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50 Cards in this Set

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1. While the term psychology has existed since at least the early 1700s, psychology did not come to be considered a science until?
2. The two disciplines from which psychology developed were
Philosophy and Physiology
3. The method used to examine the contents of consciousness by early psychologists that involved the careful systematic self-observation of your own conscious experience is known as
4. The idea that you have thoughts, memories, and desires beyond the control of conscious rational processes originated with
Freud and the Unconscious
5. Psychoanalytic theory attempts to explain personality, motivation, and mental disorders by
focusing on unconscious determinants of behavior
6. Freud believed that we are often not the masters of our own mind because of
pg. 6
7. Watson defined psychology as
The study of observable behavior
8. The type of psychologist who would be most likely to study rats in a laboratory setting would be a
9. Which psychologist believed that organisms tend to repeat responses that lead to positive outcomes?
Ivan Pavlov
10. Which of the following "schools" of psychology developed in the 1950s?
Behavorism and psychoanalytic/humanism
11. Which of the following "schools" of psychology believes people have a basic need to fulfill their potential for personal growth and experience free will?
12. Which of the following psychologists is(are) considered humanistic psychologist(s)?
pg. 9 Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
13. Critical thinking refers to
14. The area of psychology concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems and disorders is:
15. Today approximately ______ of psychologists devote at least some of their time to providing professional services.
16. What is a recent movement in psychology that has revived the old interest in mental and conscious events?
17. What psychological perspectives is most likely to focus on the interrelations among the mind, body, and behavior?
18. What are the three goals of science?
19. When a scientist attempts to explain why "something happened" his work is most closely associated with which goal of science?
20. A tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables is a:
21. A hypothesis is
is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables
22. Any measurable conditions, events, characteristics, or behaviors that are controlled or observed in a study are called:
23. A theory is
system of interrelated ideas used to explain observations
24. Scientific theories are most directly associated with which goal of science?
Pg. 36
25. How are theories and hypotheses related?
26. The first step in a scientific investigation is:
Translate a theory into a testable hypothesis
27. In scientific investigations a researcher must clearly define the variables under study by precisely describing how they will be measured or controlled. These definitions are referred to as
Operational Definitions
28. A researcher decides exactly how his research project will be conducted when:
29. Psychologists use a variety of data collection techniques; which of the following is well suited for studying attitudes?
30. Statistical procedures are used during which step in conducting a scientific investigation?
31. The FINAL step in a scientific investigation is to
Write up a concise summary of the study and its findings
32. Most typically, researchers report their findings:
share their findings with others and the general public
33. A scientific journal refers to
a periodical that publishes tech. and scholarly material
34. The cells in the nervous system that receive, integrate, and transmit information are the
35. What are the main functions of neurons?
Communication links of the Nervous Sytem
36. What are the main parts of a neuron?
Dendrites, Soma, Axon
37. The part of the neuron that has branched extensions that are specialized to receive information are the
38. Information is received by a neuron through the ____ and is transmitted towards other neurons through the ____.
Axon, Soma
39. The correct order that information passes through in a neuron is
received at the dendrites, pass through the soma and along the axon, and is transmitted to other dendrites.
40. Joe Camel believes that smoking tobacco is beneficial when he is studying because nicotine is an ____ for acetylcholine, which ____.
41. Jeremy is sitting quietly when the muscles in his left leg begin to "twitch." This activation of movement in his voluntary muscles is most likely due to the release of the neurotransmitter
42. Monoamines have been associated with:
43. Abnormalities at norepinephrine and serotonin synapses appear to play a role in
pg 75?
44. The neurotransmitter believed to be associated with schizophrenia is:
Glutamate and Dopamine
45. Endorphins are neurotransmitters that
Reduce pain
46. A family of chemicals produced in the body that resemble the opiates are the:
47. What has been implicated in pain alleviation?
48. The nervous system consists of two major divisions: the ____ and ____ nervous systems.
Central and Peripheral
49. The heart, glands and smooth muscles are controlled by the
Autonomic Nervous System
50. The "fight or flight" response is a direct result of activation of the
Sympathetic Division