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142 Cards in this Set

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Final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in a breakdown in relations
Powder Keg
Balkan Peninsula, place of assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
Post war territories expected to be governed by the League of Nations (oversee a colony until self-sufficient)
Friendly agreement
Spirit in battle, French word
Years of WWI
1914 - 1918
What were the six causes of WWI?
1. nationalism
2. imperialism
3. militarism
4. alliances
5. internal dissent
5. assassination of Archduke
Archduke Ferdinand
Austrian archduke assassinated by Serbians on June 28, 1914
Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
Triple Entente
France, England, Russia
Schlieffen Plan
Germany's plan to avoid a two front war. They planned to defeat France quickly and then focus on Russia.
The Western Front
Germany vs. France
Zimmerman Message
Message intercepted by USA, in which Germany asked Mexico to attack USA
War Guilt
Placing full responsibility of war soley on one country (Germany)
Weimar Republic
1919 - Germany's new democratic government
Dawes Plan
Plan to give $200 million to help Germany recover from WWI
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact
63 Nations agreed to renounce war, but failed because no means of enforcing
How was the US economy flawed after WWI?
1. Uneven distribution of wealth
2. Overproduction
3. Americans buying less
Margin Buying
Borrow money from someone to play the stock market
nickname of president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, created the New Deal
The New Deal
Government Reform
1. created public projects to end unemployment
2. financial help to buisnesses and farms
3. money spent on welfare and relief programs
Japans Invasions
1931: Japan seized Manchuria
1933: Japan left League of Nations
1937: Invaded China and defeated them in war
How did Hitler rise to power?
-sudeten land
Mussolini's attacks before WWII
Albania and Ethiopia
Munich Conference
Western European leaders agreed to give Czechoslovakia to Germany after Hitler said he would take no more land
Pacify or placate by agreeing to demands
What were Japans goals during WWII?
Wanted resources because landlocked; steel, land, and people to build economy
December 7, 1941
Pearl Harbor - Japan launched a surprise attack on the U.S. Naval Base. Resulted in the US joining the war
Asia for the Asians
Slogan for Japanese to help them take over all of the Pacific
Deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially of a particular ethnic race, religion, or nation
What were the turning point battles of WWII?
1. Midway
2. El Alamein
3. Stalingrad
4. Normandy
Harry Truman
Took over after Roosevelt, had to decide whether to drop the atomic bomb or not
Who was the Italian leader during WWII?
Erwin Rommel
"Desert Fox" - Nazi general, led Africa Korps but lost El Alamein
Leader of US Forces in D-Day, became 34th president of USA
Chester Nimitz
Naval commander in Pacific for USA
Who was the Russian Commander for Stalingrad?
Japanese suicide missions
German secret police under Nazi rule
Black Shirts
Mussolini's men
Third Reich
Nazi Germany
May 10, 1940 - Germany launched an unexpected attack through Luxembourg and Ardennes Forest. They broke through French forces and trapped all French/British forces on Dunkirk beaches. British evacuated 330,000 troops.
Battle of Britain
1940 - Germany launched air attack on Britain, British were able to hold off the Germans
Lend-Lease Act
USA sent supplies to allies before they entered the war
D-Day/Operation Overlord/Normandy date
June 6, 1944
"Lightning" - Nazi strategy
Refusal to fight
German term for "living space" - wanted more territory
11 million people killed, mainly Jews in Nazi Concentration Camps
Yalta Conference
The big 3 players were there, USSR will enter Pacific War, USSR is awarded Poland, free elections
Iron Curtain
Division between Western Europe/USA and Eastern Europe
Berlin Airlift
America flew supplies into Southern/Eastern Germany
Berlin Wall
Built on the boundary between East and West Berlin in 1961
Marshall Plan
Money from USA to help economies of Europe to ensure that communism doesn't spread
Satellite Nations
Alliance of Western Europe and USA
Mutual defense treaty of communist states in Eastern Europe
Truman Doctrine
Effort to stop the spread of communism, help anyone threatened by communism (Greece + Turkey)
American attempt to stop communism from spreading
Domino Theory
Eisenhower - if one country falls to communism, the others will too
UN and Security Council
Brezhnev, Brezhnev Doctrine
Took over after Krushev
Cuban Missile Crisis
Closest world has ever come to nuclear war. Russia was giving nuclear missiles to Cuba and US was going to go against them in fear of the spread of communism.
Bay of Pigs
Cuba threatening to invade USA, USA took exiles from Cuba and tried to train them
Cold War Countries
Vietnam was purpose and outcome
Purpose: Save South Vietnam from North Vietnam
Outcome: Failed, North took over
USA Death Toll in Vietnam
USA trying to help South Vietnam stand up for themselves and take over so US could leave
Viet Cong
South Vietnamese Communists
Ho Chi Ming
leader of North Vietnam
Geneva Accord
1954 - Peace Conference, split North and South Vietnam permanently, used 17th parallel
Tet offensive
New Years - Viet Cong attacked South Vietnamese
Years of Vietnam
1964 - 1973
Paris Peace Accord
1973 - Cease fire that ended Vietnam war so US left. Two years later North Vietnam finally took over South
Country in control of Vietnam prior to war
Korean War Purpose and Outcome
Purpose: Save South Korea from North Korea
Outcome: Saved it
Years of Korean Conflict
1950 - 1953
Who disagreed with Truman?
What is the boundary line in Korea?
38th parallel
Sun Yat-Sen (Sun Yixian)
President of Nationalist Party
What did nationalists in China want?
Nationalism, democracy, better economy
What year did the Nationalists in China take over?
Chian Kai-Shek (Jiang Jieshi)
Succeeded Sun Yat-Sen
What was the relationship between the Nationalists and Communist Party?
Initially fought together against warlords, then fought each other
Mao Zedong
One of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party
What were Mao's goals?
Revolutionize China with peasants
Shanghi Massacre
1927 - Attempt by Nationalists to wipe out communist leaders
Long March
Communists fled after trapped by Nationalists, began a hazardous, 6,000 mile journey
Chinese Civil War
1930 - Communists vs. Nationalists
May 4th Movement
After the Treaty of Versaille gave Chinese territories to Japan, over 3,000 students protested in Beijing. This led to a rise in power of communism.
Nationalist Party
Qing Dynasty and what happened to it?
Lost Dynasty, tooken over in 1911 by communists
Where did the communist party draw from?
How did 1937 change China temporarily?
Attacked by Japan
Guerilla warfare
Small independent groups taking part in irregular fighting, typically against larger forces
Which party fought the hardest?
Crazy, holy man in Russia, close with royal family, started to gain power so was killed
Romanov Dynasty
Czar Nicholas II was the last ruler
March Revolution
March 8-12, 1917 - families/peasants marched for shortage of food/land/working conditions. Resulted in the abdication of Nicholas II
Lenin/Red Army - wanted communism and radical revolution
Spread communism throughout the world by rebuilding the economy and promising "peace, land, bread"
Stalin's Years
Absolute ruler, no restrictions, czar
Collective Farms
Government combines private farms into larger farms on which families work for the state
Command Economy
Union of local leaders from towns, formed USSR
Great Purge
Campaign of terror directed at eliminating anyone who threatened Stalin's power
Stalin and how he took power
Replaced Lenin, remained in power by killing off people who he felt had gained too much power (terrorism)
Proposed by Lenin to prevent Russian economy from collapsing
Five Year Plan
Designed to help Soviet Union's economy - increased output of steel, coal, electricity
1917 Russian Revolution
Head of Duma, wanted to stay in war, so people disliked him
Provisional Government
1905 Bloody Sunday
January 22, 1905 - Peaceful protesting of working conditions by workers/families but were slaughtered when the czar sent out his army
How did WWI affect Indian Nationalism?
Broke up Ottoman Empire, British Empire began to crack, learned about nationalism and democracy from British schools
Where did Ghandi's ideas come from?
Blend of religions
Rowlatt Act
Allowed British government to jail protestors without trial for as long as two years
Amristar Massacre
British massacred Muslims and Hindus
Hindu National Party
Muslim League
1906 - protect Muslim interests
Salt March
Show opposition to salt taxes - collected own seawater and made salt
Symbols of British Oppression
Resources India lacked
Nehru Dynasty
First Prime Minister of India (17 years) democracy, unity, economy
How did population cause hardships in India?
Overpopulation, lack of food, creates social inequality
Cold War Alliance
India stayed neutral
Prime Minister of Pakistan
Third religions group, needed to find a place to live when India was split
The Palestinian Question
Is Palestine a state?
Palestinian Issues
Camp David Accord
Egypt recognized Israel as a legitimate state and Israel agreed to return Sinai Peninsula
Oslo Peace
Granted Palestinians self-rule in Gaza Strip and West Bank beginning with Jericho (1993)
Yassir Arafat
Chairman of PLO
Anwar Sadat
Egyptian President of PLO
Use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims
Muslim movement whose militia took control of Afghanistan, in 1996 set up radical Islamic state
Years of USSR war with Afghanistan
Guerilla fighters in Islamic countries
Six Day War
June 5-10, 1967 - Israel occupied Sinai, Jerusalem, West Bank, Golan Heights, and defeated the Egyptian, Jordanian, and Syrian alliance