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138 Cards in this Set

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Egg cell count at birth

2 million

Normal position of the uterus

Anteflexed and anteverted

Location of round ligament

lateral border of the uterus

Reason for anterversion of the uterus

Round ligament

Most immature follicle

Primordial follicle

Respond to the hormone by the pituitary gland

Oocyte will be released on the

14th day

More constant in menstration

Secretory phase

Used in family planning

Main hormone in secretory phase


Layer of the endometrium that is shed during menstration

stratum spongiosum

Also known as the functional layer

14 days, remains constant

Secretory phase

The major hormone in proliferative phase


Endometrial histologic characteristic in prolifereative phase

Tubular, psuedostratified

Life span of the oocyte

24-36 hours

Phase with presence of sub nuclear vacules

Early Secretory phase

Phase with Supra nuclear vacules plus edema

mid secretory phase

Pre decidual changes with development of arteriols in the stroma

Late secretory phase

The remains of the dominant follicle

Corpus luteum

All pituitary and ovarian hormones should be released at the proper time in the right amounts

Any disturbances will lead to

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Most common cause of dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Anovulatory cycle (failure to ovulate)*

- endocrine, ovarian (PCOS or granulosa cell tumor), metabolic (obesity, malnutrition)

2nd cause is inadequate luteal phase

- ovulation occurs but lags due to LOW progesterone

Caused by Infections after delivery or miscarraige

Retained products of conception

Causative agents: group A strep, staph aureus

With neutrophils

Acute endometritis

Treatment of acute endometritis

Removal of retained POC by curretage, antibiotic therapy

With lymphocytes and plasma cells in stroma

Chronic Pelvic inflammatory disease

Intrauterine contraceptive devices

Tuberculosis (from miliary spread or from TB in fallopian tubes)

No obvious cause

Chronic endometritis

Presence of endometrial tissues, both glands and stroma, outside the uterine cavity

Pre menopausal 3rd-4th decade


Dysmenorrhea, dyschezia, dysparenuria 3D


4 theories of development of endometriosis

Retrograde menstration

Metaplasia of coelomic epithelium

Immunologic theory

Vascular or lymphatic dissemination

Most common site of endometriosis


2nd uterine ligaments

30-40% associated with infertility

Treatment of endometriosis

Oral contraceptive pills

Laparoscopy will show

Mulberry spots: dark blue/ brownish black

Chocolate cyst (ovarian surface)

Poweder burn (peritoneal)


Biopsy/ histology will show

Endometrial tissue (glands and stroma) and Hemosiderin laden macrophages


First line for treatment for endometriosis

Oral contraceptive pills (estrogen and progesterone)

Surgical management of endometriosis

TAHBSO (defenitive)

Conservative: oophorocystectomy, excision (consider the age please)

Best time to become pregnant: immediately after conservative surgery

Presence of Endometrial tissue within the myometrium

Halban sign (uterus is usually tender and slightly softened on bimanual exam )


Uterus is assymetrically bulky, mobility not restricted, no associated adnexal pathology


Metromenorrhagia, colicky dysmenorrhea, dysparenuria, pelvic pain


Tender, soften premenstrual uterus

uterus is usually tender and slightly softened on bimanual exam

halban sign

Treatment of adenomyosis


Exophytic masses projecting into endometrial cavity

Multiple and sessile or large and pedunculated

Endometrial polyp

Glands may be hyperblastic and atrophic or can undergo secretory changes

Endometrial polyp

Treatment for endometrial polyp

dilatation and curettage

Rearrangement of HMGIC and HMGIY genes

Mutations of the med12 genes


Subtype of leiomyoma with bleeding


Subtype of leiomyoma that is asympotmatic


Diagnostic for leiomyoma


Treatment for leiomyoma/fibroid uterine

Conservative: watch and wait

Medical: OCP, GNRH agonist

Surgical: hysterectomy, myomectomy

Rubbery Mass with world cut cervix


70 year old woman passed blood for a month. What diagnostic procedure?

Tansvaginal ultrasound

Most common gynecologic malignancy in the developed countries

Endometrial carcinoma

Most common gynecologic malignancy in developing countries

Cervical cancer

Mean age for endometrial carcinoma


Most common cause of abnormal uterine bleeding more than 60 yrs old


2nd endometrial cancer

Most common cause if within the reproductive age group of abnormal uterine bleeding


Increased estrogen production of endometrial carcinoma

Type 1 endometrial cancer

ObesityPCOSunbalanced HRTnulliparityLate menopauseEstrogen produxing tumor (granulosa cell tumor, most common)

Type of endometrial cancer not estrogen related

type 2

Increase in the glands stroma

Absence of stromal invasion

Inactivation of PTEN tumor

Endometrial hyperplasia

Precursor to endometrial carcinoma

Increase proliferation of endometrial glands relative to stroma, increase gland to stroma ratio

Associated with prolonged estrogenic stimulation

Inactivation of PTEN tumor suppressor gene

Endometrial hyperplasia

Most common symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia


Classification of endometrial hyperplasia

non atypical endometrial hyperplasia

atypical endometrial hyperplasia/ endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma

1-3% progressed to cancer

Increase gland to stroma ratio with intervening stroma

Follow up monitoring (every 3 months until regression)

non atypical endometrial hyperplasia

Endometium is Crowded glands with intervening stroma

atypical endometrial hyperplasia

Treatment is surgery hysterectomy

Endrometriod morophology in endometrial carcinoma

Type 1 endometrial carcinoma

Aggresive type of endometrial cancer


Type 2 endometrial carcinoma

Most common maligant tumor of the endometrium

Endometrioid adenocarcinoma

Diagnostics for endometriod adenocarcinoma


Curettage (both diagnostic and curative)

Most common uterine sarcomas

Carcinosarcomas / malignant mixed mullerian tumor

Large broad based endometrial polypoid growth

Malignant stroma with abnormally shaped benign glands


Treatment for adenosarcoma


late: radiation and chemotherapy

Hemorrhage and necrosis

Rapidly enlarging pelvic mass, pain or vagibal bleeding


Treatment of leiomyosarcona

TAHBSO, Radiation therapy and chemotherapy as adjuvant

Fusion of JAZFI and SUZ12 genes

High rate of recurrence

10% or uterine sarcoma

Endometrial stromal tumors

Consist of epithelia and mesenchymal elements native or foreign to the uterus

Mutations of PIK3CA, PTEN, TP53

postmenopausal bleeding with enlarged uterus, Bulky and polypoid, protrudes to the cervical os


Most common site of cervical malignancy (HPV 16 and 18 related)

Metaplastic squamous epithelium or transformation zone.

Lining of the endocerival epithelium

Single layer mucinus columnar

Only cancer that has screening (pap smear)

Cervical cancer

HPV strain related to cervical cancer

High risk: 16 and 18, 31 and 33

Low risk: 6 and 11

Most common type of cancer of the cervix

Squamous cell carcinoma

Types of cervical cancer

squamous cell carcinoma


Small cell carcinoma(hpv18)

Recommended guidelines for cervical screening

Start if >21 years of age who are or have been sexually active

21-29: if negative, every 2 years

30 and older: annually, if negative for 3 consecutive, every 3 years

HIV patients: twice in the first year then annually thereafter

Screening will discontinue if

Age 70 yrs old

Total hysterectomy

Non enveloped, double stranded, Dna virus

Human pallimoma virus

Onco 16,18,31,33

Non onco 6 and 11

Early changes in the infection of HPV is seen in the

Superficial layer

Will inhibit p53


Associated with retinoblastoma


Pathognomonic histolgicaly for HPV infection



Watery discharge (often offensive) and blood stained discharge or bleeding , after coitus

Early cervical cancer

Exophytic of fungating type of cervical cancer

squamous cell carcinoma

Pelvic pain

Bladder and bowel problems

Late cervical cancer

Most common cause of mortality in cervical carcinoma

renal failure

ASCUS (Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance)

repeat pap smear after 6 months

AGUS (atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance)

Colposcopy with endometrial currettage

Vaccine for hov 6,11,16,18


0, 2, 6 mo


Vaccine for hpv 16 and 18


0, 1, 16


Prepares the endometrium for possible emplantation

Corpus luteum

Distention of unruptured graafian follicle


Follicular cyst

Multiple follicular cyst due to hormonal imbalance

Increased LH and decreased FSH

Obese young woman with infertility, oligomenorrhea and hirsutism

Insulin resistance (give metformin)

polycystic ovarian syndrome

Most common primary ovarian tumor

surface epithelial tumors

Most common type of ovarian tumor


Treatment of epithelial ovarian cancer


Most common symptom of epithelial ovarian cancer

abdominal pain and enlarging mass

Extragonadal sites are less common

In the mediastinum and retroperitoneum

Majority arise in the gonad from undifferenciated germ cell


Germ cell tumors

Dysgerminoma (seminoma in males)

Embryonal carcinoma

Fried egg cells

Only germ cell tumor that is radio sensitive


Most common tumor found in pediatric population

yolk sac tumor

Most common malignant germ cell tumor

Most common spread: lymphatics

Retroperitonial nodes and near structures

75% are stage 1


Treatment for dysgerminoma

Surgical: conservative

Radiation: very sensitive

Chemotherapy: adjuvant

Aggressive, contains fetal tissue, neuroectoderm.

Typical represented by immature like neural tissue

Immature teratoma

Treatment for immature teratoma

Surgery and chemotherapy

Most common immature component found in immature teratoma


Most common germ cell tumor

Squamous Cell CA- most common somatic transformation

mature teratoma

Type of Yolk sak tumor that has Abdominal /pelvic pain and

secretes AFP, rarely alpha antitrypsin

Endometrial yolk sac tumor

Very young median 14 years

Secrets AFP and HCG

Embryonal carcinoma

Non gestational and extremely rare

Secrete HCG

treatment : surgery then chemotherapy

Poor prognosis if its pure form


Embryoid bodies


Derived from the sex cords (granulosa and sertoli cells) and the ovarian stroma or mesenchyme (theca, lutein and leydic cells

Most common: granulosa stromal cell tumor

Sex cord stromal tumors

Carl-Exner bodies

Low grade malignancy, late relapse

Secretes estrogen aand may secrete androgen

No endocrine function in some

Granulosa cell tumor

Granulosa cell tumor marker


Most common sex cord stromal tumor

Adult tyoe

Metastatic ca to the ovaries, from GI

Mucin secreting signet cell adenocarcinoma

More on the left

Krukenberg tumor


Least commin site for carcinima female reproductive sysstem

80-90% metastatic

Fallopian tube cancer

4th to 5th decade life

Watery discharge (most common and most specific )

Vaginal bleeding

Crampy abdominal pain

Fallopian cancer

Mucoid clear, translucent liquid

Lined by transitional epithelium or squamous low cuboidal mucinous epithelium


Bartholin cyst

lichen sclerosis

Lichen simplex chronicus


Marked thinning of epidermis, degeneration of basal cells, hyperkeratosis bandlike lymphocytic infiltrates in the dermis

Activated t cell

Not more malignant but high chance of malignancy

Lichen sclerosis

Hyperplastic dystrophy

From rubbing/ scratching

Thickening of epidermis acanthosis and hyperkeratosis

Lichen simplex chronicus (squamous hyperplasia)

HPV 6 and 11

Condyloma accuminata

Most common vaginal cancer

Squamous cell carcinoma

Refers to a spextrun if proliferqtive abnormalities of the throphoblast


Gestational throphoblastic disease

Most common type of H mole


No fetal tissues or membranes, diffuse

Competely paternal 46XX/XY

Snow storm pattern

Complete H mole

With fetus


Partial H mole

Pap smear: 3M margination molding and multinucleation

HSV infection

Treatment of HSV

Acyclovir 400mgs TID

Famcyclovir 250

Poxvirus infection of skin and mucous

Molluscum contangiosum

Mcv 1 - most prevalent

Mcv 2 - sexually transmitted

Most common fungal infection

Candida glabrata

Txt metronidazole

whitish mucoud frothy

Trichomonas vaginalis


Clue cells

Whiff test positive

Thin green maloderous vaginal discharge

Gardnerella vaginalis

Second most common

Black pigment irregular borders

2cm margin excision


red lesion


80% intraepithelial adenocarcinoma cells

In situ

Most common site of spread: inguinal lymph nodes

Pagets disease

Symptoms of pagets disease

pruritus and vulvar soreness

Painless vaginal bleeding most common

Due to T shpaed uterus, small/hypoplastic cervix (incompetent cervix)

Due to DES

Metastatic from cervix

Vaginal cancer