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75 Cards in this Set

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In girls, starting at what age would it be indicative that delayed puberty is taking place?

(secondary sex characteristics have not appeared by this age)
In boys, starting at what age would it be indicative that delayed puberty is taking place?

(secondary sex characteristics have not appeared by this age
What is 95% of the reason for delayed puberty?
it is a constitutional delay
What is 5% of the reason for delayed puberty?
A disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis
What kind of puberty alteration is this?

-Sexual maturation before age 6 in black girls and age 7 in white girls?
Precocious Puberty
What kind of puberty alteration is this?

-sexual maturation before age 9 in boys
Precocious Puberty
What kind of puberty alteration is this?

Has 3 forms, isosexual, heterosexual and incomplete
Precocious Puberty
Which of the 3 types of precocious puberties, would include the developement of the proper secondary sex characteristics before age 8 or 9?
Isosexual precocious puberty
Which of the 3 types of precocious puberties, would include early breast developement or pubic hair growth but no further development
Incomplete Precocious Puberty
Which of the 3 types of precocious puberties, would include the developement of the some proper and some improper secondary sex characteristics?
Heterosexual Precocious Puberty
What female hormonal and menstrual alteration has the following?

-Painful menstruation associated with prostaglandin release in ovulatory cycles?
Primary dysmenorrhea

(painful periods!)

(related to the duration and amount of menstrual flow)
What female hormonal and menstrual alteration has the following?

-Painful menstruation related to pelvic pathology
Secondary dysmenorrhea

(Not due to prostoglandins)
(Can occur at any time in the menstrual cycle)
What female hormonal and menstrual alteration has the following?

- Can occur at any time in the menstrual cycle
Secondary dysmenorrhea

(Not due to prostoglandins)
(Painful menstruation related to pelvic pathology)
What female hormonal and menstrual alteration has the following?

- Failed of menarche and absence of menstruation by age 14
Primary amenorrhea
What female hormonal and menstrual alteration has the following?

-Absence of menstruation for 6 months in women who have previously menstruated
Secondary Amenorrhea

(have been cycling before)
(pregnancy causes this)
(Diet, exercise, lactation are causes)
What female hormonal and menstrual alteration has the following?

- menstrual irregularity and/or dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Abnormal uterine bleeding
What female hormonal and menstrual alteration has the following?

-oligoovulation (infrequent, irregular ovulation) or anovulations (ovaries fail to release an oocyte)
- Elevated levels of androgens or clinical signs of hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries
Polycystic ovarian syndrome

(leading cause of infertility in the US)
(Affects 5-10% of women)
(Multifactorial, hyperinsulinism is linked)
(Dysfunctional of follicle developement)
What female hormonal and menstrual alteration has the following?

-oligoovulation (infrequent, irregular ovulation) or anovulations (ovaries fail to release an oocyte)
- Leading cause of infertility in the US
- Affects 5-10% of women
- Multifactorial, hyperinsulinism is linked)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome

-oligoovulation (infrequent, irregular ovulation) or anovulations (ovaries fail to release an oocyte)
- Elevated levels of androgens or clinical signs of hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries
What is the leading cause of infertility in the US?
Polycystic ovarian syndrom
What female hormonal and menstrual alteration has the following?

-Cyclic physical, psychological or behavioral changes that impair interpersonal relationships or interfere with usual activities
Premenstrual Syndrom (PMS)
What phase does PMS usually occur?
In the luteal (postovulatory) phase

(has abnormal nervous, immunological, vascular and GI tissue response to the normal menstrual cycle
What is salpingitis?
Inflammation of the fallopian tubes

(a form of pelvic inflammatory Disease)
What is Oophoritis?
Inflammation of the ovaries

(a form of pelvic inflammatory Disease)
How is PID caused?
Acute inflmmatory disease caused by infection
In PID cases, where might sexually transmitted diseases migrate from the vagina?
From the vagina to the upper genital tract
What is a polymicrobial infection?
An infection that comes from mixed bacterial populations (more than one strand of bacteria)

(Common in PID!)
What is Vaginitis?
infection of the vagina, by sexual transmission of a pathogen called Candida albicans
How does the vagina normally prevent the infection of Candida Albicans, that causes vaginitis?
The vagina is acidic by nature, and it provides some protection
(Which is maintained by cervical secretions and normal flora)
Candida Ablicans is a pathogen that causes what kind of infection?
Mucopurulent (MPC) exudate would be indicative of what kind of infection?
What is the condition called that is inflammation of the female external genitalia?

(caused by contact with soaps, detergents, lotions, hygienic sprays, shaving, menstrual pads, perfumed toilet paper, tight fitting clothes)
True or False

Tight fitting clothes can cause a vulvitis

(caused by contact with soaps, detergents, lotions, hygienic sprays, shaving, menstrual pads, perfumed toilet paper, tight fitting clothes)
Vaginal infections that spread to the labia can cause what kind of infection?
What is the endopelvic fascia and perineal muscles?
They support the bladder, urethra, and rectum

(lose tone and strength with aging)
What is a Uterine Prolapse
It is falling or sliding of the uterus from its normal
position in the pelvic cavity into the vaginal canal
(due to weakness of pelvic musculature and ligaments)
(linked to child birth)
What is a rectocele?
The region between the rectum and vagina bulges toward the vagina, resulting in a sense of pressure or protrusion within the vagina
-difficulty passing stool and painful sex are symptoms
What is cystocele
The muscle between a woman's bladder and vagina weakens and allows the bladder to descend into the vagina
- urine leaking and incomplete emptying of bladder are signs
What is a dermoid cyst?
A benign tumor resulting from congenital malformation of the overy

- therefore it comes from overian tissue
- can contain diverse types of tissues because they have totipoten cells, can make toenails in cysts
What are some different benign ovarian cysts you can find?
Unilateral cyst - one side
Follicular cysts - results from the growth of a follicle (doesnt rupture to release egg)
Corpus Luteum Cyst - busted follicle fills with fluid and blood
Dermoid cyst - contains diverse types of tissues, comes from ovaries
Which is fluid filled, cyst or a fibroid?

A fibroid is more solid on the inside
What type of benign growth has the following characteristic?

-has one of the 4 kinds of cysts?
Benign Ovarian Cysts
What type of benign growth has the following characteristic?

- Benign mass of endometrial tissue?
Endometrial polyps

(premenstrual, intermenstrual, and excessive bleding can occur)
(Malignancy is rare)
What are leiomyomas?
-benign tumors of smooth muscle cells in the myometrium (in uterus).

(also called uterine fibrioids)
(caused by abnormal bleeding, pain and symptoms related to pressure on nearby structures)
What causes leiomyomas?
Abnormal bleeding, pain and symptoms related to pressure on nearby structures
What is Adenomyosis
Islands of endometrial glands surrounded by benign endometrial stroma within the myometrium

(endometrial cells migrate into the myometrial layer)
What is endometriosis?
Presence of functioning endometrial tissue or implants outside the uterus

(the tissue lining the uterus is found outside the uterus, resulting in pain and infertility
What are some causes for endometriosis
- retrograde mestruation
- depressed T cells tolerate ectopic tissue
What would cause a urethral stricture?
Scarring would cause the narrowing
What is urethritis usually caused by? What is its unusual cause?
-Usually caused by sexually transmitted diseases

- nonsexual origins can be due to urologic procedures, insertion of foreign objects and anatomical abnormalities
What is phimosis?
the foreskin of the penis of an uncircumsized male cannot be fully retracted

(cannot retract from the glans of the penis, which is distal to proximal)
What is Paraphimosis?
Inability to replace or cover the glans with the forskin (proximal to distal)
What is usually the cause of foreskin problems such as phimosis or paraphimosis?
Poor hygiene or chronic infections
What disorder is called "Bent nail syndrome?"
Peyronie disease

(Slow developement of fibrous plaques (thickening) in the erectile tissue of the corpus cavernosa, causing a lateral curvature of the penis during erection
(Occurs in middle-aged men and causes painful erections and intercouse)
In peyronie disease, where do the fibrous plaues develop?
in the erectile tissue of the corpus cavernosa
What is priapism?
Prolonged penile erection
Carcinoma of the penis is _______?
Carcinoma of the penis is RARE!!

(mostly just squamous cell carinomas)
What is varicocele?
Inflamation/dialation of veins in the spermatic cord

(varacose veins in the scrotum)
(Caused by inadequate or absent valves in spermatic veins)
What is Hydrocele?
Scrotal swelling due to collection of fluid within the tunica vaginalis

(fluid retained inbetween membranes)
(cause by imbalance between fluid secretion and reabsorption)
What is spermatocele?
A painless dilation of the epididymis
What is Cryptorchidism?
Failure of one or more of the testes to decend from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum
What is Ectopic Testis?
Testis that has strayed from the normal pathway of decent

(testis in the wrong place, goes into leg sometimes)
What is torsion of the testis?
- Rotation of the testies
- Causes twisting of blood vessels in the spermatic cord.
- Results in painful and swollen testis
What is gynecomastia?
- Overdevelopment of the breast tissue in a male

Results from hormone alterations
At what age is male breast cancer commonly seen?
After age 60
-Tumors resemble carcinomas of the breast in women
-Crusting and nipple discharge are common clinical manifestations
If a male has crusting and nipple discharge, what is his likely condition?
Male Breast Cancer

Especially if he is older than 60!!
What is glactorrhea?
Persistent and sometimes excessive secretion of milk fluid from the breasts of a woman who is not pregnant or nursing
(can also happen in men)
(women with this experience menstrual abnormalities)
What hormone usually decreases prolactin secretion?

If dopamine decreases then prolactin secretion will increase!
What are risk factors for a prostate cancer?
- Increase in Androgenic Hormones
- Vasectomy
- High fat diet
What are the two kinds of prostate gland disorders?
- Benign Prostate hyperplasia
- Cancer of the Prostate (95% of prostate neoplasms are adenocarcinomas and demonstrate peripheral zone growth)
Which prostate disorder has 95% are adenocarcinomas and demonstrate peripheral zone growth?
Cancer of the Prostate
Prostatic cancer is (symptomatic/asymptomatic)
What is Benign prostatic hyperplasia?
Enlargement of the prostate gland

(different from cancer growing on the gland)
What Scrotum, testis or epididymis disorder is common in sexually active young men?

(inflammation of the epididymis)
(the pathogenic microorganism reaches the epididymis by ascending the vas deferens)
What is orchitis?
- Acute inflammation of the testis
- Complication of a systemic disease or related to epididymitis
When is cancer of the testis most common?
Common in men between ages 15 and 35

(Causes painless testicular enlargement)