarged liver, balances serum glucose levels (diabetes), cools and moistens Liver/Blood/Skin (5)Very good for Deficient Heat, can also nourish Blood // sweet, bitter, cold; HT, KD, LV [B.120]
shú dì huáng 熟地黃(熟地黄) // Rehmanniae Radix preparata // prepared Chinese Foxglove root
(1)Tonifies Blood (2)Nourishes Yin (3)Strongly enriches Yin & relieves wasting and thirsting disorder (4)Nourishes Blood & tonifies Jing // sweet, slightly warm; LV, KD, HT [B.744]
xīn yí huā 辛夷花 // Magnoliae Flos // Magnolia flower
(1)Expels Wind-Cold and unblocks nasal passages (once crushed contains many very aromatic volatile oils) (2)aromatic nature causes opening and dilation (not good for chronic sinus conditions, is drying) // spicy, warm; LU, ST [B.42] /// Special: must be added last to decoctions
dān shēn 丹參 (丹参) // Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix // salvia root
(1)Moves Blood & transforms Stasis (Ht/Pc-chest pain, Lv-menstrual issues, Blood Stasis due to Heat); profuse menses (2)Cools Blood & clears Heat (Heat in Heart – mental issues, skin issues); for mild hypertension, preventative for heart health (3)Nourishes Blood & calms spirit (tonifies Blood calming Spirit – insomnia, palpitations) // bitter, slightly cold; LV, HT, PC [B.602]
hé shǒu wū 何首烏(何首乌) // Polygoni multiflori Radix preparata // processed fleeceflower root
(1)Tonifies Liver and Kidney, nourishes Blood, & augments Jing (2)Expels Wind from skin by nourishing Blood // bitter, sweet, astringent, slightly warm; LV, KD [B.746]
bò hé 薄荷 // Menthae haplocalycis Herba // field mint
(1)Disperses Wind-Heat & clears and benefits head, eyes, and throat (redness, swelling, inflammation, sooths mucus membranes) (2)vents rashes (3)allows constrained Liver Qi to flow freely (relieves Liver Qi Stagnation/helps relieve stress/anxiety)) (4)expels turbid filth (5)dilates esophageal sphincter so do not use with patients with acid reflux, for surface release add last to decoction // spicy, aromatic, cooling; LU, LV [B.47]
xuán shēn 玄參 (玄参) // Scrophulariae Radix // scrophularia
(1)Clears Heat and cools Blood (2)Nourishes Yin (not as good as shēng dì huáng, fluid deficient constipation, moistens stools, febrile diseases causing constipation) (3)Softens Hardness and dissipates nodules (swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, Yin Deficiency, Fire Toxins), vasodilator, anti-hypertension, antimicrobial // bitter, sweet, salty, cold; KD, LU, ST [B.123]
dāng guī 當歸 (当归) // Angelicae sinensis Radix // Chinese angelica root
(1)Tonifies Blood & regulates menses (2)Invigorates and harmonizes Blood & disperses Cold (3)Moistens Intestines & unblocks bowels (4)Reduces swelling, expels pus, generates flesh, & alleviates pain (5)Treats coughs // spicy, sweet, warm; LV, SP, HT [B.750]
yán hú suǒ 延胡索 // Corydalis Rhizoma // corydalis rhizome
(1)Invigorates Blood, moves Qi, & alleviates pain (treats pain anywhere due to Blood Stasis/Qi Stagnation) (2)Very commonly used, moves Blood and Qi (3)Calms therefore good for insomnia // bitter, spicy, warm; LV, HT, ST [B.606]
mǔ dān pí 牡丹皮 // Moutan Cortex // tree peony root bark
(1)Clears Heat and cools Blood (esp. skin) (2)Clears Deficiency Fire (Yin Deficiency fever) (3)Invigorates Blood and dispels Blood Stasis (disperses, downward clearing, menstrual issues, abdominal masses, fibroids, ovarian cysts, traumatic injury) (4)Clears ascending Liver Fire (Yang or Fire) (5)Drains pus and reduces swelling (acne, sores, boils, carbuncles) // spicy, bitter, slightly cold; HT, LV, KD [B.126] /// CTX during pregnancy/excessive menstrual bleeding; Caution: lowers blood pressure and body temperature, tranquilizing
bái sháo 白芍 // Paeoniae Radix alba // white peony root
(1)Nourishes Blood & regulates menses (2)Calms and curbs Liver Yang & alleviates pain (3)Preserves Yin & adjusts Ying and Wei levels // bitter, sour, mildly cold; LV, SP [B.754]
chuān liàn zǐ 川楝子 // Toosendan Fructus // Sichuan chinaberry
(1)Also called Jīn Líng Zǐ (Golden Bell Seed/Fruit) (2)Smooth Liver & regulate Qi; treats Liver Heat conditions (3)Kills parasites & heals tinea (not truly strong enough to kill parasites – helps relieve abdominal pain from worms; apply topically to scalp to treat tinea) // bitter, cold, slightly toxic; LV, ST, SI, UB [B.544]
yù jīn 鬱金 (郁金) // Curcumae Radix // curcuma tuber
(1)Moves Blood & stops pain (good at moving Blood but only ok for pain; good for amenorrhea, abdominal masses) (2)Cools Blood & clears Heat (cools Heart, bleeding form Heat, clears Heat/Phlegm form Heart (3)Smooth Liver & release constraint (Liver Qi Stagnation, depression, breast tenderness, PMS) (4)Benefits Gallbladder & reduces jaundice (both, better if Yang) (5)Good as Gold in treating depression (6)Lowers blood cholesterol // bitter, spicy, cold; LV, HT, LU [B.609]
zhì bàn xià (bàn xià) 製半夏(制半夏) // Pinelliae Rhizoma preparatum // prepared pinellia rhizome
(1)Dries Dampness, transforms Phlegm, & descends Qi (very drying herb, for Cold-Phlegm) (2)Harmonizes Stomach & stops vomiting (great herb for vomiting, Heat or Cold; severe morning sickness) (3)Dissipates nodules & reduces distension (abnormal growth in fatty tissue) (4)Raw is most toxic; ginger processed less toxic // spicy, warm, toxic; LU, SP, ST [B.413]
sháo yào (bái sháo, bái sháo yào) 芍藥 (白芍藥) // Paeoniae Radix alba // white peony root
(1)Nourishes Blood & regulates menses (2)Calms and curbs Liver Yang & alleviates pain (3)Preserves Yin & adjusts Ying and Wei levels // bitter, sour, mildly cold; LV, SP [B.754]
jú huā 菊花 // Chrysanthemi Flos // chrysanthemum flower
(1)Disperses Wind and clears Heat (eyes, headaches) (2)Calms Liver and clears eyes (lowers ascendant Yang due to Liver Yin Deficiency) (3)Calms Liver and extinguishes Wind (good stress reducer, suppresses sympathetic nervous system) (4)Resolves Toxicity (5)Strong ability to lower blood pressure! (6)Light, soothing, easing // sweet, bitter, slightly cold; LU, LV [B.58]
huáng qín 黃芩 (黄芩) // Scutellariae Radix // baical skullcap root
(1)Clears Heat and Dries Dampness (St, Intestines, anti-inflammatory to GI/Respiratory tracts, dysentery, food poisoning, cholecystits, hepatitis, jaundice (2)Clears Heat and resolves Toxicity (esp. upper jiao, bronchitis, sinus/ear/throat infection, acne) (3)Clears Heat and stops bleeding (4)Clears Heat and calms fetus (5)Sedates ascendant Liver yang (irritability, red eyes, flush face, headache) (5)Potent broad spectrum antibiotic, inhibits excessive peristalsis, antispasmodic, diuretic, lowers blood pressure // bitter, cold; LU, ST, GB, LI [B.131]
yì mǔ cǎo 益母草 // Leonuri Herba // Chinese motherwort
(1)Moves Blood and Qi; a very commonly used herb (2)Moves Blood & regulates menses (3)Promotes urination & reduces edema (by regulating Qi) (4)Cools Blood & eliminates rashes (for skin conditions, also itching) (5)Lowers blood pressure // bitter, spicy, slightly cold; LV, HT, UB [B.614]
huáng lián 黃連 (黄连) // Coptidis Rhizoma // coptis rhizome
(1)Clears Heat and drains Dampness (esp. St, LI = dysentery) (2)Drains Fire and resolves Fire Toxicity (bladder/kidney infection, yeast infection, boils, carbuncles, acne, abscesses, hot Bi in joints, internal or external) (3)Clears Heat and stops bleeding (4)Clears Heat topically (5)Clears Heart Heat (irritability, insomnia, restlessness) (6)Strong affinity for middle jiao, broad spectrum antibiotic, antifungal/amebic dysentery, TB, typhoid fever, scarlet fever; anti-inflammatory=ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease // bitter, cold; HT, LI, LV, ST [B.134]
gǒu qǐ zǐ 枸杞子 // Lycii Fructus // Chinese wolfberry
(1)Nourishes and tonifies Liver and Kidneys (2)Benefits Jing & brightens eyes (3)Enriches Yin & moistens Lungs // sweet, neutral; LV, KD, LU [B.761]
huáng bǎi 黃柏 (黄柏) // Phellodendri Cortex // phellodendron bark
(1)Drains Damp-Heat, particularly from lower jiao (urogenital region, dysentery, nephritis, pyelonephritis, orchitis) (2)Drains Kidney Fire (clears Kidney Yin Deficiency Heat/Fire) (3)Drains Fire and resolves Fire Toxicity (internally/externally, skin lesion conditions) (4)Affinity for lower jiao, UTIs, bladder/kidney infections, leukorrhea, skin conditions, Deficient Heat // bitter, cold; KD, UB [B.138]
chì sháo (sháo yào) 赤芍 (芍藥) // Paeoniae Radix rubra // red peony root
(1)Invigorates Blood and dispels Blood Stasis (promotes circulation through tissues, dissolves clots, clears dead rbcs) (2)Clears Heat and cools Blood (wide range of Heat in Blood, very good for clearing Heat from Blood, Liver, skin) (3)Moderate anti-inflammatory (gout, arthritis, arthralgia), antibiotic, antifungal, antispasmodic, lowers body temp and blood pressure through vasodilatation, relaxes smooth muscle, thins blood, anti-clotting effect // sour, bitter, slightly cold; LV, SP [B.624]
lóng dǎn cǎo 龍膽草(龙胆草) // Gentianae Radix // Chinese gentian root
(1)Drains Damp-Heat from Liver and Gallbladder channels (jaundice, herpes, hepatitis, cholecystitis, Liver Yang/Fire Rising) (2)Drains and pacifies excessive Liver Fire (migraines, etc.) (3)“Dragon Gallbladder Herb”; primary herb for draining Fire from Lv/GB // bitter, cold; GB, LV, ST [B.141]
táo rén 桃仁 // Persicae Semen // peach kernal
(1)Moves Blood & expels Stasis (menstrual/birth, lower abdominal Blood Stasis, and injuries/bruises/pain/ abscesses); one of most commonly used Blood Mover; best for older patients since gentle (2)Moistens Intestines & unblocks bowels (mild not very good) (3)Good for tumors (blood level), more lower body // bitter, sweet, neutral; LV, HT, LU, LI [B.624]
kǔ shēn 苦參 (苦参) // Sophorae flavescentis Radix // sophora root
(1)Clears Heat and dries Dampness (dysentery, toxic sores on skin, problematic Damp-Heat Leukorrhea) (2)Disperses Wind, kills parasites, and stops itching (bacteria, fungi, yeast, parasites) (3)Clears Heat and promotes urination (UTIs, kidney infections, hot edema, Hot Bi) (4)Great external antibiotic, anti-fungal // bitter, cold; UB, HT, LV, ST, LI, SI [B.144] /// Special: “bitter root”; best not used in decoction since VERY BITTER
gé gēn 葛根 // Puerariae Radix // Kudzu root
(1)Discharges Exterior conditions and releases muscles (Wind-Heat in muscles causing stiffness, tight, pain) (2)Relieves Heat and generates fluids (restores Stomach Yin, moistens Stomach; good for Stomach Flu) (3)Vents and discharges measles (4)Raises Yang and stops diarrhea (firms stools, common side effect) (5)Treats symptoms of hypertension (opens up muscle layer) // sweet, spicy, cool; SP, ST [B.70]
hóng huā (zang hóng huā) 紅花 (红花) // Carthami Flos // safflower (saffron)
(1)Moves Blood & transforms Stasis (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, long cycles, post partum pain, heavy clotting; Blood Stasis pain), profuse menses // spicy, warm; LV, HT [B.627]
yīn chén hāo (yīn chén, mián yīn chén) 茵陳蒿(茵陈蒿) // Artemisiae scopariae Herba // virgate wormwood
(1)Clears Heat, resolves Dampness, & reduces jaundice (cholecystitis, all types of jaundice – acute, chronic, Yang, Yin) (2)Clears Heat & facilitates resolution of Dampness (for skin and lower body only) (3)For Damp-Heat in Spleen (pancreatitis) (4)Great and beneficial for Liver-increases bile flow, promotes normal contraction of gallbladder, lowers liver cell death, promotes hepatic cell regeneration, great for treating all types of hepatitis // bitter, slightly cold; LV, GB, SP, ST [B.310]
jié gěng 桔梗 // Platycodi Radix // platycodon root
(1)Opens Lung Qi & expels Phlegm (makes Phlegm thinner so easier to cough up) (2)Promotes discharge of pus (carbuncles, boils, lung abscess) (3)Benefits throat (sore throat, hoarseness, loss of voice) (4)Directs effect of other herbs to upper regions of body (5)Wild is best; is often paired with pàng dà hǎi // bitter, spicy, neutral; LU [B.429]
chái hú 柴胡 // Bupleuri Radix // hare’s ear root
(1)Resolves Shaoyang disorders and reduces fever (half interior/half exterior, Malaria) (2)Spreads Liver Qi and relieves constraint (physical or mental symptoms) (3)Raises and lifts Yang Qi, specifically Clear Qi of Stomach and Gall Bladder (prolapsed organs) (4)In top 15 most prescribed herbs; only herb able to drive pathogens out of shaoyang; parasympathomimetic // bitter, spicy, cool; GB, LV, PC, SJ [B.73]
DrDamp-Diur (DispWD)
hàn fáng jǐ (fáng jǐ) 漢防己(汉防己) // Stephaniae tetrandrae Radix // stephania root
(1)Promotes urination & reduces edema (2)Expels Wind-Dampness & alleviates pain (3)Diuretic, Damp Bi // bitter, spicy, cold; UB, SP, KD [B.313]
jīn yín huā 金銀花(金银花) // Lonicerae Flos // honeysuckle flower
(1)Clears Heat & resolves Fire Toxicity (sores, boils, carbuncles, infected bites/cuts, sore throat) (2)Vents and disperses externally contracted Wind-Heat (since flower, affinity for surface, drives off//out pathogens) (3)Clears Damp-Heat from xia jiao (UTI, usually not strong enough for dysentery) (4)Good for acne, infected cuts/bites, colds/flus, can be boiled and used as eye drops for conjunctivitis, moderate antimicrobial, outward moving // sweet, cold; LI, LU, ST [B.148]
xuán fù huā 旋覆花 // Inulae Flos // inula flower
(1)Directs Qi downward & expels Phlegm (Lung) (2)Stops vomiting & calms Rebellion (Stomach, Wood attack Earth, plumb-pit Qi) (3)Every flower goes up except this // bitter, spicy, slightly warm; LV, LU, SP, ST [B.432]
shēng má 升麻 // Cimicifugae Rhizoma // black cohosh rhizome, bugbane rhizome
(1)Discharges Exterior conditions and vents measles (2)Clears Heat and resolves toxicity (3)Raises Yang and lifts what has sunken // sweet, spicy, slightly cold; LI, LU, SP, ST [B.78] /// Caution: “Ascending Hemp”; will aggravate herpes zoster/shingles
ròu cōng róng 肉蓯蓉(肉苁蓉) // Cistanches Herba // cistanche
(1)Tonifies Kidney Yang & augments Jing and Blood (2)Moistens Intestines & facilitates passage of stools // sweet, salty, warm; KD, LI [B.775]
lián qiào 連翹 (连翘) // Forsythiae Fructus // forsythia fruit
(1)Clears Heat & resolves Toxicity (sores, boils, carbuncles, sore throat) (2)Reduces abscesses & dissipates clumps (puffiness and swelling of mucus membranes: nasopharynx, sinuses; external sores, internal abscesses, scrofula) (3)Expels externally contracted Wind-Heat, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes; cystic acne, soothes, tightens, shrinks puffy, swollen, inflamed mucus membranes // bitter, slightly spicy, slightly cold; HT, LU, GB [B.153]
xìng rén 杏仁 // Armeniacae Semen // apricot seed
(1)Stops coughing and wheezing (very commonly used, for all types of coughing/wheezing; is #1 herb for coughing/wheezing) (2)Moistens Intestines & unblocks bowels (3)There are two varieties: nán – sweet, less or non-toxic and bèi – bitter and more toxic // bitter, slightly warm, slightly toxic; LU, LI [B.437]
yín yáng huò 淫羊藿 // Epimedii Herba // epimedium
(1)Tonifies Kidneys & fortifies Yang (2)Dispels Wind-Cold-Dampness & warms and unblocks flow of Yang Qi // spicy, sweet, warm; KD, LV [B.778]
chuān niú xī (niú xī) 川牛膝 // Cyathulae Radix // cyathula root
(1)Moves Blood & transforms Stasis (chronic low back/knee pain) (2)Expels Wind & drains Dampness // bitter, sweet, neutral; LV, KD [B.641]
bā jǐ tiān 巴戟天 // Morindae officinalis Radix // Morinda root
(1)Tonifies Kidneys & fortifies Yang (2)Disperses Wind-Dampness & strengthens sinews and bones // spicy, sweet, slightly warm; KD [B.780]
niú xī (huái niú xī) 懷牛膝(怀牛膝) // Achyranthis bidentatae Radix // achyranthes root
(1)Moves Blood & transforms Stasis (injuries, menstrual/birth, better at treating lower body) (2)Tonifies Liver and Kidneys & strengthens sinews and bones (3)Induces downward movement of Blood (nosebleed, vomiting blood, dizziness, blurred vision) (4)Promotes urination & reduces edema (5)More tonifying; very strong at causing downward movement; smoother and lighter in color // bitter, sour, neutral; LV, KD [B.641]
zǐ sū zǐ (sū zǐ) 紫蘇子(紫苏子) // Perillae Fructus // perilla fruit
(1)Stops coughing and wheezing (only Cold with profuse sputum) (2)Moistens Intestines (3)Directs Qi downward // spicy, warm; LU, LI [B.444]
bǎn lán gēn (nán bǎn lán gēn) 板藍根(南板蓝根) // Baphicacanthis cusiae Rhizoma et Radix // baphicacanthus root
(1)Clears Heat, Resolves Toxicity (2)Cools Blood (3)Reduces swelling // bitter, cold; ST, HT, LV [B.160]
bǔ gǔ zhī 補骨脂(补骨脂) // Psoraleae Fructus // psoralea fruit
(1)Tonifies Kidneys & fortifies Yang (2)Tonifies and warms Spleen Yang & stops diarrhea (3)Topically as tincture for vitiligo // bitter, spicy, very warm; KD, SP [B.786]
dù zhòng 杜仲 // Eucommiae Cortex // eucommia bark
(1)Tonifies Liver and Kidneys & strengthens sinews and bones (2)Aids in smooth flow of Qi and Blood (3)Calms fetus (4)For dizziness and lightheadedness // sweet, slightly spicy, warm; KD, LV [B.792]
xù duàn 續斷 (续断) // Dipsaci Radix // dipsacus
(1)Tonifies Liver and Kidneys & strengthens sinews and bones (2)Calms fetus & stops leakage (3)Promotes movement of Blood, alleviates pain, & reconnects sinews and bones // bitter, sweet, spicy, slightly warm; KD, LV [B.797]
tù sī zǐ 菟絲子(菟丝子) // Cuscutae Semen // cuscuta seeds
(1)Tonifies Yang, augments Yin, & secures Jing and urine (2)Tonifies Liver and Kidneys & improves vision (3)Benefits Spleen and Kidneys & stops diarrhea (4)Calms fetus // spicy, sweet, neutral; KD, LV [B.802]
běi shā shēn (shā shēn) 北沙參 (北沙参) // Glehniae Radix // glehnia root
(1)Nourishes Lung Yin & clears Lung Heat (2)Nourishes Stomach Yin & generates fluids // sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold; LU, ST [B.818]
mài mén dōng 麥門冬(麦门冬) // Ophiopogonis Radix // ophiopogon tuber
(1)Moistens Lungs & nourishes Yin (2)Augments Stomach Yin & generates fluids (3)Moistens Intestines (4)Clears Heat & eliminates irritability // sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold; HT, LU, ST [B.824]
tiān mén dōng 天門冬 (天门冬) // Asparagi Radix // asparagus tuber
(1)Nourishes Kidney Yin & clears Lung Heat (2)Moistens Lungs, nourishes Kidneys, & generates fluids // bitter, sweet, very cold; KD, LU [B.827]
ClHt-Toxic (ClHt-DryDamp)
bái xiān pí 白鮮皮(白鲜皮) // Dictamni Cortex // dictamnus root bark
(1)Clears Heat, resolves Fire Toxicity, expels Wind, and dries Dampness (good at treating Bi Syndrome – joint inflammation, chronic sinusitis, goes to muscle/flesh and joints) (2)Clears Damp-Heat and stops itching (“White Flesh Bark” means it is very good for skin conditions) (3)Does not stress St/Sp (4)Gynecological conditions // bitter, cold; SP, ST [B.197]
tǔ fú ling 土茯苓 // Smilacis glabrae Radix // smilax
(1)Resolves Toxicity & eliminates Dampness (2)Clears Damp-Heat from skin (yeast, fungi in skin, jock itch, jungle rot) (3)Used to treat Damp in extremities, Damp-Heat in skin; strong diuretic (4)Use for severe Dampness (for minor Dampness use bai xian pi) // sweet, bland, neutral; LV, ST [B.199] /// Caution: Very drying - prolonged use can damage fluids
bǎi hé 百合 // Lilii Bulbus // lily bulb
(1)Moistens Lungs, clears Heat, & stops coughs (2)Clears Heart & calms Spirit // sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold; HT, LU [B.835]
ClHt-Defic (ClHt-Toxic)
qīng hāo 青蒿 // Artemisiae annuae Herba // sweet wormwood
(1)Clears Summerheat (light aromatic quality, lowers fever, eases headache, dizziness) (2)Clears fever from Deficiency (tidal fever, steaming bone syndrome) (3)Cools Blood & stops bleeding (bloody noses, purpura, rashes, etc.) (4)Checks malarial disorders & resolves Heat (balances fever and chills but does not kill parasite) (5)Good antimicrobial, anti yeast/fungi, is in the product Paragard // bitter, spicy, cold; KD, LV, GB [B.219] /// Special: add last to decoction since aromatic