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27 Cards in this Set

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(=vitamin precursor)

vitamins that are inactive form outside the body

ex. Beta carotenoid


active forms of vitamin A:

retinol, retinal, and retinoic acid


vitamin precursor of vitamin A


yellow-orange pigment that when cleaved gives off 2 retinal

– a lot of vitamin A


substances that interfere with free radicals


Vitamin E

Vitamins are needed…

In small amounts only

Name the fat soluble vitamins

A, D, E, K

Most Americans get enough vitamin A, but that vitamin A deficiency causes…

blindness in hundreds of thousands of children every year in the developing world, many of whom die

Sunlight converts a precursor of Vitamin D…

Into an active form

Many people worldwide and a significant number in the U.S. have at least…

Mild vitamin D deficency


Crucial for normal functioning, growth, and maintenance of body tissues. Body needs tiny amounts of vitamins

The effect of food processing on vitamin content

The more a food is processed and cooked, the more vitamins it loses.

Sources and functions of vitamin A

Source: Liver, fish liver oil, milk fat, carrots spinach

Functions: Vision, cell differentiation, immunity, reproduction, bone health

Sources and functions of vitamin D

Sources: Fortified foods such as milk, breakfast cereal, orange juice

Functions: Regulation of blood calcium, bone health, regulation of cell differentiation and growth

Sources and functions of vitamin E

Sources: Wheat germ oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower seed oil

Functions: Protection and maintenance of cellular membranes through antioxidant capacity

Sources and functions of vitamin K

Sources: Spinach, greens, broccoli, brussel sprouts; gut bacteria

Functions: Blood clotting, bone health/sustaining bone mineral density

The difference in absorption of vitamins based on whether they are fat- or water-soluble:

Fat -soluble = soluble in fat

Intestinal cells absorb fat-soluble vitamins along with dietary fat.

Water-soluble = soluble in water

Intestinal cells absorb water-soluble vitamins and deliver it directly into the bloodstream.

What are the differences between fat- and water-soluble vitamins in storage and toxicity?

Fat-soluble vitamins accumulate in the liver and adipose tissues, where they can be drawn upon in times of need.

Your body does not store most water-soluble vitamins, so they should be a part of your daily diet.

People who take megadoses of one or more vitamins…

Run the risk of toxicity

Why does Vitamin A deficiency produce night blindness?

Because the lack of vitamin A, rhodopsin regeneration slows dramatically. The eyes contain only 0.01 % of the body’s vitamin A, they are so sensitive to vitamin A levels that one injection of the vitamin can relieve bight blindness within minutes

What is the health-promoting effects of carotenoid consumption?

- Carotenoids are antioxidants and reduce risks of premature aging, cancer, bone loss, and diabetes

- Carotenoids can strengthen growth-regulatory signals between cells and help prevent damaged cells from reproducing and forming tumors.

- Carotenoids can protect the eyes by inhibiting the oxidative damage that contributes to age-related blindness.

Symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency

Growth retardation and development can lead to bone deformities, blindness, reduced sperm production, infertility in women, loss of taste and smell

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency

Osteoporosis, rickets, osteomalacia

Symptoms of Vitamins E deficiency

Premature hemolysis, hemolytic anemia, neurological problems

Symptoms of Vitamin K deficiency

Reduced bone density, bone fractures, bleeding

Should I take a daily multivitamin?

Multivitamin cannot in any way replace a healthful well-balanced diet. It fills nutritional gaps and provides only a hint of the vary array of healthful nutrients and chemicals naturally found in food.