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38 Cards in this Set

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Who gets what, when and how. A struggle over power or influence within an organization
An institution that makes decisions in order to resolve conflicts
When voters propose a law or constitutional amendment
Voters either approve or disapprove
Voters can remove official from office
Universal suffrage
The right to vote among everyone
A set of political beliefs
Traditional, do not like change, doesn't like government spending.
Wants government spending, more government involvement in programs, more tolerant to change
Strong supportment for economic and social equality
opposed to almost all government actions
A revolutionary variant of socialism that favors dictatorship, government control over all enterprises, replacement of free markets by central planning
Absolute ruler
Unicameral legislature
Single body legistlature
Bicameral legislature
Two body legislature
Articles of confederation
Created in 1780s; feared powerful government and therefore made a weak central government. It was unicameral with ambassadors
Shays rebellion
The articles of confederation caused economic problems. Farmers got hurt the most. Daniel Shays was a farmer and he and a bunch of others stormed the courthouses in springfield massachusetts and the central government's weak military powers was unable to prevent this. This called for a change from the articles of confederation.
Virginia plan
Wanted bicameral legislature government with each state getting representatives proportionally equal to the population
New Jersey plan
Wanted bicameral legislature government with each state getting 1 vote
Great compromise or Connecticut compromise
Suggested by Roger Sherman: Wanted bicameral legislature with the higher chamber with 2 senators each while the lower chamber got representatives proportionally equal to the state's population
Group who wanted the ratification of the constitution
Group that opposed the ratification of the constitution
Bill of Rights
First 10 amendments of the constitution
When the central government shares power with the state government
Unitary System
When one ultimate authority is the central government
Confederal system
When the one ultimate authority is the state government
Federal system
Authority is divided between central and lover governments
Enumerated powers
Powers that are in the constitution that are given to the federal government
Elastic clause
Gives congress the power to carry out its powers
Concurrent powers
Powers that are held jointly between federal and state powers
Supremacy clause
Federal laws supercede local and state laws
Block grants
Funds given by the federal government to states for their own use
Federal mandate
When congress passes legislations that forces states and municipalities to do certain things or comply with certain rules
Civil liberties
They stipulate what the government cannot do. They are personal freedoms that guarantee you protection
Establishment clause
In the first amendment and prevents the government from establishing a national religion
When you utter a false statement against somebody in a way that can defame their character
Written defamation of a person's character
Writ of habeas corpus
If the person is being held, they have the right to be held before a judge and told what they are being accused of.