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35 Cards in this Set

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True of False
Depressions that appear in all nail beds are usually caused by a systemic disease.
p. 590
When examining the eyes, the first thing you want to test for is?
Visual Acuity
p. 590
When testing your pt's visual fields, you want to the pt to follow your finger left,right, up, and down. These directions are also known as?
Four quadrants
p. 591
A sluggish pupil suggests pressure on the ____ nerve (CN-___), from intracranial pressure.
Oculomoter nerver
p. 594
Bilateral sluggishness may indicate global ____ to the brain tissue or an adverse derug reaction.
p. 594
Constricted pupils suggest _____, while fixed and dilated pupils usually mean _____.
Opiate overdose
brain death
p. 594
Pain or tenderness in the mastoid process could suggest ______ such as otitis or mastoiditis
P. 596
What are you examining when you see a "cone of light"?q
Normal eardrum
p. 598
The normal color of the tempanic membrane is?
White to pinkish gray
p. 598
Blood behind the eardrum is usually what color, and it usually indicates local trauma, barotrauma, of basilar skull fracture.
Purple or bluish
p. 599
What are the medical terms for a runny nose and a nose bleed?
Rhinitis- runny nose
Epistaxis- nose bleed
p. 600
If a pt has a coating on the toungue, it could be a sign of ____
p. 600
When examining a pt's mouth, the following fluids/unusual matter suggests what?
a)Coffee-grounds material
b)Pink-tinged sputum
c) Green or yellow phlegm
a) Upper GI bleed
b) Acute pulmonary edema
c) respiratory infection
When examining lymph nodes:
a)Tender, swollen, and mobile suggest?
b)Hard or fixed nodes suggest?
a) Inflammation due to infection
b) malignancy
p. 603
If a pt has chronic pulmonary disease, the chest wall abnormality that the pt will most likely to have is?
A) Pigeon Chest
B) Funnel Chest
C) Barrel Chest
C) Barrel Chest
p. 605
When inspecting the intercostal spaces, what is the difference between retractions and bulging?
Retractions is airflow impeded during inspiration
Bulging is airflow impeded during exhalation
p. 605
Name 5 abnormal breath/lung sounds?
Pleural Friction Ribs
p. 606-608
What are the 3 types of tests that you would conduct to assess the pt's voice sounds?
Bronchophony- adnormal clarity of voice sounds
Whispered pectoriloquy- abnormal calrity of whispers
Egophony- abnormal tone of pts sounds
p 608
True of False
In cases of a tension pneumothorax the trachea will move to the affected side.
the trachea will deviate away from the affected side
p. 609
True of False
In cases of pulmonary fibrosis and atelectasis the trachea will tug toward the affected side
During diastole, the pressure in the atria is ______ than the pressure in the ventricle
p. 609
If you feel vibration or humming (thrills) when palpating for a pulse, you should listen at that area for bruits. What is bruits?
Bruit- the sound of turbulent blood flow around a partial blockage
p. 610
Normal Venous pressure is __ to __ cm
1-2 cm
p. 610
Describe the following heart sounds:
Split S1
Split S2
S1: "lub"
S2: "dub"
Split S1: "la-lub"
Split S2: "da-dub"
S3: "lub-dub-dee" (Kentucky)
S4: "dee-lub-dub" (Tennessee)
When assessing the abdomen, always examine the areas of tenderness and pain?
p. 612
Always ____, before percussing and palpating
p 612
To confirm bruits in the abdomen, use the ____ of your stethoscope
Name the 5 steps in evaluating joints
1- Inspection
2- Palpation
3- Passive range of motion
4- Range of motion against gravity
5- Range of motion against resistance
p. 616
What 4 movements test the ankle joint's stability
1- Dorsiflexion
2- Plantar flexion
3- inversion
4- eversion
p. 621
Name 3 abnormalities of the spine
1- Lordosis (swayback)
2- Kyphosis (hunchback)
3- Scoliosis (Lateral curvature)
p 625
Yellow or brittle nails or poor color in the fingertips indicates______
Chronic Arterial Insufficiency
p 625
To palpate for pitting edema, press firmly with your thumb for ____ secs. over the area tested, the pit should disappear w/in ____ secs
5 seconds p 627
10 seconds p. 6289
Name the 5 areas that the nervous system exam covers
1- Mental status and speech
2- Cranial Nerves
3- Motor system
4- Sensory system
5- Reflexes
p 629
When evaluating the pts Mental Status and speech, Name 6 things that you will be trying to assess
1- Apperance and behavior
2- Speech and Language
3- Mood
4- Thought and Perceptions
5- Insight and Judgement
6- Memory and Attention
p 630-631
Name the 3 grades that memory can be divided into
p 631