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17 Cards in this Set

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What is a nucleus' function?

It controls everything in a cell and contains information to make new cells

What is the cytoplasm?

A jelly like substance in which chemical recations in the cell take place

The chemical reactions in a cell are controlled by what?


What does the cell membrane do?

It gives the cell shape and controls what substance enter and leave the cell

What is made in ribosomes?


What does mitocondria do?

Releases energy from resperation for the cells use

What is a cell wall made of and what does it do?

It is made of cellulose and it strengthens the cell.

What are cloroplasts?

They are found in the chloroplasm and absorb light energy to make food by photosynthesis

What is a vacuole?

A large sac that contains cell sap

What are the diffrences between animal and plant cells?

Plant cells:

Have tough cell walls, pernament Vacoule and chloroplasts and is box shaped

Animal cells:

have no cell walls, some small vavoules that have no cell sap have no chloroplasts and the shape varies.

Name some specialised cells.

Leaf paliside cells, root hair cells, xylem cells nerve cells sperm cells and red blood cells.

What is a group of cells that do the same thing called?

A Tissue (bless you)

What is an organ?

A group of tissues.

What is a organ system?

A number of organs working together

What is diffusion?

The movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of lower concentration unti they are equally spread out.

What is osmosis?

The diffusion of water molecules from a dilute solution ta more concentrated one through a partially premebale membrane

Suggest two factors that increase the rate of diffusion.

Concentration and temperature (or temperature and concentration however you like)