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235 Cards in this Set

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Peripheral arterial disease

Found in approximately 30% of Adult pop

Stenotic, occlusive aneurysmal disease of the aorta, its visceral arterial branches, and the arteries of the lower extremities, but not coronary arteries

Venous thrombosis


presence of a thrombus or clot in a vein that is accompanied by an inflammatory response in the vein wall.


pulmonary emboloism

dislodgment of the thrombus produces _____ that can travel to the lungs, causing _____ and possible death

superficial thombi

Deep Vein thrombosis (DVT)

thrombi that are usually a response to vessel injury and rarely cause injury

grave danger to pt. 2 million cases per year in US

Chronic venous insufficiency

(may lead to varicose veins and skin changes)

incompetent vein valaves secondary to deep being thrombosis or prolonged increased venous pressure as seen in standing or pregnancy

1) Intima

2) media

3) adventitia (externa):

Layers of the arteries (3)


artery layer

single continuous lining of endothelial cells,

synthesize regulators of clotting, modulate blood flow through synthesis of vasoconstrictors and vasodilators, regulate vein and inflammatory response


fatty thickening in the walls of arteries

complex atheromas

thickened asymmetric plaques that narrow the lumen, reducing blood flow, and weaken the underlying media


artery layer

composed of smooth muscle cells that dilate and constrict to accommodate blood flow

branches from aorta

large: highly elastic arteries (iliac, carotid, pulm)

medium: muscular arteries (coronary, renal)

Small: less than 2 mm diameter

arterioles: resistance to blood flow occurs here






dorsalis pedis

posterior tibial

Palpable arteries (7)


thin walled and highly distensble.

capacity for up to two thirds of circulating blood


protrude into the lumen of veins

promote unidirectional venous return to the heart


irregular dilatation of veins

great saphenous (anterior leg)

small saphenous (posterior calf)

two veins that are superficial with poor tissue support.

communicating veins

connect the superficial venous system with the deep system

lymphatic system

extensive vascular network that drains lymph fluid from body tissues and returns it to the venous circulation

places a large role in in body's immune system

lymph nodes

round, oval (bean shaped) structures that engulf cellular debris and bacteria and produce antibodies

epitrochlear nodes

lymphatics from the ulnar surface of the forearm and hand drain here _____, then onto the axillary nodes. (where the radial surface drains immediately)


only ____ nodes are palpable

horizontal group: lies in a chain high in the anterior thigh below the inguinal ligament

vertical group: clusters near the upper part of the saphenous vein

superficial inguinal nodes (2)


artery layer

connective tissue containing nerve fiber


lymphatic dysfunction or disturbances in capillary bed fluid exchange common result in the presence of excess fluid in the interstitial spaces

1) increased capillary blood pressure (hydrostatic pressure)

2)increased capillary membrane permeability (capillary leak syndrome)

3)low plasma protein levels (creating low colloid osmotic pressure)

4)blockage or removal of lymphatic drainage


6) venous insufficiency

6 Edema causing factors

hydrostatic pressure

blood pressure, forcing fluid out of arteriolar end of capillary bed

colloid oncotic pressure of palm proteins

pulls fluid back into blood stream toward the venous end of the capillary beds

1+ 2mm

2+ 4mm

3+ 6mm

4+ 8mm

depression lasts 5-30 seconds

pitting edema depression measuring scale

edema, varicose veins, aching in the legs

3 symptoms of venous stasis

raynaud disease

small arteries spasm in response to cold and change color of fingers and toes (pallor)

estrogen use and pregnancy

increase risk for blood clots

lymphedema of the arm and hand

may follow axillary node dissection and radiation therapy


an artery that is widely dilated

3+ Bounding

2+ Brisk, expected (normal)

1+ diminished, weaker than expected

0 absent, unable to palpate

4 gradings of pulses

aortic insufficiency

brachial artery

bounding carotid, radial, and femoral pulses may illicit ____ , then you should palpate the ____

not its size, consistency, and tenderness

if a node is present, ___(3)___

lying down, draped (genitalia), legs fully exposed

to inspect the legs, the pt should be ___(3)___

chronic venous insufficiency

brownish discoloration or ulcers just above the malleolus suggest

arterial insufficiency from inadequate circulation

coldness, especially when unilateral, suggests ___

Venous distension

occurs when the veins swell because there is a greater volume of blood moving through them than there should be

lymphedema and advanced venous insufficiency

thickened brawny skin suggests


pathological dilatation of the artery

pain and numbness or tingling

cold pale and pulseless

sudden arterial occlusion from embolism or thrombosis causes __(3)___.

The limb distal to the occlusion becomes __(3)__


enlargement of the nodes, with or without tenderness

varicose veins

veins that are dilated and tortuous. Their walls may feel somewhat thickened. seen often in legs

allen test

compressing ulnar and radial veins in hands while pt makes fist.

release one at a time and look for skin flushing (3-5 seconds) or pallor (artery occlusion)

Ankle-brachial index (ABI)

if pt has risk factors of peripheral artery disease, ___ should be performed.

it is a noninvasive method to assess lower extremity arterial blood flow by comparing systolic blood pressure in ankle and arms


dusky redness in skin

pulsus alterans

the rhythm of the pulse remains regular, but the force of the arterial pulse alternates because of strong/ weak ventricular contractions

usually indicates L sided heart failure

sets the stage for development of DVT

venous stasis, hypercoagulability, vessel wall damage

virchow triad

smoking cessation

weight control

exercise program

hypertension control

hyperlipidemia control

diabetes management

limiting alcohol intake

foot care

health promotion for arterial disease (8)

avoidance of prolonged sitting and standing

" of constrictive clothing

exercise program

weight control

foot care

dehydration prevention

health promo for venous disease (6)

right upper quadrant (RUQ)

r lower quadrant (RLQ)

Left U quadrant (LUQ)

L L quadrant (LLQ)

quadrants of the abdomen

ascending colon



right kidney


pancreas (head)

transverse colon

ureter (right)

RUQ (8)

descending colon

left kidney

pancreas (body and tail)



transverse colon

ureter (left)

LUQ (7)


ascending colon




ovary, uterus and fallopian tube

prostate and spermatic cord

small intestine

ureter (right)

RLQ (9)


descending colon

ovary, uterus, fallopian tube

prostate and spermatic cord

small intestine

sigmoid colon

ureter (left)

LLQ (7)

visceral pain

parietal pain

referred pain

3 types of abdominal pain

visceral pain

occurs when hollow abdominal organs (intestine) contract unusually forcefully or are distended/ stretch.

pain of actual organ

parietal pain

originates from inflammation in the parietal peritoneum

pain of a cavity

referred pain

pain in shoulder from ruptured spleen

pain in different part of the body from the infected area



most common GI complaint


chronic or recurrent discomfort or pain centered in the upper abdomen


a subjective negative feeling that is nonpainful

ie: bloating, nausea, fullness, heartburn


rising retrosternal burning pain or discomfort occurring weekly or more often

gastroesophageal reflux disease

symptoms include heartburn, acid reflux, regurgitation more than once a week



difficulty swallowing


pain in swallowing


RLQ pain or pain that migrates from the periumbilical region, combined with abdominal wall rigidity on palpation

may cause pt to double over

small, bulging sacs or pouches of the inner lining of the intestine that become inflamed or infected. Most often, these pouches are in the large intestine (colon).


general term for distress associated with eating that can have many meanings


feeling sick to my stomach


involuntary spasm of the stomach, diaphragm, and esophagus that culminates in vomiting



forceful expulsion of gastric contend out of the mouth


coffee grounds emesis or red blood


loss or lack of appetite


passing excessive gas

acute diarrhea

chronic diarrhea

diarrhea that last 2 weeks or fewer

diarrhea that last 4 weeks or longer


a constant urge to defacate accompanied by pain, cramping, and involuntary straining

present for atlas 12 weeks of prior 6 months

with 2 or more symptoms

fewer than 3 bowel movements/ week

25% or more defamation with either straining or incomplete evacuation

lumpy or hard stools

manual facilitation

constipation prerequisites


severe constipation with no gas passing

signifies intestinal obstruction


black tarry stools


stools are red or maroon colored


yellowish discoloration of the skin and sclerae from increased levels of bilirubin (bile pigment)

acholic stools

stools may become gray or light colored

without bile

hepatitis a

hepatitis from travel or meals in areas of of poor sanitation (food and water)

hepatitis b

from sexual contact or sharing needles


hep c

hep from sharing needles

cognitive or neurosensory deficits

involuntary voiding or lack of awareness suggests

bladder infection

pain in the lower abdomen is typically dull and pressure like

urinary urgency

an unusually intense and immediate desire to void. suggests bladder infection/ irritation


a significant increase in the 24 hour urine volume. exceeding 3 liters


urinary frequency at night. usually waking more than once

urinary incontinence

an involuntary loss of urine that may become socially embarrassing or cause problems with hygiene

stress incontinence- increased pressure/ urethral sphincter weakened

urge incontinence: unable to hold urine

overflow incontinence : bladder cannot be emptied till bladder press>urethral press

functional incontinence:impaired cognition/ physical

4 kinds of urinary incontinence


blood in urine

gross hematuria

microscopic hematuria

blood in urine visible to naked eye: ___

opposite is: ___

flank pain

pain on one side of body between abdomen and back

inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation

order or abdomen exam


vascular sounds resembling heart murmurs over the aorta and other arteries in the abdomen

may suggest vascular occlusive disease

5 to 34 clicks and gurgles per minute


normal bowel sounds

prolonged gurgles of hyper peristalsis "stomach growling"



predominates percussion of abdomen because of gas in GI tract

Scattered areas of ____ from fluid and feces

situs inversus (rare)

organs are reversed

abdominal masses

deep palpation of the abdomen is usually to find ____

Inflammation (hep)

Congestion (Heart failure)

tenderness over the liver suggests


(enlarged spleen)

suspect___if a notch is palpated on the medial border, the edge extends beyond midline, percussion is dull

abnormal (hypertension, hiv, infarct)

abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)

palpating pulsations in the upper abdomen suggests

traube space

percussion for spleen occurs here - between lung resonance above and the costal margin


the build up of fluid in the space between the lining of the abdomen and abdominal organs (the peritoneal cavity)

due to cirrosis/ liver disease/ malnutrition


pain begins near the umbilicus, then shifts to right lower quadrant where coughing increases it

rebound tenderness

It refers to pain upon removal of pressure rather than application of pressure to the abdomen.

Murphy sign of acute cholecystitis

a sharp increase in tenderness with a sudden stop in inspiratory effort


is inflammation of the gallbladder, which occurs most commonly due to obstruction of the cystic duct with gallstones

ask pt to raise head and shoulders off table

to better see the bulge of a hernia


best way to protect adults from hep A and B


3rd most common cancer

90% of cases after age 50

nipple at the center of areola

tip of breast contains ____

lobules (alveoli)


milk is produced in ___ and travels down ___ to the nipple

small nipple and areola

male nipple consists of

central nodes (in arm pit)

Subscapular, pectoral

lymphatics from the breast drain toward the axilla and into

below them are ___, then ____

lateral nodes

along the upper humerus, nodes that drain most of the arm


if patient confirms a lump/ mass in breast -


inappropriate discharge of milk containing fluid is abnormal 6 months after cessation of breastfeeding

nipple retraction

nipple pulled inward. Not a prob if its been there since birth, but if it is new, it could indicated breast cancer

clinical breast examination (CBE)

an important component of women's health care to detect breast cancers

breast cancer

thickening and prominent pores of breasts


pt position for breast palpation

divide breast into clock

to document location of breast mass

use 3 different levels of pressure, move in an up and down pattern

breast examination technique

breast cancer

most commonly diagnosed cancer among african american women


inherited genetic mutations of breast cancer

in about 5-10% of population


the process of using low-energy X-rays to examine the human breast, which is used as a diagnostic and screening tool. The goal of mammography is the early detection of breast cancer

very effective in reducing cancer mortality

behavior problems are suspicious indicators of mental health disorders

when to perform a mental status exam


problems related to mood or anxiety

somatoform symptom

symptom that lacks an adequate medical or physical explanation (30% of symptoms)

irritable bowel syndrome


chronic fatigue

TMJ disorder

4 examples of functional syndromes (medically unexplained)


little interest or pleasure in doing things

generalized anxiety disorder

social phobia

panic disorder


acute stress disorder

5 anxiety disorders

level of consciousness

alertness or state of awareness of the environment


the ability to focus or concentrate over time on one task or activity


the process of registering and recording info

memory refers to intervals of years

remote or long term memory

covers minutes, hours, days

recent or short term memory


awareness of personal identity, place, and time; requires both memory and attnetion


sensory awareness of objects in the environment and their interrelationships

thought processes

the logic, coherence, and relevance of the pt's thought as it leads to selected goals

thought content

what the pt thinks about,


awareness that symptoms or disturbed behavior are normal or abnormal


process of comparing and evaluating alternatives when deciding on a course of action


an observable, usually episodic, feeling or tone expressed


a more sustained emotion that may color a person's view of the world


a complex symbolic system for expressing, receiving, and comprehending words

higher cognitive functions

assessed by vocal, amount of info, abstract thinking, calculations, and construction of objects that have 2 or 3 dimensions

appearance and behavior

speech and language


thoughts and perceptions

cognitive processes

5 aspects of mental status exam


patients are drowsy but open their eyes and look at you, respond to questions, then fall asleep


patients open their eyes and look at you, but respond slowly and are somewhat confused


patients are unaware of surrounding and are totally or almost totally immobile and unresponsive, even to painful stimuli


patients are unconscious and do not respond to painful stimuli or voice and do not open their eyes

manic episode

pt who is singing, dancing and has expansive movements may be experiencing a ___


excessive fastidiousness may be seen in


defective articulation


a disorder of language

Person, place and time

discovers a pt's orientation

Mini mental state examination (MMSE)

brief test is useful for screen for cognitive dysfunction or dementia

intermittent claudication

episodic muscular ischemia induced by exercise, due to atherosclerosis of large or medium sized arteries

superficial thrombophlebitis

clot formation and acute inflammation in a superficial vein.

deep venous thrombosis (DVT)

clot formation in a deep vein

pain is none or tight, or bursting, usually in calf

chronic venous insufficiency (deep)

chronic venous engorgement secondary to venous occlusion or incompetency of venous valves

aching in legs

may result in ulcer/ edema

burger disease

(thromboangiitis obliterans)

inflammatory and thrombotic occlusions of small arteries and veins in smokers

may result in gangrene or ulceration

compartment syndrome

pressure builds from trauma or bleeding into one of four major areas between knee and ankle. each area is enclosed by fascia

can be chronic or acute

tight, bursting pain in calf

acute lymphangitis

acute bacterial infections (usually streptococcal) spreading up the lymphatic channels from a portal of entry

may result in red streaks on skin/ tender lymph nodes


acute cellulitis

acute bacterial infection of the skin and subcut tissues

chronic arterial insufficiency

intermittent claudication - pain at rest

tissue ischemia

decreased/absent pulse


ulceration on toes/ points of trauma on feet

may develop gangrene

cool temp

chronic venous insufficiency

ulceration sides of ankles/ aching leg pain

hypertension in veins


cyanotic/ brown pigmentation

weak pulse

decreased stroke volume (i.e.: heart failure) and increased peripheral resistance may lead to

pulsus alternans

pulse alternates in amplitude from beat to beat

little hair, skin may be brown/ blue, poor/ slow healing

poor perfusion may lead to __3__


removes stickyness of blood, thinning blood and preventing clots

peptic ulcer

ulcer in the duodenum or stomach

may be helicobacter pylori

acute pancreatitis

inflammation of pancreas. pt should lean forward to relieve

biliary colic

sudden obstruction of the cystic duct or common bile duct by a gallstone (may radiate to scap)

usually last few hours


inflammation of the gallbladder by obstruction of duct

irritable bowel syndrome

change in frequency or form of bowl movement without structural or chemical


____ may block the bowel lumen

ulcerative colitis

inflammation of the mucosa and submucosa of the rectum and colon with ulceration

stool may be bloody/ diarrhea


crohns disease

is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It usually affects the intestines


malabsorption syndrome

defective absorption of fat, including fat soluble vitamins, with steatorrhea (excessive excretion of fat)


passage of black, tarry, stool

results from blood loss in GI tract, or swallowing blood (infants)


can cause pink urine, and reddish stool

umbilical hernia

protrusion of a defective umbilical ring (most common in infants) and in women during child birth

diastasis recti

separation of the two rectus abdomens muscles, through which abdominal contents for a midline ridge

incisional hernia

protrusion through an operative scar

epigastric hernia

a small midline protrusion through a defect in the line alba occurs between xiphoid and umbilicus


common, benign, fatty tumors in submit tissue almost anywhere on body


apron of fatty tissue that may extend below the inguinal ligaments

peritoneal inflammation

tenderness is more secure with this than visceral tenderness


or malignancy (with tumors)

liver is firm and hard


opening -- called a stoma -- that connects the colon to the surface of the abdomen. This provides a new path for waste material and gas to leave the body.

rectal vault

large intestine empties in the ___

dissecting aneurysm

blood vessel is bulbous and has potential to burst

directly over kidney

where is kidney pain

spleen, appendix, part of liver

one can live without ___3___

in abdomen


blood in urine

could be from UTI / kidney stone

check hematocrit

when there is black, sticky stool, ____


benign tumor on breast


masses in breast that regress after menopause

paget disease of nipple

uncommon form of breast cancer that usually starts as a scaly, eczema like lesion

pt posture

may elude to certain mental issues

rest pain

ischemia at rest

pain distally (fingers/toes)


pain from lack of blood flow



death of tissue

seen in CAI


nerve damage

may lead to ulcers, especially in diabetic patients

may not be painful

arterial insufficiency ulcer:

ulceration of toes/ feet/ areas of trauma

severe pain, gangrene,

nails thickened, loss of hair

atrophic skin


stretch marks

(high cortisol levels in cushing syndrome)


abdomen is concave / hollowed

abdominal peristaltic waves

abdominal obstruction will lead to

peritoneum inflammation

ab pain/ tenderness/ rebound tenderness/ muscle spasms signifies


cancers of stomach and pancreas are


stomach cancer is not relieved by

lean forward

to relieve pain in pancreatic cancer

arterial occlusions from embolism/ atheroma

asymmetric diminished pulses signifies

may be evaluated by allen test

epigastric pain

referred pain in pleurisy and MI

periumbilical pain

appendicitis starts as ____ before right lower quadrant pain

(if this subsides, appendix may be perforated)

sigmoid colon

acute diverticulitis most often involves the ___



blood in stool from SI (small intestine)/ stomach/ esophagus

blood in stool from LI


Ascities - the lowest point of abdomen fills with ___

if pt lies on side, ^ will shift and sound will become tympanic on upward side

vertical strip

best pattern/ technique for breast exam

mammary duct ectasia

tender cords

a benign but sometimes painful condition of dilated ducts with surrounding inflammation


nonpuerperal galactorrhea

milky discharge from breasts unrelated to prior pregnancy and lactation


spontaneous unilateral bloody discharge from one or two ducts warrants further evaluation for



breast cancer risk:

2 or more 1st degree relatives with breast cancer

1 first degree relative with BC

3 years in women 20-40

annually in 40+

should be in conjunction with mammography

CBE - how often and with what

not considered necessary

but women interested should do it 5-7 days after onset of menses

breast self examination (BSE) is

palpate the areola and breast tissue

male breasts (palpation)


if the male breast is enlarged and it is not due to obesity, it is _____, which arises from hormone imbalances