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91 Cards in this Set

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Chain of Survival
Early Healthy Choices
Early Recognition
Early Access
Early CPR
Early Advanced Care
Early Rehabillitation
Heart Attack
- Myocardial infarction
- When there is a complete blockage of a coronary artery
- Part of the heart muscle that does not receive oxygen dies and scar tissue remains
Complete blockage of the coronary artery leading to your brain
-When a small computerized device (defibrillator) is connected to a person when the heart is in fibrillation.
- It delivers a special kind of shock to the heart, trying to kickstart it to reset the heart muscle and restore its smooth pumping action
Risk Factor
Factors that increase the chance of heart disease.

- Obesity
- Smoking
- Hypertension
- Lack of Exercise
- High fat diet
- Genetics
- Hypertension
- Stress
- Diabetes
Signs of a heart attack (5 P's)
Puking -
Puffing -
Pooped -
Pale Skin -
Pain -
feeling sick to the stomach or actually vomitting
troubles breathing
Feeling very tired suddenly
Pale Skin
Pale, clammy, often sweaty skin
Heaviness, tightness, squeezing, or pressure, like a person sitting on your chest
- Severe / Mild and can spread to the neck, jaw, shoulders, arms
2 Reasons people have trouble accepting that they are having a heart attack
Denial - Can't be them / too young for it
Fear - person may be terrified on the inside and doesn't want to go to a hospital
Signs of a Stroke
Paralysis of the face, arm, or leg
- sudden speech problems
- weakness, numbness, or tingling of the face, arm or leg
- dizziness
- sudden headache
6 Things you should do if you think someone is having a stroke
-Check for hazards
- holler for help
- Position the person
- Loosen tight clothing
- Talk to the person
Loosen Clothing
Talk to the person
What does CPR stand for
Cardio-Pulmonary Resucitation
The 4 R's of CPR
- Risks
- Recognize
- React
- Resuscitate
Name of the artery that takes blood away from the heart from the lungs
Pulmonary Artery
What is a heart murmur
When blood leaks through to the previous chamber while being pumped through the heart.
-Production of eggs (ovum) each month
- production of ovarian hormones (progesterone and estrogen)
Male sexual organs which produce sperm and male hormone testosterone
Seminal Vesicle
Secretes a fluid that mixes with sperm to make them mobile
Prostate Gland
Prostate secretions help sperm survive the acidity of the vagina
Part of the menstrual cycle when an egg is released from the ovary into the Fallopian tube for fertilization
Pap Smear
A quick, painless, screening device used to detect cervical cancer
Pathway of Sperm from production to conception
1. Sperm is produced in the testicles
2. It then travels up the vas deferens to the seminal vesicle which adds fluid to make it mobile.
3. It then goes to the prostate gland where its secretions will help it survive the acidity of the vagina
4. It then goes through the cowper's gland which neutralizes any acidity in the urethra left by urine.
5. It then travels through the urethra when a man has an erection and ejaculates going through the vagina, cervix, uterus, and into the fallopian tube, where it joins with an egg.
6. The egg is then fertilized and conception has occurred.
Name given from implantation to the 8th week
- when the fertilized egg embeds itself into the endometrium
Name form the 9th week to the end of pregnancy
Down Syndrome
When you have 1 extra chromosome in all of your cells with an extra copy of the 21st chromosome in you.
- You have 47 chromosomes instead of 46
XX Conception
Birth of Baby girl
XY Conception
Birth of Baby boy
Surgical removal of the foreskin form the head of the penis
Fold of skin covering the head of the penis
Thin wall of sac holding the testicles
- protects and houses the testicles
- controls sperm temperature
Cowper's gland
Neutralizes any acidity left in the urethra by urine
Carries sperm and urine
Fraternal Twins
- Two different sperm fertilize two different eggs
- Can be same or different gender
- Develop in separate placentas
Identical Twins
Produced after conception
- One egg and one sperm
- Fertilized egg splits into two identical parts
- Share the same placenta
Ovum / Ova

Hormone baby produces after conception
Painful menstruation
Ectopic pregnancy
Baby develops inside of the fallopian tube
- fetilized egg does not make its way to the uterus
Exchange of food, nutrients, oxygen takes place between mother's blood and baby
Breech Birth
When the baby is not in a downwards position to come out head first but instead feet and buttocks first
Placenta Previa
Placenta grows in the lower end of the uterus by the cervix
Name for water breaking
Amniotic sac breaks
Amniotic Sac
- watery liquid that surrounds the baby
- acts as a shock absorber
- controls temperature
- allows baby to grow and move freely
Ceasarian Section
- Doctor will cut the abdominal wall and uterine wall to remove baby
Reasons for a C-Section
- Disproportionate size of pelvis and baby
- Breech position of baby
- Fetal Distress
- Mother has and STD
- Placenta Previa
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Babies born to mothers who abuse alcohol
- effects are permanent central nervous system damage and brain damage
- totally preventable
Umbilical Cord
Cord Baby is attached to the placenta leading out of the naval
3 Stages in the Birth Process
1. Dilation of the cervix
- contractions of the uterus, mother starts to push to deliver when it dilates 10 cm

(Amniotic Sac breaks)

2. Passageway of the baby through the birth canal (vagina)

3. Expulsion of the afterbirth
- placenta, umbilical cord, and fluids are delivered
Mother's always carry which chromosome
Name given to the baby when it is first conceived
stimulates the ovaries to produce progesterone which prevents the lining of the uterus from breaking down into menstrual discharge.
- passageway for sperm and uterus lining during menstruation
Fallopian tube
- directs eggs to the uterus
- where fertilization occurs
- Receives eggs and protects it
- houses the developing baby
- nourishes embedded fertilized egg during its development
for sexual intercourse
- receives sperm
- birth canal
- passage way for menstrual flow
highly sensitive, similar to the male penis
-A disease that attacks the alveoli causing them the disintegrate and lose their elasticity making gas exchange difficult.
- The primary cause is form smoking and working in underground mines.
- Symptoms include difficulty breathing, coughing, and shortness of breath
Allow for the gas exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide.
- small blood vessels that surrounds the alveoli
Smoke Free Ontario Act 2006
New laws stating that you can no longer smoke on patios or places young people are
Air sacs in the lungs
- where the exchange of gases takes place
Bronchi / Bronchus
Bronchi Plural

Bronchus - singular
Alveoli / Alveolus
Alveoli - plural

Alveolus - singular
Bronchioles lead to the alveoli
Long term
Abnormal, uncontrolled, cell growth
- travel beyond their environment and evade other cells
- Non cancerous tumor
- Does not spread to healthy cells or other parts of the body
- Invades and eventually destroys surrounding healthy tissue
- The removal of a small amount of tissue that is examined for the presence of abonormal cells
- addictive
- increases heart rate and blood pressure
Tar in cigarette smoke coats the inside surface of the lungs and air passages paralyzing the movement of the cilia
- contains many carncinogens
cancerous causing agent
Protein structure that delivers oxygen to all body cells
thickened, white leathery spots on the insides of a smokeless tobacco user's mouth
- can develop cancer of the mouth
Two new laws put in place within the past 5 years to prevent second hand smoke
- Not allowed to smoke in a car with a minor
- Tobacco ads are prohibited and cigarette blocks are to be put up where sold to prevent youth from seeing them
Economic impacts of tobacco use
can cause a smoker $3,650 a year to support a pack a day habit
- ontario taxpayers spend 4 billion each year in healthcare costs and losts due to tobacco
1994 Tobacco Control Act
-banned tobacco sales in phrarmacies and vending machines
- Legal smoking age changed to 19
Environmental Tobacco Smoke
AKA Second Hand Smoke
Mainstream smoke
smoke exhaled from the lungs of a smoker
Side stream smoke
smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar
- blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart (exception of the pulmonary artery)
- carries oxygenated blood
- high pressure
- lies deep
- Blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart
- carries deoxygenated blood (exception of the pulmonary vein)
- low pressure
- superficial
Chest pain
- partial blockage in a coronary arteries
- Nitroglycerin relieves the pain
- Vasodilator
- increases the diameter in the arteries causing the pain to subside
A dye is injected in the leg then doctors can see the dye pass through coronary arteries.
- will tell the doctor where the blockage is and how many there are
Doctors insert a balloon into the blocked coronary artery to open the bloackage
- balloon is removed and a stent is left in place to keep it open
By-pass surgery
Single, double, triple, quadruple etc.
- vein is taken out of your leg to bypass the blockage