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38 Cards in this Set

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The study of observable anatomical features of an organisation


Represents the internal physiological traits.


The belief that humans evolved independently from seperate species of apes


That humans evolved from a single origin.

What are the peoblems with the concept of race?

1. No pure races.

2. All of humanity belongs to a single species.

3. No definitions of race.

Natural selection

Features that allowed people to live longer. Hence, enabeling people with those features to live longer and procreate.

Sexual selection

People choose their prospective mates based off of beauty standards of a particular culture. As a consequence, people choose similar mates and procreate similar offspring.

Reproductive isolation

Through migration, human populations become isolated from other groups for long periods of time.


The belief that one group of peopl is superior to another bcause of genetic, biological or cultural differences


extending racial meanings to a relationship, social practice, or group that had not been previously associated with race

What are people of color/non-Caucasian people often referred to as?

racialized people

Ethnic group

they recognize themselves and others as a distinct group based on social or cultural characteristics or a common national origin rather than physical characteristics.

symbolic ethnicity

identifying with an ethnic group without suffering any negative effects (ex. people can identify with their historical culture of being Irish on st-patrics day, but can discard them the next day)


promotes pluralism and encourages the maintenance of the ethnic and cultural identities of all Canadians


measuring of skulls as a way to classify people according to race, sex or body type.


the practice of selective breeding to improve the racial quality of future generations.

one drop rule

define a person as black if he or she has any African ancestry.


when a child of mixed heritage is automatically given the status of the parent with the lower racial staus

racial profiling

refers to the use of an individual's race or ethnicity in assessing criminal intent


shared culture or common national origin


based on culturally defined physical characteristics

ethnic group

is a collection of people who share a common culture or national origin and is distinguishable within a larger society

Shared cultural traits

Ethnic group members share a culture, or at least one or a few cultural traits they deem to be important that hold them together as a group

sense of community

the feeling of "we"


marriage within the group


marriage outside the group


the tendency of judging other cultures by one's own cultural standards or values which leads to the view that his/her own culture is superior than other cultures.


is the tendency of judging other cultures by one's own cultural standards or values which leads to the view that his/her own culture is superior than other cultures.

social darwinism

inequalities that existed between the rich and the poor, between peoples of different culture and race, were the direct result of evolutionary processes

scientific racism

refers to attempts to "prove" racial hierarchy with so called scientific measures

blood quantum

the percentage of a person's heritage according to racial composition

Hyphenated canadians

largely ethnic and racial minorities and immigrants who identify themselves in terms of both their ethnic origin and their citizenship or nationaliry

ethnic collectivities

people live in a distinct culture are aware of themselves as a unit and are recognized as a unit by outsiders and the members have high rate of interaction within the group

ethnic categories

merely grouping of people with one or a few common characteristics but with little group solidarity and very little interaction within the group

dominant group

the collection of people who have more power to have control over their own lives; have better access to the societal resources and political power and they define the culture and the values of the society


happens when ethnic groups are not only culturally distinguishable, they are territorially and institutionally segregated and unequal in power.


a negative attitude based on (so not a belief) based on preconceived notions about enferiority of other group members (gender groups, religious groups, racial or ethnic groups, etc.)

What are the 4 characteristics of prejudice


irrational and inflexible


social distance