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43 Cards in this Set

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Something that truly exists, or happens something that actually exists true piece of info

Compare with opinion


Belief, judgement, way of thinking about something, thinking in particular way

Advice from someone with special knowledge, expert

Formal statement by a judge in court, explaining the reasons a decision was made according to the rules

Vs fact

Disguising opinions as facts

Weasel words


Hiding inconvenient facts


Active vs passive voice


See separate definitions

Weasel words

When someone chooses language that implies fact without stating it out right

Generally stating opinions to unnamed sources....

Sneaky words like 100% of Dr's agree... Well what kind of Dr's and who?


Generic phrasing suggesting that one thing linked to another

Eg. Boy 13 fires shotgun in cousins face after playing gangster video game

Are these two things provably linked?

Are the 2 things linked?

Hiding inconvenient facts

Consider argument structure

Eg. News stories tell you what they want you to think. In the beginning.. Less eye catching info at the end

Ppl often lead with details that matter most to them

Omit details That don't the support their version of events or opinion

Their important argument details come 1st


Images are chosen to give a positive negative spin to what the author wants to convey

Spin doctoring


Forming a theory or conjecture without firm evidence

Eg facts = the woman backed into the donut shop

Speculation = she backed up WTO paying attention bc she was talking on the phone or singing along to some pop song bc her lips were moving

No firm evidence

Inference vs Assumption

What we infer /interpret from what we observe tells a lot about our assumptions

Man in gutter.. Needs help or is a bum?

Bias/personal opinion

An inclination temperament or outlook Esp. Personal and unreasoned judgement/ prejudiced

Asumptions reveal biases

The man in the gutter scenario

RED strategy

Recognize... Gather info... Listen... Know your assumptions... Look for gaps in logic

Evaluate.... Opinions disguised as facts... Evaluate persona biases... Analyze objectively

DRAW CONCLUSIONS.... Logical... Is it based on fact or personal biases... Avoid generalizing... Avoid speculation... Practice




RRA Strategy

REFLECT= avoid snap judgements take time to think about multiple ideas and reflect on the sources of info you receive

REASONS=what evidence/facts are there that support the argument presented... How does the source feel about the situation... Why?

ALTERNATIVES=are there alternatives sources of evidence... Are there alternative conclusions?





Plan=analyzing and identifying the problem

Do=developing and implementing solutions

Check=evaluate results

Act=standardize the solution





5 whys

Keep asking why until you get the roof the problem

Often the problem is a symptom of a bigger issue

Why's det'm the reason the problem exists

5 whys are the general amount needed to reach the cause

The amt of Y's needed to get to the root

Appreciative inquiry

Discovery=sharing positive experiences related to the problem at hand

Dream=sharing the ideal way to improve what is going right

Design=create a chg proposal from dream step

Destiny/delivery = participants share how they will contribute to the chg proposal

5 Ds

Constructive controversy

Draw a conclusion

State your case

Hear different conclusions

Feel uncertain

Search for better understanding and therefore improved solutions

Draw, state hear, feel, search

Common blocks to problem solving











Perceptual blocks

Seeing only what you want


Not recognizing problems early

Not keeping problems in perspective.. Making it larger

Mistaking cause and effect

Getting and keeping right perspective

Emotional blocks

Fear of making mistakes


Avoiding anxiety

Fear of taking risks

Need for order

Lack of challenge

Bc we perceive a threat to our emotional needs

Intellectual blocks

Lack of problem solving skills

Lack of creative thinking

Inflexible thinking

Not being methodical

Using inadequate info

Don't have or use the thinking skills req'd

Expressive blocks

Not being comfortable with certain communications

Being too passive

Being too domineering

Using incorrect terminology or jargon

Don't have or use req'd comm'n skills or to record ideas

Environmental blocks

How we are managed


physical discomfort


Lack of support

Lack of comm'n

How the social or lphysical environment hinders our problem solving

Avoiding perceptual blocks

Having warning systems in place

Defining and analyzing problems adequately

Collecting relevant info

Questioning if you've used correct info or made correct assumptions re relevance

Asking others point of view

Chk your methods

Avoiding emotional blocks

Developing ideas in practical form before sharing

Developing a logical argument to prove they work to overcome feeling foolish

Following strictly methodical approach to curb impatience

Tackling problems in easily managed steps if you're anxious

Identify worst case scenario and how likely that it will occur

Find ways to prevent if you're fearing risks

To keep emotions in chk

Avoiding intellectual blocks

Learn to be methodical

Practice using different "languages to tackle problems"

Avoiding expressive blocks

Identitify which language is most likely to help you to solve the problem

Using languages differently to help you problem solve.. Eg diagrams

Ensuring that when you explain idea you have all relevant info and can convey it clearly.

Developing a style of working with others so that ppl are willing to work with you and willing to listen so that you can influence

Not too passive or forceful

Avoiding environmental blocks

In a climate of criticism develop the strengths of your ideas and overcome weaknesses before proposing sol'n

Conduct problem solving on an environment that suits you

If you ppl may not provide needed support ID benefits of solving problems urself b4 you ask

If work hinders you set aside time to tackle the prob. When you are free from other work

Find your space and time

Week 1 review

Wk 1 review

Critical thinking

Critical thinking



Problem solving

Ways to solve problems

Tools of good decisions

Solution pyramid


has several solutions leading to several answers

Whoever controls the answers controls the questions

Closed or close ended problems

Only one solution leading to 1 answer

Whoever controls the question controls the answer

Brainstorming wheel

Typical wheel

Comparison Analysis

Help visualize the problem

Stepladder technique

Step by step approach

Allows shy quiet members to be heard WTO others influencing them

Everyone's idea is heard b4 a final decision is made

Step 1 everyone hears the problem

Step 2 core group of 2 to discuss problem

Step 3 add a 3rd member who presents their ideas b4 hearing the core groups ideas

Step 4 after all 3 members discuss ideas and sol'n discuss options together

Step 5 add 4th member and so on to the group

Step 6 reach a final decision only after all members have been heard and discussed


Practice of making decisions in a way that discourages individual responsibility or creativity

RATIONALIZATION... Those ppl don't agree bc they haven't researched the problem like we have

PEER PRESSURE... well if you feel we're not making right decision you can leave the team

COMPLACENCY... Our track record is flawless... We're unstoppable

MORAL HIGH GROUND... we know right and wrong and this is right

STEREOTYPING... lawyers find any excuse to argue... Even when they are clearly wrong

CENSORSHIP... don't listen to that nonsense they don't have a clue about what's going on

ILLUSION OF UNANIMITY.. we all agree so it's decided

How to avoid groupthink

Explore objectives

Explore alternatives

Encourage ideas to be challenged WTO reprisals

Examine the risks

Test assumptions

If necessary go back. and re examine previous alternatives that were rejected

Gather relevant info from outside sources

Process info objectively

Have at least 1 contingency plan

Why do ppl make bad decisions

Not having sufficient alternatives

Not considering all alternatives

Lack of time

Lack of. info

Not being methodical

Poor work at an earlier stage of prob solving

Impulsive response

Why do ppl and groups make poor decisions?

Evaluating decisions

Consider involving others when...

You have formal obligation to

You require additional info before making final decision

Expert skills are required to evaluate options

You need the commitment of others for the solution to be implemented

It can be helpful to. Include others in the evaluation of decisions

Ethical decisions

Contingency planning

Keep the main goal in mind

Identify the trigger

Define time periods

Identify all needs

Consider related resource restrictions

Define success

Use these guidelines when creating a contingency plan