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42 Cards in this Set

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name the 4 regions of the brain
Brain stem
all regions of the brain have grey matter on the outside except for the
name the two halves of the cerebrum
left and right hemisphere
name the 5 lobes that each cerebral hemisphere is divided into
Controls conscious thought; damage can result in mood changes
Frontal lobe
plays important roles in integrating sensory information from various senses, and in the manipulation of objects; portions of the parietal lobe are involved with visuospatial processing
Parietal lobe
controls sense of sight; lesions can produce hallucinations
Occipital lobe
Controls senses of smell and sound, as well as processing of complex stimuli like faces and scenes.
Temporal lobe
a portion of cortex in between and covered by the temporal and parietal lobes. Many sources consider it a separate lobe, and some group it with limbic structures deep in the brain into a limbic lobe
links sensory input with motion; this is especially involved with maintaining balance.
allows the two lobes to communicate information to each other
Corpus callosum
outward folds in the brain
gyri (gyrus)
shallow depressions between Gyri
irregular shaped clusters of neuron cell bodies within the white matter of the brain
cerebral nuclei
structures that protect the brain
bony cranium
Cerebrospinalfluid (CSF)
Blood brain barrier
3 layers of meninges from superficial to deep
arachnoid layer
tough membrane composed of two fibrous layers. is the strongest of the meninges
name the 2 layer that make up duramater
periosteal layer (attached to cranial bones)
meningeal layer (fused to the periosteal layer)
areas where the meningeal layer separates from the periosteal layer to form large, blood filled spaces called _____
dural venous sinuses
composed of a web of collagen fand elastic fibers that forms a web like structure
space between the duramater arachnoid space
subdural space
space found deep to the arachnoid
arachnoid space
inner most of the cranial meninges. is a thin layer of delicate connective tissue that tightly adheres to the brain and follow every contour of the brain surface
pia mater
mambranous partition of duramater that extends as flat partitions deep into the cranial cavity.
cranial dural septa
name the 4 areas of cranial dural septa
falx cerebri
tentorium cerebelli
falx cerebelli
diaphragm sellae
name the 4 brain ventricles
left and right lateral ventricles, third ventricle and fourth ventricle
a clear colorless liquid that circulates in the ventricles and subarachnoid space.
cerebrospinal fluid.
3 functions of CSF
environmental stability
structure that forms CSF in each ventricle
choroid plexus
glial cell that secretes CSF
ependymal cells.
describe the flow of CSF that created in the ventricles begining with the lateral ventricles
1. CSF is created in the lateral and third ventricles and flows through the mesencephalic aqueduct passes the fourth ventricle
2.a spinal chord
2 b arachnoid space
3. veinous blood.
Strictly regulates what substances can enter the interstitial fluid of the brain. prevents exposure to drugs, waste products, and variation of normal substances that can harm the brain
blood brain barrier
name the 3 area that have less or no blood brain barrier
the choroid plexus, hypothalamus, pineal gland
name the 2 speech areas in the brain and the region they are located in
brocas area - lateral area of the frontal lobe
wernickes area - where the temporal and parietal lobe meet
broca's area controls
motor speech
wernickies area controls
understanding speech
where is the insula located
in between the frontal and temporal lobe
1 liner about insula
taste info
1 liner about temporal
1 liner about occipital
1 liner about parietal lobe
somato sensory - touch
1 liner about frontal lobe
motor, critical thinking and reasoning