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65 Cards in this Set

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The social came brought about by the industrial revolution was evident in the...

Emergence of the middle class and working class

The factory created a new labor system in which. ..

Workers had work all the time to keep the machines working at a steady rate

By 1830, two-thirds of the British cotton industry's workforce were

Women and children

Conditions faced by the industrial workers included all of the following EXCEPT

A guaranteed minumum wage

The most important dev. Of the American transportation system during the early Industrial Rev. was the _____


Which resource has been the primary source of energy over the last 200 years?


The imperialism of the late nineteenth century was different in that European states wanted

Complete control over the world's resource

Urban populations grew quickly because of the vast migration to cities from...

Rural areas

According to Karl Marx, the _____, or working class, was oppressed by the middle class


What was the suffrage movement

Votes for women

During the age of Imperialism, Africa

Was carved up by the strong European countries and came under their rule.

Which European nation colonized and ruled in India all the way up until 1947


Miguel Hidalgo, a hero of Mexican indépendance after 1810, had studied

The French Revolution

Jose de San Martin and Simon Bolivar led South American indépendance movements against. .


What was the white man's burden

The belief that Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize primitive people's

Colonial powers in Africa were looking mostly for which two resources?

Diamonds and gold

_________ invented the light bulb

Thomas Edison

Under the military pressure of Commodore Matthew Perry's fleet, Japan

Signed the treaty of Kanagawa, opening up trade relations with the United states

The samurai lived by a strict code known as Bushido, which. .

Was based on unconditional loyalty to the samurai's lord and Emperor

What was the result of Japan's victory in the war with Russia

A stunned world was forced to recognize Japan as one of the great powers

The Japanese commission under Ito Hirobumi was designed to do what?

Learn about foreign Societies and their inventions

What was NOT considered a major cause of World War 1


The "spark" that ignited WWI occurred in 1914 when

Australian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated

The two major alliances that fought during WWI were the Central Powers and the. .

Allied powers

To inspire high morale and maintain support for WWI,...

Both sides used propaganda

Under the terms of the treaty of Versailles, Germany was NOT forced to

Run Italy as a mandate

World war 1 was a _______, meaning that it involved a complete mobilization of resources and people.

Trench war

The United States entered the war largely over the issue of...

Unrestricted submarine warfare/ Zimmerman Note

The League of Nations was ineffective and eventually failed because. ..

President Wilson did not support the idea

Adolf Hitler was rejected from ______ school and then joined the Nazi party


A ________ state is government that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens


Stalin's Five Year Plan's were intended to transform Russia into. .

An industrial society

Hitler's goal was to create a

Third Reich, or German Empire

In an effort to maintain peace and stability, the leaders of Britain, Italy and France agreed to give Hitler part of Czechoslovakia. This type of policy is known as __________.


Two days after Hitler's invasion of ______, Britain and France declared war on Germany


Hitler's blitzkrieg, or lightning war was,

A form of attack that used tank divisions supported by the air attacks to take over countries very quickly

On December 7,1941 the Japanese

Launched a surprise attack on the U.S Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor

The Battle of Stalingrad was a arising defeat for Germany because

The entire German Sixth Army, considered the best of the German troops, was lost and Germany never won another major battle.

The Kristallnacht, which happened on November 9, 1938 was

A destructive rampage against German Jews led by Nazis, known as "The Night of Broken Glass"

What were the "Nuremberg Laws"

They excluded jews from German citizenship and forbade marriages between Jews and Germans

What was the Nazi's Final Solution?

Strategic plan to eliminate all Jews in Europe

The slaughter of European civilians comma included European Jews comma homosexuals comma the handicap, mentally disabled, gypsies, Italians, Jehovah's Witnesses and millions of others by the Nazis became known as what?

The Holocaust

Anatomic bomb kills the majority of its victims through ________


Churchill called post-war Soviet policy in Eastern Europe the

Iron Curtain

To stop the spread of Communism, the United States adopted a policy toward the Soviet Union of

Foreign aid

The military Alliance of Soviet allies was called the

Warsaw Pact

The Cold War was an ideological war between the capitalist West and the east

Communist East (U.S.S.R.)

The goal of the Marshall Plan was to a European countries and their recovery after WWII and to prevent them from becoming ________.


Who was Che Guevara

An Argentinian who supported the Cuban Revolution

Revolutionaries under the leadership of ________ took control of Cuba in 1959

Fidel Castro

The Korean War started when _________ invaded South Korea

North Korea

_________ was the leader of the Vietnamese in their quest for Independence

Ho Chi Minh

After the withdrawal of French troops from Vietnam, the United States ________

Provided Aid to South Vietnam

Chinese leaders took steps to improve relations with the United States during the 1970s, in part, because

They face a serious security threat from the Soviet Union

China became involved in the Korean War because

China and the U.S. were Allied against the Soviet Union

The conditions in the Soviet Union that led to the appointment of Mikhail Gorbachev did not include

The acceptance of North Korea in the Soviet Union

The main reason why the Soviet Union disintegrated was

The multi-ethnic nature of the Soviet Union

______ is a result of the conversion from a socialist to a free market economy in the new Russia

The resignation of Mikhail Gorbachev

What country did the Soviet Union invade in the 1980s


What symbol of the East-West divide was smashed on November 9th 1989

The Berlin Wall

Neil Armstrong was the first person to do what

walk on the moon

Who was sheltered in Afghanistan during the early 2000s

Osama bin Laden

What famous event is Mohandas Gandhi known for

The independence of India

What is Sputnik?

The first satellite

________ did not lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union

The European Union