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48 Cards in this Set

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The uncosolidted layer of sediment completely lacking orgniace material that was accumlated on the surrface of the moon is called


Which metamorphic scenario is associated with bolide impacts//

Shock metamorphism

Dyanmic metamorphism is associated with

Shear stress long fualt zones

Which of the folloing modes of weathering istthe most signifacnt, in terms of its influence on the extent of degradationg of rocks?
Chemical Weathering
If Metamorphosis resuslts in the formation of new minerals as rocks are buried, why is it that those new minerals do not back-react to from the origianl minearsl when the rock is exhumed.
Mineral Change requires the addition of stress thatg only occurs during burial.
Which type of rock can be transformed into another type of rock
igneous,sedimentary,and metamorphic
Which of the following metamorphic rocks is paired with one of its possible protoliths PHYLLITE
Which of the following soil types is most likely to be generated in a tropical jungle
Which of the following is likely depositional environment for limestone
Warm Shallow Sea
A prphyroblast is:??

A particularly large crystal set in matrix of smaller crystals with in a metamorphic rock.

In what order FIRST TO LAST do evaporite minerals precipitate from Concentrated sea water(halite,gypsum, calcite ,sylvite)
Calcity Gypsum Halite Sylvite
Which type of metamorphism is most commonly associated with convergent tectonic boundaries
Regional MetamorphismWhich of tghe following sedimenary structures would indicate deposition in an arid environment
Scour and fill structures
Name four types of mechanical weathring
Frost Wedging,Glacial Scour, Exfoliation, Impact
Which of the following began first(cenozoic,mesozoid,paleozoid,proterozoid,phanerozocoi,)
of the folowing metamorphic scenarios, which can be expected to affect the broades area?
Regianl Metamorphism
Which is in the correct order
Cambrian, Devonian, Triassic, Neogene, Quaternary
Which of the following began first (Permian, Archean, Cambrian, Paleogene, Ordovician)
Whats not true about rocks
Weathering only affects rock not sediments
What do you expect to see in the sediment as it is ttranported awy from its source
Grain size decreases, sortingb increases
Cross beding or cross lamination is fromed by
a migration of riples or dunes
Which is the most significant agaent of erosion and traport on earth
A normally graded bed probably indicates
Reduction in current volociy dureing depostion
What is a depositional environmentfor coal.
Swamp or bgo
How many periods are there between 542milliong and 65.5 million/


Which of the following types of limesont has large visible grains
Intraclast limeston
Which of the folloing is likely depositional environment for black shael
Deep ocean basin
An even that occured 738,000,00 years ago took place in which geochronologic unit?
Which of the following minerals is most resistant to chemcial weathring
Why is black shale black
The sediment that formed it was full of undecayed orgaine material
What are geochronolic boundary is associated with 542,00,000 years ago.
The geninning of phanerozoic, the beg of Paleozoid, The end of tghePrecambrian, The end of the Proterozoic
A residual soil is fromed:
Directly on its soource rock
Which gives grain sizes from the wentworth scale in their appropriate order, from largest to smallest
Grtavel, Sand, Silt, Clay
The boundary between the mesozoidc and cenozoic ear is aprox
What is meant by a deposioonatl environment
an environment in which sediment accumulates
Which metamorphic rock is mos likely to bepresent in a contact metamorphic aureole
Which is the most abundant types of sedimaentary rock
Whih of the order of filated metamorphic rocks from lowest to hightest grade (gneiss,slate,pylite,Schist)
The chemicals in chemical sediments come, either directly or indirectly forom:
Ions dissolved from rocks during checmial weathering
What is that distingueses arkose from outher sandstones
It contais large proportion of feldspar
Which of the folowing metamorphic rocks is paired whith on t is possible parents rocks? GNEISS
Whihc of the following is not a change that can occur uring diagenesis
Of the following metamorphic scenarios, which i s associated with confining pressure and a temperature increase that is appropriate for the depth involved
Burial Meamorphism
Which of theoololing rocks will always effervesce in acid
Which of the folloing meamorphic scenarios is not correctly associated with the type sof stress involved
Contact Meamorphic Shear Stress
Which of the folloing list is corect order
Missipian Triassic, Neogene, Quaternary
The uncosolidted layer of sediment completely lacking orgniace material that was accumlated on the surrface of the moon is called


Which metamorphic scenario is associated with bolide impacts
Shock metamorphism
Dyanmic metamorphism is associated with
Shear stress long fualt zones