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22 Cards in this Set

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Primary organs of the skeletal system, composed of water (25%) and solid matter (75%) -- osseous tissue. Chiefly brittle, some elasticity thanks to collagen. Osteoblasts form bone starting 2nd month of fetal life.


Specialized type of fibrous connective tissue found at the ends of bones; forms the major portion of the embryonic skeleton and portions of the skeleton in adults.


Connective tissue that attaches muscles to bones.


Fibrous connective tissue that connects bones and cartilages to other bones; also serve as places for the attachment of fascia.

Axial skeleton

80 bones, principal of which are the skull, spine, ribs, and sternum.

Appendicular skeleton

126 bones, principal of which are shoulder girdle, arms, hands, pelvic girdle, legs, and feet.

Osseous tissue

Building block of bones, hard and lightweight composite material formed mostly of calcium phosphate. Has both living and dead cells embedded in a mineralized organic matrix (intercellular substance of bone).

Endochondral ossification

Process by which osteoblasts deposit organic substances in spaces vacated by broken down fetal cartilage to form bone matrix, build vasculature, and use that to deposit salts such as calcium phosphate and phosphorus that harden developing bone.

Long bones

Long, rounded bones, eg tibia, femur, humerus, radius.

Flat bones

Flattened thin bones of multiple shapes, eg ribs, scapula, parts of pelvic girdle, skull

Short bones

Nubbins, eg carpals and tarsals; not to be confused with sesamoid bones.

Irregular bones

Vertabrae, ossicles of the ear

Sesamoid bones

Bones embedded within a tendon or muscle eg patella, pisiform of the wrist

Sutural (wormian) bones

Bones occuring within th sutures of the skull.


The rounded end of a developing (adolescent) long bone.


Shaft of a long bone.


A thin vascular membrane that covers bone surfaces except at their articular surfaces.

Cortical (compact) bone

Dense, hard brittle layer of bone tissue.

Epiphyseal line

Growth plate between epiphysis and diaphysis that has ossified with maturity.

Articular cartilage

Connective tissue that provides a smooth, lubricated surface for articulation and load bearing with as little friction as possible.

Medullary canal

Hollow cavity running through the diaphysis containing yellow bone marrow.


Tough, connective tissue membrane that lines the medullary canal and inside of which yellow marrow can be found.