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186 Cards in this Set

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four components of the skeltetal system
bones, carilage, tendons, and ligaments
function of the skeletal system is to
provide support and protection, allow body movements, store minerals and fats, and is site of blood cell production
bones are good for support because
they are rigid and strong allowing them to support major tissue in body

carilage - firm yet flexable support

ligaments - hold bones together
strong bands of fiberous connective tissue. allow some movement between bones but prevent excessive movements
bones are good for protection because
hard thereby able to protect organs it surrounds
bones are good for movements because
contractions of skeletal muscle moves bondes

joints - allow movement

smooth cartilage covers ends of bones within some joints and helps allow movement

ligaments provide some movement but prevents excessive movements
strong bands of conective tissue
formed where two or more bones come together and allow movement between the bones
bones are good for storage because
some minerals in the blood are taken to the bone and stored and then used when needed. mostly calcium and phosphorus. sometimes fats
if needed fats are released from bone into the ___ and __.
blood and used by other tissues as a source of energy.
bones are good for blood cell production because
many bones contain cavities filled with red bone marrow which gives rise to blood cells and platelets
types of carilage
hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, and elastic cartilage
which type of carilage is most intimately associated with bone?
hyaline cartilage
most of the bones in the body develop from
hyaline cartilage
hyaline cartilage is also important to growth in bone because
growth in length of bones and bone repair often involve the production of hyaline cartilage until it is then replaced with bone
hyaline cartilage consistes of specialized cells that
produce a matrix surrounding the cells
cells that produce new cartilage matrix are called
when a matrix surrounds a chondroblast it becomes a
a chondrocyte is
a rounded cell that occupies a space called a lacuna within the matrix
matrix contains __ which do ___ and ___ which do ___.
collagen which provides strength and proteoglycans which make cartilage resilient by trapping water
what is a perichondrum
a double-layered connective tissue sheath covering most cartilage
outer layer of the perichondrum is
dense irregular connective tissue containing fibroblasts
what do nutrients have to do to reach the chondrocytes and why
blood vessels and nerves penetrate the outer layer of the perichondrium but do not enter the cartilage matrix so that nutrients must diffuse through the cartilage matrix to reach the chondrocytes
the inner layer of the perichondrum differs from the outer layer in that...
is more delicate and has fwer fibers and contains chondroblast
articular cartilage
is cartilage covering the ends of bones where they come together to form joints and has no perichondrium, blood vessels, or nerves.
two ways in which cartlilage grows
appositional growth and intersitial growth
appositional growth
chondroblasts in the perichondrium lay down new matrix and add new chondrocytes to outside of tissue
interstitial growth
chondrocytes within the tissue divide and add more matrix between the cells
the composition of the bone matrix is responsible for
the characterisitics of bone`
bone cells produce the bone matrix become
entrapped within it, break it down so that new matrix can replace the old matrix
by weight mature bone matrix is normally what percent organic and inorganic?
35% organic and 65% inorganic material
organic material consists primarly of
collagen and proteoglycans
inorganic material consists primarily of
calcium phosphate crystal called hydroxyapatite whos formula is Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2
___ and ___ are responsible for the major functional characteristics of the bone
collagen and mineral components
bone matrix might be said to resemble
reinforced concrete
collagen might be said to resemble
reinforcing steel bars, because it lends flexible strength to the matrix
mineral components can be said to resemble
concrete because it gives the matix compression (weight-bearing) strenght
if all mineral is removed from a long bone..
collagen becomes the primary consituent and bone becomes overly flexable
if all the collagen is removed from a long bone...
mineral becomes the main consituent and the bone becomes very brittle and is easily shattered
bone cells are catergorized as...
osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts
have extensive endoplasmic reticulum and numerous ribosomes
osteoblast produce
collagen and proteoglycans which are packaged into vesicles by Golgi apparatus and released from the cell by exocytosis
osteoblasts release
matrix vesicles
matrix vesicles
are membrane-bound sacs formed when the plasma membrane buds or protrudes outward and pinches off
matrix vesicles concentrate
Ca^2+ and PO4^3- and form needlelike hydroxyapatite crystals
when hydroxyapatite crystals are released from the matrix vesicles
they act as templates or "seeds" whuch stimulate further hydroxapatite formation and mineralization fo the materix
ossification/ osteogenesis
the formation of bone by osteoblasts
ossification occurs by
appositional growth on the surface of previously existing bone or cartilage
elongated cell processed from osteoblast connect to
cell procceses of other osteoblasts through gap junctions
bone matrix produced by the osteoblasts cover the
older bone surface and surrounds the osteoblast cell bodies and processes. the result is a new layer of bone.
an osteoblast that has become surrounded by bone matrix. it is now a mature bone cell
osteocytes become relatively
inactive compared with most osteoblast but they can produce the components needed to maintain the bone matrix
the spaces occupied by the osteocyte cell bodies
the spaces occupied by the osteoctye cell process
cells and their proccessed form
a "mold" around which the matrix is formed
bones differ from cartilage in that
the procceses of bone cells are in contact wih one another through canaliculi. instead of diffusing through the mineralized matrix nutrients and gases can pass through the small amount of fluid surrounding the celss in the canaliculi and lacunae or pass from cell to cell through the gap junctions connection the cell process
large cells with several nuclei and are responsible for reorption
breakdown of bone
ruffled border
where the plasma membrane or osteoclasts contacts bone matrix and forms many projections
osteoclasts also release
enzymes that digest the protein components of the matrix
through the process of endocytosis some of the breakdown products of bone resorption are
taken into the osteoclast
osteoclast break down bone best when
they are in direct contact with mineralized bone matrix
osteoblasts assist in the
resorption fo bone by osteoclasts by production enzymes that break down the thin layer of unmineralized organic matrix normally covering bone.
removeal of the thin layer of unmineralized organic matrix by osteoblast enables
the obsteoclasts to come into contact with the mineralized bone
connective tissue develops
embryologically from mesenchymal cells
some mesenchymal cells become
stem cells
stem cells can
relicate and give rise to more specialized cell types
osteochondral progenitor cells
stem cells that can become osteoblast or chondroblast
osteochondral progenitor cells are located
in the inner layer of the perichondrium, the inner layer of the periosteum, and the endosteum
osteoblasts are derived from
osteochondral progenitor cells
osteocytes are derived from
osteoclast are derived from
stem cells that give rise to a type of white blood cell called a monocyte
multinucleated osteoclast probably results from
the fusion of many stem cell descendants
bone tissue is classified as either
woven or lamellar bone according to the organization of collagen fibers within the bone matrix
woven bone
the collagen fibers are randomly oriented in many directions
woven bone is first formed
during fetal development or during the repair of a fracture
the process of removing old bone and adding new bone
woven bone is remodeled to form
lamellar bone
lamellar bone
is mature bone that is organized into thin sheetw or layers called lamellae
collagen fibers of one lamella lie __ to one another but ___ to the collagen fibers in the adjacent lamellae

at an angle
bones can also be classified according to
the amount of bone matrix relative tot the amount of space present within the bone
concellous bone
consists of interconnecting rods or plates of bone called trabeculae

has less bone matrix and more space than compact bone

is sometimes called spongy bone
between the trabeculae are spaces that
are filled with bone marrow and blood vessels
usually no blood vessels penetrate the trabeculae so
osteocytes must obtain nutrients through their canaliculi
trabeculae are located
along the lines of stress within a bone
compact bone
is denser and has fewer spaces than cancellous bone
in compact bone blood vessesls enter
the substance of the none itself
lamellae of compact bone are pimarily oriented
blood vessels that run parrallel to the long axiz of the bone and are contained withine central or haversain canals
in compact bone central cannals are lined with
endosteum and contain blood vessels, nerves, and loose connective tissue
concentric lamellae
circular layers of bone latrix that surroung a common center, the central cannal
osteon or haversain system
a unit-- a singe central canal, its contents, and associated concentric lamellae and osteocytes--the bulls eye
in compact bone, osteocytes are located
in lacunae between the lamellar rings and canaliculi radiate between lacunaw accros the lamellae
the outer surfaces of compact bone are formed by
circumferential lamellae
circumferential lamellae
thin plates that extend around the bone
in compact bone--in between osteons are
intersitial lamellae
intersitial lamellae
remnants of concentric or circumferntial lamellae that were partially removed during bone remodeling
in compact bone--osteocytes reviece nutrients and eliminate waste products through
the canal system within compact bone
blood vessels from the periosteum or medullary cavity enter the bone through
perforating or Volkmann's cannals which run perpendicular to the lond axis of the bone
perforating canals are not surrounded by concentric lamellae but
can pass throught the concentric lamellae of osteons
central canals recieve blood vesels from
perforating canals
individual bones are classified
accorging to their shape as long, flat, or irregular
long bones
are longer than they are wide most of the bones of the upper and lower limbs are long bones
short bones
are about as broad as they are long they are nearly cube-shaped or round and are exemplified by the bones of the wrist and ankle
flat bones
have relativly thin, flattened shape and are usually curved. ex ribs, sternum and shoulder blades
irregular bones
have shapes that do not readily fit into the other three categories ex. vertebrae and facial bones
shaft of the long bone and is composed primarily of compact bone but can contain cancelous bone
the end of the long bone is made mostly of
cancellous bone with outer layer of compact bone
withine joing, the end of the long bone is covered with hyaline cartilage called
articular cartilage
during bone formation and growth bones develop
from centers of ossification
primary center of ossification is in the
a part of a long bone that develops from a center of ossification distinct from that of the diaphysis
epiphyseal or growth plate
seperates the epiphysis from the diaphysis
growth in bone lenght occurs at
the epiphyseal plate
epiphyseal line
when bone stops growing in lenght the epiphyseal plate becomes ossified and is called this
the diaphysis of a long bone can have a large internal space called the
medullary cavity
cavities of cancellous bone and the medullary cavity are filled with
red marrow is
the site of blood cell formation
yellow marrow ia
mostly adipose tissue
in fetus spaces are mostly filled with __ marrow
red marrow
conversion of red marrow to yellow marrow begins
just before birth and continues well into adulthood
___ marrow completly replaces ___ marrow in the long bones of the limbs (ex. proximinal of arm and thigh bones)
yellow replaces red
which bone is used when donating red marrow?
hip bone because it is a large bone with more marrow than smaller bones and accessed relatively easily
a connective tissue membrane that covers the outer surface of a bone
in a long bone, the outer fibrous layer is
dense irregular collagenous connective tissue that contains blood vessels and nerves
in a long bone, the inner layer is
a single layer of bone cells which includes oseoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteochondral progenitor cells
in long bones, where tendons and ligaments attach to bone
the collagen fibers of the tendon or ligament become continuous with those of the perosteu
perforating or Sharpey's fibers
collagen fibers of the tendons or ligaments that penetrate the preriosteum into the outer part of the bone and they strengthen the attachment of the tendons or ligaments to the bone
single layer of cells that lines the internal surfaces of all cavities within bones
flat bones contain
an interior framework of cancellous bone sandwiched between two layers of compact bone
short and irregular bones have a compositions similar to the
epiphysis of long bones
which bones are not eglongated and have no diaphyses
short and irregular
which bones posses epiphyseal growth plates and therefore have small epiphyses
some irregular
air-filled spaces found is some in some of the flat and irregular bones of the skull which are lined by mucous membrane
during fetal developemnt bone formation occurs in two patters..
intramembranous and endochondral ossification
intramembranous ossification takes place in
connective tissue membranes
endochondral ossification ossicifation takes place in
both intramembranous and endochondral ossification initially produce
woven bone which is then remodeled after remondeling
at about the fifth week of development
embryonic mesenchyme condenses around the developing brain to form a membrane of connective tissue with randomly oriented delicate collagen fibers
intramembranous ossification of the membrane begins
at about the eighth week of development and is completed by age 2
centers of ossification
locations in the membrane where ossification begins and they expand to form a bone by gradually ossifying the membrane
the larger membrane-covered spaces between the developing skull bones that have not yet been ossified. are soft spots (bones eventually grow together and usually closed by 2 years old)
intramembranous ossificationb begins when
some of the mesenchymal celss in the membrane become osteochondral progenitor celss which specialise to become osteoblasts
osteoblasts become osteocytes how?
osteoblasts produce bone matirx that surroungs the collagen fibers of the connective tissue membrane and then the osteoblsts become osteocytes
(as a result many tiny tracevulae of woven hone develop)
the formation of caritlage begins
at approximately the end of the fourth week of development
endochondral ossification of some cartilage might not begin
until as late as age 18-20 years
bones of the base of the skull, part of the mandible, the epiphyses of the clavivles and most of the remaining skeletal system develop
through the process of endochondral ossification
unlike cartilage bones cannont grow by
interstitial growth
bones increase in size only by
appositional growth
appositional growth
the formation of new bone on the surface of older bone or cartilage
long bones and bony projections increase in length because of
growth at the epiphyseal plate
in a long bone the epiphyseal plate separates
the epiphysis from the diaphysis
growth at the epiphyseal plate involves
the formation of new cartilage by intersitial cartilage growth followed by apposistional bone growth on the surface of the cartilage
what are teh 4 zones of the epiphyseal plate?
1. zone of resting cartilage
2. zone of proliferation
3. zone of hypertrophy
4. zone of calification
zone of resting cartilage
nearest the epiphysis and contains randomly arranged chondrocytes that do not divide rapidly
zone of perliferation
the chondrocytes in this zone produce new cartilage though intersitial cartilage growth
zone of hypertrophy
the condrocytes produce in the zone of proliferation mature and enlarge. Thus a maturation gradient exists in each column: the cells nearer the epiphysis are younger and are actively proliferating whereas teh celss progressively nearer the diaphysis are older and are undergoing hypertrophy
zone of calicification
very thin and contains hypertrophied chondrocytes and calcified cartilage matrix. the hypertropheid condrocytes die and blood vessles contains osteoblasts from the endosteum. the osteoblasts line up on the surface of the calcified cartilage and through apposistional bone growth deposit new bone matrix which is later remodeled
the process of cartilage calcification and ossification in the epiphyseal plate occurs by
the same basic process as the calcification adn ossification of the cartilage model during endochondral bone formation
the overall lenght of the diaphysis increases when
new cartilage cells from in the zone of proliferation and as these celss enlarge in the zone of hyperthrophy
why doesnt the thickness of the epiphyseal plate not increase
because the rate of cartilage growth on the epiphyseal side of the plate is equal to the rate at which cartilage is replaced by none of the diaphyseal side of the plate
as the bones achieve normal adult size, growth in bone length stopes because
the epiphyseal plate is ossified and becomes the epiphyseal line (occures betweeen age 12 and 25)
epiphyses increase in size because of
growth at the articular cartilage
bones that do not have an epiphysis, such as short bones, increase in size by
growth at the epiphysis
when epiphysis reach their full size the growth of ___ and its replaced by __ cease.

what type of bone doesnt stop growing?
articular cartilage

it persists through life and doesn not become ossified like the epiphyseal plate
when bone growth in width is rapid as in young bones or during puberty
osteoblasts from the preiosteum lay down bone to form a series of ridges with grooves and one or more blood vessels of preiosteum lie within each groove
when bone growth is slow
the surface of the bone becomes smooth as osteoblast from the periosteum lay down even layers of bone to form circumferential lamellae
potential shape and size of a bone and an idividual's final height are determined not only genetically but also by
nutrition and hormmones
any metabolic disorder that can affect the rate of cell proliferation or the production of collagen and other matrix can
affect bone growth as does the avialibility of calcium or other minerals needed in the mireralization process
arrested growth
transverse regions of greater bone denisty crossing an otherwise normal bone
vitamin D is nessisary in bone growth because
it is nessiary for normal absorption of calcium from the intestines
insufficient vitamin D in children causes
rickets -- a disease resulting from reduced mineralization of the bone matrix
a softening of bones as a result of calcium depletion
____ is necessary for collagen synthesis by osteoblast
vitamin C
vitamin C deficancy results in
bones and cartilage that are deficient in collagen because collagen synthesis is impaired and can result in scurvy
marked by ulceration and hemorrhage in almost any area of the body because of a lack of normal collagen sythesis in connective tissues
growth hormone
from anterior pituitary increases general tissue growth including overall bone growth by stimulating intersitial cartilage growth and apposistional bone growth
thyroid hormone
required for normal growth of all tissues including cartilage--decrease in hormone can result in decrease in size of individual
sex hormone
can influence bone growth. decreased levels of testosterone or estrogen can prolong the growth pase of the epiphyseal plates
bone remodeling converts ____ into ____
woven bone

lamellar bone
bone has a mechanical advantage as a ____ rather than a ____

the relative thickness of compact bone is maintained by
the removal of bone on the inside by osteoclasts and the addition of bone to the out side by osteoblast
basic multicellular unit (BMU)
is a temporarry assembly of osteoclast and osteoblasts that travel through or across he surface of bone
average life span of a BMU
6 months
BMU activity renews the entire skeleton
every 10 years
intersitial lamellae are
remnants of osteons that were not completely removed when a BMU formed a tunnel