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20 Cards in this Set

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brain stem
control of physiological functions and automatic behaviors
control and coordinate movements, like rapid skilled movements
cerebral hemispheres
involved in perceptions, memories, behaviors
cerebral cortex
thin top layer of brain, often called gray matter
glial cells
hold system of neurons together
particles produced with various substances are dissolved into water.
(magnetic resonance imaging)
place head in strong magnetic field and then place radio signal within and sense molecules of brain

produce higher res images than CT scanners, but more expensive and cannot come into contact with pace makers, etc.
CT, or CAT scanner
computerized tomography

takes an image of a slice of the brain, sends x rays through person's head
PET scan
positron emission tomography
give person an injection of a radioactive chemical that accumulates in the brain, head placed into the scanner, then detects the positrons
functional MRI
fMRI, preferred method of measuring activity of human brain, like MRI but takes a lot less time
primary visual cortex
receives visual information, located in back of the brain
primary auditory cortex
receives auditory information, side of the brain
primary somatosensory cortex
vertical strip near middle of the cerebral hemispheres on the parietal lobe, receives information from the body senses
located in the breat of cerebral hemispheres, divided into two parts

receives sensory information, all sensory information, except for olfaction, is sent to thalamus before sent to cerebral cortex
corpus callosum
"band" that connects the two hemispheres of the brain

connects left and right parts of brain - left and right parietal lobes,
frontal lobes
motor activity, planning strategies for action, wvaluating them, and changing them if necessary
control of movement, fluid movement of rapid, skilled movement
basal ganglia
group of neurons deep in the cerebral hemispheres, next to the thalamus

control of movements, particularly slow ones than involve large mucles of the body
limbic system
contains the hippocampus and amygdala

hippocampus, involved in episodic memory or learning and remembering experiences from daily lives, and learning how to do things

amygdala - emotional behavior, esp. negative emotions caused by stressful events
below thalamus, participates in homeostasis and species-typical behaviors