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85 Cards in this Set

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What is the Industrial Revolution?

Mechanization of making of goods - machines

What does the Agricultural Revolution set the stage for?

Industrial Revolution - gives us what is needed to start

What was the cause for the enclosure movement?

Poor families forced to sell their land, making them and their families move to city and become homeless and unemployed

What was needed after the poor families sold their land?

More laborers

What happened soon after the selling of land?

Farmers put up hedges around their land and the poor became laborers - began to experiment more with land

What is crop rotation?

New style of farming

What does crop rotation do?

Farmers grow different things in each piece of land

What was the new style of breeding?

Selective breeding

What is selective breeding? What did this increase?

Make sure strongest bull goes with strongest cow - increasing food amounts

What are the three factors of production?

1. Land

2. Labor

3. Capital

What was the importance of the factors of production?

Must have these things in order to industrialize - not every country can industrialize

What does "land" entail (part of factors of production)?

Resources - ex. coal, water, energy, resources, transportation

What is "capital" (part of factors of production)?


Who is the first country to industrialize?


Who is an entrepreneur?

Someone who takes a risk (usually big financially) that turns into big industry

What is global inequality?

Not every country is able to industrialize

What is the textile industry?

First industry to industrialize/mechanize - sells cloth

What does the flying shuttle do?

Makes cloth much more quickly (used by hand)

What is the problem with the flying shuttle? What is created to help end this problem?

Run out of thread because they are going through it at a remarkable pace - create the spinning Jenny

What does the Spinning Jenny do?

Takes cotton and spins it into multiple spools at a time - making thread faster

What is the water frame?

Helps move inventions faster without man power

Who created the steam engine? What was so important about it?

Created by James Watt - important because first efficient steam engine

What does the steam engine do?

Moves water faster so factories don't have to be by water

What is the steam engine also used for?

Transportation - steam boats to transport goods

Where was the first steam boat used?


What was another powerful transportation method?

Railroads - steam power was used here as well

What is better about railroads compared to steam boats?

Railroads can be place anywhere

What are macadam roads?

Roads made of rocks covered by gravel - becoming more like the roads of today

What do the macadam roads help move along?

Industrialization of the nation

What does Britain do with it's secrets during the revolution?

Guard all industrial secrets - just known in Britain

Who is Samuel Slater?

Builds from memory the first spinning machine in U.S. (came from Britain)

What are corporations?

Companies people can invest in by purchasing stocks

Why are people interested in investment?

They can share in the companies profits but don't pay for their debts

What does Europe's Industrialization depend on?

Success on their factors of production

What was a big part of the industrialization in Europe?

Everyone (either in a large or small way) had increased living standards

What is capitalism?

How industrialism feeds itself - means of production are owned privately

What is socialism?

Opposite of capitalism - all resource are state/publicly owned by government, operated for everyone's benefit

What is the statement often associated with socialism?

"sounds good on paper" - because not everyone is perfect/the same

What is utilitarianism?

Concept where the "greatest amount of good is done for the greatest amount of people"

What do people who are optimistic of human nature believe about socialism?

They believe that socialism CAN work

What did Karl Marx "prescribe"?

A more complete/radical form of socialism known as Communism

Where does Karl Marx write about his feeling about Communism?

In his book "Communist Manifesto"

What did Karl Marx believe life really was?

A battle between the social classes of the civilized world

WHo are the bourgeoisie?

Upper class; people who owned factories and factors of production; controlled wealth

Who are the proletariat?

Lower class; laborers in society

What did Marx believe would happen between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat?

P would rise up over B and control factors of production - leading to everything being commonly held (belonging to the people)

What is the main idea of Communism?

Everyone in society contributes as much as they can and take what they need

What are unions?

Another Economic theory

What do unions begin to become?

Money making machines by giving workers rights

What was a tactic often used by unions?


What is strike?

Work stoppage - used when irritated or to gain rights

What is the Factory Act of 1833? Where did it begin?

Started in England (by unions) - protected women and children in workplace (passed by Parliament)

What kind of rights were given to women and children in the Factory Act of 1833?

Limited hours and age restrictions (for children)

Who developed the Germ Theory of Disease?

French Chemist Louis Pasteur in mid-1800's

What else was discovered by Louis Pasteur?

Alcohol killed bacteria and bacteria was the cause of diseases

How many patients did Joseph Lister help save?

85% of his patients

What did Joseph Lister do?

Helped keep hospitals clean

What were many cities at this time able to complete?

Building of plumbing and sewer systems

What else were doctors able to create?

Vaccines for diseases - caused a long, healthier life

What did Albert Einstein offer new ideas for?

Space, time, energy and matter

What did Einstein theorize?

Speed of light is constant but other things such as space and time are not

What is the Theory of Relativity?

Space and time can change when measured relative to an object moving near the speed of light

What replaced Isaac Newton's belief that the world operates to the absolute laws of motion and gravity?

Uncertainty and relativity - since Einsteins implications changed how people viewed the world

What did Sigmund Freud construct?

A theory about the human mind

What is Sigmund Freud theory?

Believes much of human nature is irrational; such as unconscuiousness

What did Freud's ideas do to society?

Weakened their faith in reason

What are some modern social sciences?

Archaeology, anthropology and sociology

What was the most important new science?


What did Ivan Pavlov believe?

Human actions were unconscious reactions to experiences

What were some changes because of mass culture?

Demand for leisure and enjoyment and people gravitated towards music, sports and movies

When did theaters become popular?

1910 became booming

When did the Olympics start and where?

1896 in Athens - started because people began to play more and more sports

Who is Charles Darwin?

English naturalist who caused controversy

What is Social Darwinism?

The ideas that who are less fit to reproduce should not be allowed to - Nazi adapted this into their Aryan race (blonde hair, blue eyes)

What is the Theory of Evolution?

Every species came from earlier forms over time

Who created the ideas of genetics?

Gregor Mendel - father of genetics

What is the Atomic Theory?

All matter is composed of super small particles

What did Mendeleev do?

Organized atoms

What did the Curies do?

Discovered new elements as well as radioactivity

What did Ernest Rutherford discover?

Subatomic particles

What was the fueling advances in machinery?

Coal to gasoline to electric powered generators

What did Edison find?

1,000 inventions including the lightbulb and phonograph

What did Ford create?

Gasoline engine to power a vehicle - the automobile

What did the Wright brothers find?


What did Bell and Marconi find?

Telephone - new form of communication