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69 Cards in this Set

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strong heart diet study:
native american diets
consume 12% less kcal than ave US
increased DM and heart dz

lacking in b vits and aoxs
prob oriented medical record
screen assessment plan
Ulcer treatment
antacids, abxs
drugs: cimetidine, rantidine (H2 blockers)
diet: as tolerated. avoid late snacks.
avoid: pepper, child powder, caffeine, alc
how does H2 blockers work?
prevents binding of histamine to receptor. decreases acid secretion.
hiatal hernia diet:
small bland feedings.
avoid: late snacks, caffeine, spicy
dumping syndrom occurs after:
gastrectomy (billroth I and II)
what occurs in duodemum?
both are released.little pancreatic stimulation if duodenum is bypassed.
schilling test
diagnoses pernicious anemia (b12 test)
b12 def can by caused by:
no intrinsic factor
bac overgrowth in loop of intestine being bypassed.
dumping syndrom diet:

supplement maybe: b12 (injections?), folate, Fe

6 feeds/d
fluids before or after meals
50-60% complex CHO
protein each meal
mod fat
may need to avoid lactose
Tropical sprue treatment:
(diet, supplements and meds)
Diet: high kcal, high protein
Supplement: b12 (IM), folate
Meds: Abx
tropical sprue is chronic?
yes. affects the stomach often as well.
rye gluten
barley gluten
oats gluten
celiac affects this part of GI
jejunum and ileum
Celiac deficiencies:
fat sol vits
macrocytic anemia
Fe def
buckwheat for celiac?
may be contaminated
malt and celiac?
can't eat it.
bulgur and celiac?
can't eat it.
couscous and celiac?
can't eat it.
guar gum and celiac?
arrowroot and celiac?
carob bean and celiac?
diverticulosis diet:
high fiber
diverticulitis diet
clear liquids
than gradually return to high fiber diet.
pectins and gums are ___ fiber:
delay gastric empyting. ___ fiber:
oat bran. __ fiber:
but rest of oats are soluble fiber...
is fiber digestible?
nope. non digestible CHOs.
high fiber diet may increase the need for:
lots of minerals.
gastritis diet:
clear liqs. advance as tol.
crohn's dx aka:
regional enteritis
crohn's affects:
terminal ileum
inflam bowel dx (IBD) is:
ulcerative colitis and crohn's
UC begins in
sulfasalazine is:L
anti diarrhea
actue UC treatment:
elemntal diet. to min fecal vol.
acute crohn's tx:
bowel rest. PN or min residue.
only limit fat if ___ in IBDs:
when do you give high fiber to IBD's
when inremission.
IBS is
chronic abdominal discomfort
in IBS avoid:
larg meals, alc, caffeine, sugars
bacterial digestion of lactose relases ___ gas
CO2 and H
how long is H detected on breath after eating lactose?
60 - 90 min.
how much should glc rise after lactose tolerance test?
>25 mg/dl = not intolerant
<25 mg/dl = lactose intolerant
lactose intolerance should supplement:
Ca + riboflacin
% fat for chronic nonsepcific infantile diarrhea:
diarrhea in adults diet:
after diarrhea stops, start low fiber foods. then protein. pre/probiotics.
don't limit fat.
avoid lactose af first.
probiotics are:
good bacteria
prebiotics are:
food for good bac
steatorrhea diet:
high protein
high complex CHO
fat as tol
fat sol vits
water vits (some)
MCT (rapidly hydrolyzed in GI)
wrost parts of GI to lose:
ileum (esp the last 1/3), ileocecal valve, and colon.
most digestion occurs in:
dudodeum and upper J
(first 100 cm of who SI)
this part of SI can take over another parts fx.
ileum cna take over jejunal fxs.
distal ileum absorbs:
bile salts
intrinsic factor
majority of fluid
results of ileum not absorbing bile salts:
lipids aren't emulsified... fats not absorbed... soaps (fats + Mg, Ca, Zn)...colon absorbs more oxalate... renal oxalate stones... increased fluid and electrolyte secretion from colon... increased colon motility.
SBS diet:
PN initially.
then enteral. continuous.

may take a weeks to months to get to real food.
diet after jejunal resection:
normal CHO
normal Phos
6 small feeds
avoid lactose
avoid conc sweets
vit and min supp
diet after ileal resection:
limit fat
use MCT
fat sol vits
Ca, Mg, Zn, PN B12
does liver regulate fluids?
does liver regulate electrolytes?
ALP aka
alkaline phosphatase.

elevated means:
liver dz
bone dz
decreased ALP
LDH aka
lactic acid dehydrogenase

elevated levels mean:
myocardial infarction
muscle malignancies
AST aka
aspartate amino transferase.
liver enzyme that is decreased with DKA
ALT aka
alanine aminotransferase or SGPT