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77 Cards in this Set

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What is the major function of the cardiovascular system


Where is the heart located?

In the chest

Lower portion of the mediastinum

Between the sternum and thoracic vertebrae

Between the lungs

What is the size of the heart?

Two Third on the left

One third on the right

What is the shape of the heart?



Blunt point of the heart?


Where do you find the apex of the heart?

On the diaphragm

How does physicians listen to the heart?

Through the stethoscope

Where do you hear the sound of the apical heart beat?

Between the fifth and sixth rib of the midpoint of the left clavicle

What is CPR?

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Is the organ hollow or solid?


How many cavities are in the heart?


The two upper chambers of the heart is called?

Atria (singular)

Atrium ( plural)

What are the two lower chambers of the heart?


What is earlike outer pouch of the atria called?


Which chamber is the receiving and distributing

The atrium is the receiving and the ventricles are the distributing

What is the muscle tissue of the heart chamber called


What is the lining between each atrial chamber called

Interatrial Septum

What is the lining between each ventricular chamber called?

Interventricular Septum

What is the thin layer of the heart chambers?


Inflammation of the endocardium is called?


Another name for blood cloth


The outer layer of the heart?


How many layers does the pericardium have?


Name the two layers of the pericardium?

Parietal pericardium

Visceral pericardium

Another name for the visceral pericardium?


What is the meaning of “endo?”


What is the meaning of “epi?”

Upon or on

What is the fluid between the two pericardium layers called?

Pericardial fluid

What is inflammation of the pericardium?


What causes pericarditis?



Virus or bacterial infection

What happens when pericardial fluid, blood or pus is formed between the two pericardial tissues?

Pericardiul effusion

Heart contractions are called?


Heart relaxation are called?


What controls the back flow of blood in the heart?


What valve controls the atrium and ventricles?

Atrioventricular valves

Name the atrioventricular valves



Where do you find the tricuspid valve?

Right side of the atria and ventricle

Where do you find the bicuspid valve?

Left side of the atrium and ventricle

What is the major function of the valves?

To stop back flow of blood in the heart

Another name for bicuspid valve?

Mitral valve

What is the valve called When the edges of the tricuspid or bicuspid is connected to the heart muscle in the ventricles

Chordae tendinea

Valves in the atrium and ventricles are called?

AV valves or atrioventricular valves

Valves in the pulmonary and aorta are called?

SL or semilunar valves

What valve takes blood from the right ventricle to the lungs?

Pulmonary valve

What valve takes blood from the left ventricle into the system?

Aortic semilunar valve

When a valve causes a back flow it is said to be be?

An incompetent valve

What is a narrow valve that slow blood flow from the heart called?

Stenosed valve

A cardiac damage resulting from a prolonged streptococcal infection?

Rheumatic fever

What is another name for the bicuspid valve


What is a prolapsed mitral valve?

When the valve extends into the atrium causing a leak

What is the sound of the heart?

Lub dup

When do you hear the lub of the heart?

When the AV valve closes

When do you hear the dub of the heart?

When the SL valves closes

When you listen to the lub dub of the heart, how do you know when you have an incompetent valve or a stenosed valve

Incompetent- lub dub swish

Stenosed - swish lub dub

Where does deoxygenated blood enters the heart?

Inferior and superior vena cava

Describe how the blood enters the heart?

Enters - superior and inferior vena cava - to the right atrium- then through the tricuspid to the right ventricle- then through the pulmonary semilunar valve to the pulmonary artery to the lungs

Describe how the blood leaves the heart?

Oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium- thorough the bicuspid or mitral valve to the left ventricle- then to the aortic semilunar valve to the aorta into the system

The heart pumps blood into two circulations… what are they called?

Pulmonary circulation - lungs

Systemic circulation

What is the name of the heart muscle?


What is coronary circulation?

Oxygen rich blood coming to the muscle and the return of oxygen poor blood from the muscle to the vein

Where does blood flow into the heart muscle from?

Right and left coronary arteries

Where do you find the right and left coronary arteries?


What is the meaning of occlude?


What happens if blood cannot pass through the right or left coronary arteries?

The muscle will not get any oxygen to work which will result in a heart attack

What is the medical term for a heart attack?

Myocardial infraction

What is the hardening of the arteries?


What causes atherosclerosis in the heart?

Lipids or fat

What is the leading cause of death from heart disease?


What are some of the factors that causes coronary atherosclerosis?


Cigarette Smoking

Physical inactivity

High fat and high cholesterol diet

The term used to describe when the myocardium doesn’t have enough oxygen?

Angina pectoris

How do you fix a blocked coronary artery?

Coronary bypass surgery

How can you harvest veins for a coronary bypass surgery?

From other areas of your body

What is a less invasive procedure than coronary bypass?

Coronary angioplasty

How does of coronary angioplasty performed?

By placing a tube (angioplasty) in the vein to unblock it

When blood passes through the myocardium capillary beds where does it go?

Cardiac veins

What is the secret passageway for blood from the myocardium to enter the circulatory system?

From the coronary veins to the coronary sinus into the atrium instead of going through the inferior or superior vena cava

Give the steps of how the blood enters or leaves the myocardium?

Enters through the right and left arteries in the aorta - then through the capillaries of the myocardium- then it enters the coronary veins - then through the coronary sinus (secret passageway) to the right atrium