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41 Cards in this Set

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a period of rapid physical and sexual maturation that occurs mainly during early adolescence
a girls first menstruation
powerful chemical substances secreted by the endocrine glands and carried through the body by the bloodstream
a structure in the higher portion of the brain that monitors eating and sex
pituitary gland
an important endocrine gland that controls growth and regulates other glands, including the gonads
the sex glands- the testes in males and the ovaries in females
corpus callosum
the location where fibers connect the brain's left and right hemispheres
the region of the brain that is the seat of emotions
infections contracted primarily through sexual contact, including oral- genitals and anal- genital contact
anorexia nervousa
an eating disorder that involves the relentless pursuit of thinness through starvation
bulimia nervosa
an eating disorder in which the individual consistently follows a binge- and - purge pattern
hypothetical- deductive reasoning
Piaget's formal operational concept that adolescents have the cognitive ability to develop hypotheses or best guesses about ways to solve problems
adolescent egocentrism
the heightened self consciousness of adolescents
imaginary audience
involves adolescents' belief that others are as interested in them as they themselves are
personal fable
the part of adolescent egocentrism that involves an adolescent's sense of uniqueness and invincibility
top dog phenomenon
the circumstance of moving front he top position in elementary school to the lowest position in middle school or junior high
service learning
a form of education that promotes social responsibility and service to the community
Marcia's term for a period of identity development during which the adolescent is exploring alternatives
Marcia's term for the part of identity development in which adolescents show a personal investment in forming an identity
identity diffusion
Marcia's term for adolescents who have not yet experienced a crisis or made an commitments
identity foreclosure
Marcia's term for adolescents who have made a commitment but have not experienced a crisis
identity moratorium
Marcia's term for adolescents who are in the midst of a crisis but their commitments are either absent or vaguely defined
identity achievement
Marcia's term for adolescents who have undergone a crisis and have made a commitment
ethnic identity
and enduring basic aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group and the attitudes and feelings related to that membership
a small group that ranges from 2 to about 12 individuals, averaging about 5 or 6 individuals and often consists of adolescents who engage in similar activities
a larger group structure than a clique a crowd is usually formed based on reputation and members may or may not spend much time together
rite of passage
a ceremony or ritual that marks an individual's transition from one status to another
juvenile delinquent
an adolescent who breaks the law or engages in behavior that is considered illegal
emerging adulthood
the transition from adolescence to adulthood which involves experimentation and exploration
aerobic exercise
sustained exercise that stimulates heart and lung activity swimming or jogging
diseases that are contracted primarily through sex
forcible sexual intercourse with a person who does not consent to it
date or acquaintance rape
coercive sexual activity directed at someone with whom the perpetrator is at least causally acquainted
post formal thought
thinking that is reflective relativistic and contextual provisional realistic and influenced by emotions
secure attachment style
an attachment style that describes adults who have positive views of relationships find it easy to get close to others and are not overly concerned or stressed out about their romantic relationships
avoid ant attachment style
an attachment style that describes adults who are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships
anxious attachment style
an attachment style that describes adults who demand closeness are less trusting and are more emotional jealous and possessive
romantic love
also called passionate love or eros romantic love has strong sexual and infatuation components and often predominates in the early period of a love relationship
affectionate love
in this type of love, also called companionate love, an individual desires to have the other person near and has a deep caring affection for the other person
rapport talk
the language of conversation it is a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships
report talk
talk that is designed to give information and includes public speaking