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23 Cards in this Set

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Factors used in measuring creative thinking are:
fluency, flexibility, elaboration, originality
What are the characteristics of fluency in relation to creative thinking?
the ability to generate a quantity of ideas within a brief period of time
What are the characteristics of flexibility in relation to creative thinking?
the ability to generate ideas across categories of thought; View things from different perspectives or points of view.
What are the characteristics of elaboration in relation to creative thinking?
the ability to embellish, provide ornamentation or details.
What are the characteristics of originality in relation to creative thinking?
the ability to generate unique or clever ideas.
What are the 4 modes of learning?
Verbal written mode
verbal spoken mode
visual mode
kinesthetic mode
What are the stages IN ORDER of the learning cycle?
1) Motivation phase
2) Understanding phase
3) Application phase
4) Adaptation phase
Who is Maslow?
Maslow created the hierarchy of needs. Maslow said people can't move to "higher needs" unless the deficiency needs have all been met. He believed all people strive for self-actualization.
What is Maslow's Hierarchy of needs from lowest to highest?
(1) Survival
(5)Intellectual achievement
(6)Aesthetic appreciation
(7) Self-actualization
What are some of the applications of Maslow's work in schools that seem to support some of its validity?
Schools provide free breakfasts and lunches b/c it makes sense that hungry children wont be motivated to learn. The effor by many school to make students feel safe (physically and emotionally) is also associated with Maslow.
What was Rogers known for?
Emphasized self-actualization. Had the idea of unconditional positive regards towards others (someone is worthy and acceptable regardless of behavior; parents do this for kids). Conditional regard hinders personal growth. Rogers recommended treating all students as "developing individuals with potential".
What was Kohlberg know for?
His theory of moral reasoning Studied under piaget. Researched differences in children's reasoning about moral dilemmas and how moral reasoning develops with age.
What are the 3 levels of moral reasoning?
1) Preconventional Moral Reasoning
2) Conventional Moral Reasoning
3) Postconventional Moral Reasoning
What is preconventional moral reasoning?
Called preconventional b/c children don't understand the conventions or rules of society. Typical of children up to age 9. Rules are obeyed to avoid punishment. An action is deemed good or bad by its punishment. Obeying rules should bring some sort of benefit in return.
What is conventional moral reasoning?
age 9-20. called conventional since most of this age group conform to conventions of society b/c they are rules of society. Judgement based on others' approval, family expectations, traditional values, laws of society, and loyaly to country. Laws are absolute. Authority must be respected and social order maintained.
What is postconventional moral reasoning?
after age 20 by SOME. called postconventional b/c moral principles that underlie conventions are understood. Rules shouldn't be based on blind obedience to authority but mutal agreement and rights of the individual should be protected. Moral decisions should be made in terms of self-chosen ethical principals which should be applied in consisten ways. Kohlberg said this stage is a theoretical ideal that is rarely encountered in real life.
What is Piaget known for?
His theory of cognitive development.
What are Piaget's four stages of cognitive development?
Sensorimotor (birth - 2yrs)
Preoperational (2 - 6 /7)
Concrete Operational (6/7 - 11/12)
Formal Operational (11/12 - adulthood)
What is sensorimotor stage?
From birth to 2 yrs.
Coordination of sensory input and motor responses. Development of object permanence.
What is Preoperational Stage?
Age 2 through 6 or 7
Development of symbolic thought marked by irreversibility, egocentric.
What is concrete operational stage?
Age 6 or 7 through 11 or 12
Mental operations applied to concrete events; mastery of conservation heirarchy.
What is formal operations stage?
Age 11 or 12 through adulthood
Mental operations applied to abstract ideas.
Whe founded the life stages of virtue and what are they?
Eirk Erikson
hope, will, purpose, comptence, fidelity, love, caring, wisdom