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28 Cards in this Set

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Four definitions/reasons to study human behavior

1. Attempt to explain how and why humans function the way they do.

2. Product of factors that cause people to act in predictable ways

3. Result of attempts to satisfy certain needs (simple & complex)

4. Age dependent. Moves from dependency to self-direction with age, driving curriculum change

How do personality types affect how a student learns and how a teacher teaches?

Different types of people learn differently, and if taught in their most compatible style will learn faster and retain more of what they are taught

What are the six Human Needs (in order)

1. Physiological

2. Security

3. Belonging

4. Esteem

5. Cognitive and Aesthetic

6. Self-Actualization

Give examples of Physiological Needs





Maintenance of body / health

How can a flight instructor satisfy the need for Security

Stress flight safety during training mitigates feelings of insecurity

How does a student's need for Belonging affect their learning

Aviation students are out of their normal surroundings. Instructors should make students feel at ease and reinforce their decision to pursue flight training. Help them expand their sense of belonging at the airport.

What are the two types of Esteem

1. Internal- personally set standards a person judges themselves by. High self-esteem results in self-confidence, independence, achievement, competence, knowledge

2. External- people judge themselves by how others see them (most do this). Reputation, status, recognition, peer respect

Many people seek flight training for the esteem it brings them.

How do Cognitive (need to know and understand) and Aesthetic (emotional need of the artist) relate to flight instruction?

If a person understands what is going on, he can either control the situation or make informed choices about next steps to take. Eureka moment of understanding gives dopamine rush in brain.

If a person likes something or someone, the reasons are not examined, they just like it. If an instructor and student do not like one another, that can cause obstacles to learning.

What is Self-Actualization?

Person's need to be and do what they were "born to do." To "be all they can be."

What characterizes Self-Actualized people?

1. Problem focused

2. Incorporate freshness of appreciation of life

3. Concerned about personal growth

4. Able to have peak experiences

What are Theory X and Theory Y about Human Nature and Motivation?

Theory X- people dislike work and will avoid it unless forced or coerced into doing it. They don't want responsibility, are lazy, and want security above all else.

Theory Y- Work is as natural as play and rest and people will work toward objectives they are committed to reach. That commitment is based on the associated with achievement. They seek and accept responsibility. Creativity, ingenuity, and imagination are widely distributed and when allowed people will use them to solve problems.

What are Defense Mechanisms?

Biological and/or psychological mechanisms that soften feelings of failure, alleviate feelings of guilt, help and individual cope with reality, and protect one's self-image.

The appear unconsciously, and tend to distort, transform, or otherwise falsify reality. Soothe the symptom without addressing the problem.

What are the eight Human Factors (Defense Mechanisms) that inhibit learning?

1. Repression

2. Denial

3. Compensation

4. Projection

5. Rationalization

6. Reaction Formation

7. Fantasy

8. Displacement

What is Repression?

Placing uncomfortable thoughts into inaccessible areas of the unconscious mind to be dealt with at another time, if at all.

What is Denial?

Refusal to accept external reality because it is too threatening; to refuse to acknowledge what is happening, will happen, or did happen.

Minimization is a form of denial. Person accept a lesser form of reality ("yeah, I goofed, but it's no big deal.")

What is Compensation?

Psychologically counterbalancing weaknesses by emphasizing strengths in other areas. Disguising a quality with a different, more positive one. "I'm a lover, not a fighter."

What is Projection?

Placing one's own unacceptable behavior onto someone else; blaming others for one's own shortcomings.

What is Rationalization?

Subconscious technique for justifying actions that otherwise would be unacceptable.

What is Reaction Formation?

Faking a belief opposite to the true belief because the truth causes anxiety. ("Who cares what others think of me?" when they really do care and realize no one likes them)

What is Fantasy?

Student engages in daydreaming about how things should be rather than doing anything about how things are. Ex: student can't master landings. Rather than take steps / practice, they just dream about getting their license.

What is Displacement?

An unconscious shift of emotion, affect, or desire from original object to a more acceptable, less threatening substitute. Ex: Frustrated with lack of performance, go home and yell at the kids.

What are normal student emotional responses to flight training?

1. Anxiety- most significant psychological factor affecting flight instruction

2. Stress

What are techniques CFI's can use to help students deal with anxiety?

1. Reinforce the student's enjoyment of flying

2. Teach them to cope with their fears

3. Recognize which maneuvers may cause anxiety, then break them down into manageable parts. Discuss physical sensations to be expected, recovery techniques, etc.

4. Emphasize benefits and pleasurable experiences derived from flying

What are normal reactions to Stress?

1. Fight or flight

2. Respond rapidly and exactly within limits of training and experience. Automatic response (highlights need for practice in emergency procedures)

3. Thinks rationally, acts rapidly, extremely sensitive to all aspects of the surroundings

What are abnormal reactions to Stress?

1. Responses may be illogical or random, may do more than situation calls for

2. Inappropriate reactions (singing, extreme over-cooperation, painstaking self-control, inappropriate laughter or singing, rapid changes in emotions)

3. Mood swings

4. Severe anger directed toward instructor

What should CFI do when student exhibits abnormal reactions to anxiety or stress?

1. Have another CFI not familiar with the student do flight evaluation of the student

2. Withhold endorsements from student

3. Encourage them to seek professional counseling before continuing with flight instruction

Name ten characteristics of Adult Learners

1. They have a use for the knowledge / skill being sought. Learning is means to an end rather than an end itself.

2. They seek learning experiences to cope with life changes: marriage, divorce, new job. Ready to learn when they assume new roles

3. They are autonomous and self-directed. Need independence and to exercise control.

4. Adults have life experiences to draw on.

5. Adults are goal-oriented

6. Adults are relevancy oriented. Younger students expect a long delay between learning and using new skills. Adults want immediate application for new skills.

7. Adults are practical, focusing on the aspects of a lesson more useful to them in their work.

8. They need to be respected.

9. The need to increase or maintain self-esteem is a strong secondary motivator.

10. They want to solve problems and apply knowledge immediately.

What are 9 sound strategies CFIs should use with adult learners?

1. Provide an organized syllabus with clearly defined course objectives to show students how the training helps attain specific goals.

2. Help students integrate new ideas with what they already know to ensure they keep and use new info.

3. Assume responsibility only for CFI's own expectations, not for those of students. Important to clarify and articulate all student expectations early on.

4. Recognize the student's need to control pace and start/stop time.

5. Take advantage of adult preference to self-direct and self-design learning projects by giving the student frequent SBT opportunities

6. Use books, programmed instruction, and computers which adults favor

7. Refrain from spoon feeding

8. Set cooperative learning environment

9. Create opportunities for mutual planning