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27 Cards in this Set

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Walter Lafeber
A man who saw that the US culminated their empire in a gradual, natural fashion.
Monroe Doctrine
Doctrine that called for European nations to stay out of affairs in the western hemisphere.
the desire to stay out of foreign affairs and entanglements
Expansion of a country's borders through war, politics, and etc.
Josiah Strong
A expansionist and minister, he traveled to show his ideas.
Our Country
A book by Strong, it wanted the expansion of American trade and influence.
William Henry Seward
Secretary of State in the 1860's, he was very expansionist. Purchased Alaska and tried to purchase, unsuccessfully, Hawaii.
Queen Liliuokalani
The Hawaiian queen. Dethroned for annexation.
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Man who helped rebuild the navy. He pushed for a much stronger navy, and headed the naval war college in Newport.
The influence of sea power upon history
A Book written by Mahan, it describes hoe sea power through the centuries has affected foreign affairs.
George Dewey
War hero from Spanish American war, told that officers lost interest in the navy
McKinley Tariff
A tariff that raised the rate on exports, and the price of tariffs, and allowed reciprocity agreemnets.
Wilson Gorman Tariff
An act that lowered the price of US tariffs and imposed a 2% income tax.
Valeriano Weyler
Spainish General who led the Spanish assault in Cuba
Yellow Journalism
Sensationalist reporting that had little factual base to it whatsoever.
USS Maine
A warship that exploded in the Havana Harbor in 1898 due to engine fire. Yellow Journalism helped use the incident to push for a war on Spain.
Reconcentration Policy
A policy used by Valeriano Weyler, it intended to kill the rebellion's base by killing off the native population through concentration camps.
Teller Amendment
A pledge that the US would annex Cuba.
Splendid Little War
A quote by John Hay that described the Spanish American War.
San Juan Hill
A battle in Cuba that took place on the San Juan hill. Between Spanish troops and the Rough Riders of the U.S., 4 all black regiments,
Treaty of Paris 1898
Treaty that ended The Spanish American War. Allowed Cuban independence(limited), and gave the US Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.
Charles Francis Adams
Anti-imperialist, he said that colonies led to big government and debt.
Anti-Imperialist League
Opponents of expansion. Had a large following.
Foraker Act
Act that established a government in Puerto Rico and made it a territory of the U.S.
Platt Amendment
ACt that stated that Cuba could not take a debt, would allow the US to buy land when seen fit, clean up the cities, and allowed the US to intervene in Cuban affairs.
Open Door Policy
Notes sent to European powers that urged them to allow other nations to trade in China freely, let China have their own tariff system, and respect the rights of other nations.
John Hay
Secretary of State in 1899, he thought of the Open Door Policy.