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54 Cards in this Set

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How many planets in the solar system have water?
Only earth has liquid water
What produces more electricity than any other hydroelectric dam in the United States?
Grand Coulee Dam in Washington
This is the watering of land through pipes, ditches, or canals.
Irrigation is watering of land
What three states are among the nations most important agricultural producers?
Texas, California and Arizona
Give two reasons why industry could not function without water
Production of electricity and transportation to move cargo are necessary for industry
What is the advantage of transporting bulk cargo such as oil and grains by water
By water is the cheapest way to transport grain and oil
What is causing our water resources to become more vulnerable?
Pollution from cities, farms, and industrial wastes dumped into our water
What threatens our fish and affects our plants and animals
water pollution
Without water, what would happen to the Earth's temperature and why?
The water on the earth controls the temperature by lowering or raising it. Without water, the earth would dry up and nothing could survive and the temperature would rise dramatically
What drives the hydrologic cycle?
Solar energy drives the hydrologic cycle
What is it called when plants give off water vapor through their leaves?
Transpiration is when plants give off water through their leaves
What is the difference between a lake and a sea?
Seas join oceans and are smaller bodies of salt water

Lakes are separate from oceans and seas and are fresh water
What formed the Great Lakes?
What effect can large lakes have on the local climate?
They moderate (keep it near the same temperature) the local climates making longer growing seasons
What is a wetland?
Wetlands are land areas that become flooded for part of the year. They include coastal marshes, wooded swamps, bogs, bottomlands.
What is the name of one of the best known wetlands in the U.S.?
Everglades in Florida
What is the major source of ground water?
precipitation from rain or melting snow
How do we tap into the ground water called the water table?
The water table is the top of the saturated (holding all it can) zone and to get to it, we have to drill a well
If a regions usffers a drought, what happens to the water table?
The top of the water table will be lower in the ground.
What is the largest geographic feature on Earth?
The Pacific Ocean
What are the smaller saltwater bodies connected to the oceans called? Name three
Seas are small saltwater bodies connected to the oceans. Three seas are : Mediterranean Sea, Coral Sea, Caribbean Sea
What is the name of the saltwater bodies near coasts that extend into land? Name three
Gulfs are saltwater bodies near coasts. Three are:
Gulf of Mexico Gulf of Alaska Persian Gulf
Where would you find the greatest ocean depth on the planet?
Mariana Trench in the North Pacific Ocean has the greatest depth
What are the most common material found in sea water and why?
Since it is possible to remove salt from sea water why don't we do it more often?
It is a very expensive process to remove salt from sea water
On a daily basis, the temperature of the ocean water changes by how many degrees?
less than one degree
How many gallons of precipitation fall on the U.S. each day?
4,300 billion gallons of water
Which category requires the least amount of fresh water each day?
The Nile River is associated with what great civilization?
The Huang River is associated with what great civilization?
The Tigris and Euphrates River is associal with what great civilization?
The Ganges River is associated with what great civilization?
How many people lack even the most rudimentary delivery system for clean water?
Lack of access to safe drinking water alone results in the deaths of ....million people a year
More people have died from .... in the lst 10 years than have been lost to armed conflict since World War II
What body of water has lost two-thirds of its volume in the last 10 yrs.
What are the water borne diseases?
Where do the vast majority of the world's poorest and hungriest people live?
The number of people lacking adequate santiation in the world is 2.4 billion or ... of the world's population.
What percentage of the human body is made up of water?
This is the physical system made up of all the earth's water
What is the name of the saltwater bodies near coasts that extend into land?
On a daily basis, the temperature of ocean water changes by how many degrees?
Less than one degree
Water is unique. It is the only substance that can exist as a solid, a liquid and...
a gas
The circulation of water among parts of the hydrosphere is called?
the hydrologic cycle
The ................... ................... is the largest fresh water lake system in the world.
The Great Lakes
What percent of the earth's water is salt?
Approximately what percent of the earth's surface is covered with water?
What is the largest geographic feature on Earth?
Pacific Ocean
This is the watering of land through pipes, ditches, or canals
What percent of the earth's fresh wawter is locked in ice caps or glaciers?
Approximately how many gallons of water does thea verage American family use per day?
Approximately how many gallons of water does the average person use each day?
What percentage of the world's sewage is poures straight into rivers and other water sources?