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130 Cards in this Set

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The nurse is testing a patients visual accommodation which refers to:
pupillary constriction when looking at a near object
A pt has a normal pupillary light reflex. The nurse recognizes that this indicated that:
constriction of both pupils occurs in response to bright light
The nurse is assessing a pt's eyes for the accommodation response and would expect to see?
convergence of the axes of the eyes
The vertebra prominence is where?
the spinous process of C7
The costal angle is approximately 90 degrees. This characteristic is?
a normal finding in a healthy adult
The left lung consist of ??
two lobes
It is normal to feel tactile fremitus most intensely over which location?
3rd intercostal space, MCL
The trachea bifurcates anteriorly at the ??
sternal angle
Normal adult lung include the presence of?
muffled voice sounds and symmetrical tactile fremitus
The primary muscles of respiration include the?
diaphragm and intercostals
The nurse is aware that tactile fremitus is produced by?
sounds generated from the larynx
During percussion, a dull percussion note elicited over a lung lobe most likely results from?
increased density of lung tissue
When auscultating the chest in an adult, use the?
diaphragm of the stethoscope held firmly against the chest
Percussion over an area of atalactasis in the lungs would reveal?
When the bronchial tree is obstructed, what would most likely be heard?
decreased breath sounds
hyperresonant percussion tones are ???? when percussing the thorax of an infant
considered normal
decreased mobility of the thorax is a normal finding when assessing the respiratory system of ??
an elderly adult
a 3-month old has nasal flaring and sternal and intercostal retractions. What should the nurse do?
recognize that these are serious signs and contact the physician
The presence of bronchovesicular breath sounds in the peripheral lung fields are normal in ?
in the respiratory system of a child
the nurse should inspect the anterior chest of an adult and assess for?
the shape and configuration of the chest wall
Fine crackles would most likely be noted in ??
the immediate newborn period
an unequal chest expansion occurs when?
part of the lung is obstructed or collapsed
Bronchophony heard upon auscultation is associated with?
pulmonary consolidation
Bronchovesicular breath sounds are?
expected near the major airways
Air passing thru narrowed bronchioles would produce what adverse sound?
an anterioposterior-to-transverse diameter ration of 1:1 is most likely seen in ??
a COPD patient
A pt with a history of allergies compains of wheezing and difficulty in breathing when working in his yard. the pt most likely has?
Asthma, if the findings include tachypnea, use of accessory neck muscles, prolong expiration, wheezes etc
Lungs are less elastic and distensible, decreased ability to collapse and recoil is normal in ??
older adults
A pt complains of cough, has a rust-colored sputum, low grade fever and night sweats for the past 2 months may be suffering from?
Shortness of breath, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, ankle edema is associated with what?
a pt with exacerbation of heart failure
a cough that is worse at nigh and not as bad during the day may be?
postnasal drip or sinusitis
A pt's sputum is frothy and pink. What condition could this finding indicate?
pulmonary edema
Listening to at least one full respiration of each location with the stethoscope is ?
correct when auscultation of breath sounds
Chest pain that is worse on deep inspiration, [dyspnea] is related to what condition?
pulmonary embolism
Crepitus is ?
when palpation of the anterior chest wall a coarse crackling sensation over the skin surface
Atalectatic crackles that are not pathologic are what?
short popping crackling sounds that stop after a few breaths after someone has just woke up
A normal sound when percussing the 7th rt intercostal space at the MCL over the liver is?
what is located in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen?
sigmoid colon
a pt has difficulty in swallowing medications and food, this is called?
a distended bladder is assessed how and where?
percuss and palpate in the hypogastric region
Aging adults gastrointestinal system may change how?
decreased gastric acid secretion
If a pt is suspected of having a spleen injury, what should you not do>
an enlarged spleen should not be palpated because it can rupture easily
A pt's abdomen is bulging and stretched in appearance, this is described as?
Th the horizontal plane, a scaphoid contour of the abdomen depicts?
a concave profile
A normal abdominal aortic pulsation is observed where?
between the xiphoid and umbilicus
A potential cause of hypoactive bowel sounds is
Why does a nurse ausculate before percussion and palpation of the abdomen?
to prevent distortion of bowel sounds that might occur after percussion and palpation
What is a normal bowel sound?
They are usually high-pitched, gurgling, irregular sounds
The term "borborygmi" means?
hyperactive bowel sounds
A normal finding in the abdominal assessment is?
a tympanic percussion note in the umbilical region
the esophageal reflux during pregnancy cause cause?
pyrosis (heartburn)
Percussion notes heard during the abdominal assessment may include?
tympany, hyperresonance, and dullness
tenderness along the costovertebral angles is most often indicative of?
Kidney inflammation
Ascites is an indication of what?
fluid is present
deep palpation is used to what during an abdominal assessment?
determine enlarged organs
A possible cause of black, tarry stool is?
gastrointestinal bleeding
Tenderness on light palpation in the rt lower quadrant could indicate a disorder of what structure?
the abdominal musculature is thinner in who?
the aging adult, when assessing the abdominal region
in newborns, pyloric stenosis would manifest what?
projectile vomiting
To detect diastasis recti, the patient should perform what maneuvers?
raise the head while remaining supine
What is true regarding an aortic aneurysm?
a pulsating mass is usually present
A nurse should listen for bowel sounds for at least ?? long
5 minutes
Murphy's sign is used to assess for what?
a pt who is suspected of having inflammation of the gallbladder, or cholecystitis.
The umbilical cord of a new born falls off when?
in 10-14 days
percussion findings would be found in a pt with a large amount of ascites is what?
dullness across the abdomen
A loop of bowel protruding thru a weak spot in the abdominal muscles is what?
A hernia
Tenderness in the left upper quadrant with deep palpations is most likely involving what?
the spleen
Lactose intolerance is higher in what ethnic group?
American indians
Peptic ulcer disease is often caused by what?
frequent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Hepatomegaly refers to?
enlarged liver
A pt with umbilicus that is enlarged and everted is called what?
umbilical hernia
A positive fluid wave test on the abdominal region occurs with?
The nurse should examine the tender area first or last during an abdominal assessment?
examine the tender area last
What is Murphy's sign?
liver test-inspiration arrest
What is Blumberg's sign?
rebound tenderness
A movement of an arm in toward the center of the body is called
A movement of a hand to the mouth is called
the functional units of the musculoskeletal system are the?
Hematopoiesis takes place in the?
bone marrow
Fibrous bands running directly from one BONE to another that strengthen the joint and help prevent movement in undesirable directions are called?
When using a jump rope, one's shoulder has to be capable of?
The articulation of the mandible and the temporal bone is known as the
temporomandibular joint
the anterior to the tragus of the ear is used to finde what?
the temporomandibular joint
Of the 33 vertebrae in the spinal column, there are?
7 cervical
12 thoracic
5 lumbar
(5 sacral and 3-4 ccoygeal)
The imaginary line connecting the highest point on each iliac crest would cross what?
the 4th lumbar vertebra
The "shock absorbers" in our back are there to cushion the spine and to help it move, this is referring to?
the intervertebral discs
The glenohumeral joint is injured when?
rotator cuff injury
The bump on the top of both shoulders is called what?
the acromion process
the knee is capable of what movements?
flexion and extension
If a knuckle above a ring is swollen, this joint is called?
metacarpophalangeal joint
To palpate the ischial tuberosity, the pt should do what?
flex the hip
the knee joint is the articulation of the femur, the tibia and the?
The ankle joint is the articulation of the tibia, the fibula and the?
The lengthening of bone growth occurs at the?
During pregnancy a women may have a posture shift to compensate for the fetus is called?
A decrease in hight occurs with aging because?
of the shortening of the vertebral column
What is osteoporosis?
the loss of bone density
A possible increase in foot pain while jogging could be?
a second toe that is longer than the great toe
The incidence of osteoporosis is greatest in what group?
white women
With a fractured wrist, expected pain would be?
a sharp pain that increases with movement
Pain in joints that are worse in the morning, get better after moving around and get worse when siting for long periods may have?
rheumatoid arthritis
A pt states they can hear crunching or grating sounds when they kneel, and pain/stiffness in joints in the morning is called?
rotator cuff lesions are what?
pain when abduct arm and muscle spasms
Tennis elbow is where?
medial and lateral epicondyle
A patents knee is found to have a positive bulge sign, this is suspected of what?
swelling from fluids in the suprapatellar pouch
A pt has a lateral tilt when bend forward and when leg is raised straight up, complains of a pain running down his buttock in to the leg, this could be what?
herniated nucleus pulposus
A newborn infant with six toes documented as?
A male complains of extreme tenderness to his toes, and his toes are swollen, reddened and warm to touch, this may be?
acute gout
Olecranon bursitis is ?
raised, firm, nontender nodules at the olecranon bursa and along the ulna
A change associated with rheumatoid arthritis includes?
Heberden's nodes
A lateral curvature of the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spine that disappears with a forward bend is called?
functional scoliosis
A assessment of muscle strength, complete range of motions against gravity with full resistance is recored as?
A positive Allis sign and suggestion of hip dislocation is when?
in a baby, fleet flat on table and flexes knees up, when knee is significantly lower than the other
When measuring a pt's angles of joint flexion, what instrument is used?
what test is used to check for large amounts of fluid around the patella?
Another term for "knock knees" is?
genu valgum
A diagnosis of a gangloin cyst is what?
a common benign tumor
A hard, painless nodules on a toe of a pt with gout that had burst open with a chalky discharge is called
The correct approach for examination when performing a musculoskeletal assessment is
proximal to distal
Symptoms of osteoarthritis include?
pain with motion of affected joints
affected joints swollen with hard, bony protuberances
The two parts of the nervous system are?
central and peripheral
A noted change in personality and ability to understand, become angry or cry is what part the the cerebral lobe?
the hypothalamus controls?
temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, sleep, anterior and posterior pituitary gland and the autonomic nervous system activity and emotional status
The area of the nervous system that is responsible for mediating reflexes is the?
spinal cord
To interpret a pin prick, what area must be intact?
Lateral spinothalamic tract, thalamus, and the sensory cortex
Why during an heart attack do you feel pain possibly in the shoulder, arms, or jaw?
the sensory cortex does not have the ability to localize pain in the heart, so the pain is felt elsewhere
Very skilled movements such as writing is controlled by the?
extrapyramidal tract
What area of the brain is affected if a person reports being unsteady and has had difficulty in maintaing balance?
The peripheral nervous system carries input to the central nervous system by?
afferent fibers and away by efferent fibers
Vertigo is what?
a feeling like the room is spinning around